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Table of Contents



CHAPTER I From the time of the colony

CHAPTER II German capital

CHAPTER III Drugs, pesticides and gases


CHAPTER IV The reports of the CIA

CHAPTER V Who really was Philip Citroën?

CHAPTER VI The witnesses

CHAPTER VII The discovery of the photo and the confessions

CHAPTER VIII Crucial expertise

CHAPTER IX The photos of Hitler in exile



Photos of Hitler and his possible allies after the war




© Abel Basti, 2023

© Editorial Planeta Colombiana SA, 2023

Calle 73 No. 7-60, Bogota


First edition (Colombia): May 2023

ISBN 13: 978-628-7611-97-9

ISBN 10: 628-7611-97-9

First edition in epub format: May 2023

ISBN: 978-628-7611-98-6

Book converted to Epub by: Digitrans Media Services LLP


Printed in Colombia – Printed in Colombia

The total or partial reproduction of this book, its incorporation into a computer system, or its transmission in any form or by any means, be it electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other methods, is not permitted without prior permission and by publisher's writing. The infringement of the aforementioned rights may constitute a crime against intellectual property.

In the Chancellery on Wilhelmstrasse, the bodies of numerous members of the Nazi General Staff, stormtrooper chiefs and renowned Nazis were found, but not that of Hitler.

REUTERS News Agency ,

MOSCOW, MAY 6 , 1945.

At least four bodies, any of which could be Hitler's, were found in Berlin, although none of them could be specifically identified as the Führer's.


BERLIN, MAY 20 , 1945.

Hitler's body has not been identified and the Führer may have fled by plane.



JUNE 9 , 1945.


In 2014 I published in my book In the footsteps of Hitler documents from the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that mentioned the probable presence of the Führer in Colombia in 1954, that is, nine years after his supposed suicide. in the Berlin bunker, according to the hackneyed official version of his death that has been repeated like an unquestionable litany for almost eighty years. In these unpublished intelligence reports, a photocopy of an image was also attached in which two people appear, one of them very similar to the top Nazi chief, with his characteristic parted parted hairstyle —called “Hitler Haircut” by period fashion. , imitated throughout the world by fans of the Führer—and his peculiar little mustache, traits that immortalized the physiognomy of the leader of the Third Reich.

In the text of the aforementioned document, regarding that individual, the CIA —surprisingly— stated that it could be Adolf Hitler. Next to him is an unknown character, never mentioned in history, who in that report says that he was a German, ex-member of the SS , named Philip Citroën. This is really suggestive information, but what could he do more than half a century after that photograph was taken, which appeared after its declassification by the Americans to advance in the search for the truth? With the data provided by that documentation —scarce, but very suggestive and, therefore, enough to motivate me to look for more clues— I began an investigation in Colombia with the objective, not easy —by the way— of finding evidence that would allow me to verify that Hitler was once in that nation.

The reasoning was simple: if the Nazi leader was never in Colombia —at that point in my work I did have enough evidence to know that he had taken refuge in Argentina, but no evidence regarding his presence in that Caribbean country— the photo it would be a fraud. But if I could really prove that the founder of National Socialism had been there, my investigation, which had never considered that possibility before, would take an unexpected turn, since it would be significant that a fugitive of that magnitude could make such a long journey. from one end of South America, that is, from the southern Patagonia where he lived, to the other, to Colombia, the northernmost nation.

New readers, those who haven't read my previous books, will surely find the claim that Hitler escaped and lived in South America fantastic. It is logical that this is the case, since the official version of his suicide was imposed on the world as an absolute truth that only a few "conspirators" dared to question. But during my last thirty years of research I was shelling out the pieces of that falsehood concocted by international power to put an end to the history of Nazism in general and that of Adolf Hitler in particular. Thus, when the curtain fell on the Nazis, any possibility of arguing about what really happened after the war with the fugitives was terminated, particularly with leaders such as the Führer, Martin Bormann or Heinrich "Gestapo" Müller, among others. other big shots of the Third Reich who, after the war, continued to enjoy good health, although they were officially considered corpses.

That final point also generated a dense cloak of darkness that prevented detecting the agreements reached between the Nazis and the Americans, both to recycle experts and war veterans and thus transfer currency to North America; as to formalize secret agreements between the victors and the large German holdings that had contributed to Adolf Hitler's war effort. In this way, the supposed suicide was a great event that made it possible to definitively close the story of the Nazis, the bad guys in the film. Once the curtain fell, the subsequent plot that continued to have them as protagonists became invisible, this time protected by their former enemies, now converted into their partners. This was the new international scene, both sides united to fight the Soviets during the Cold War and do big business.

Initially, during my work as a biographer of Hitler in exile, I had concentrated on Argentina, where the Führer arrived in 1945 with his wife, Eva Braun, and also on Paraguay, a country to which he moved ten years later because the government of the General Juan Domingo Perón, his host and protector, was overthrown by a military coup. Verifying Hitler's possible visit to Colombia was a challenge for me because, unlike other countries on the American continent, there was no record, at least publicly known, of Nazis arriving in that nation after World War II. This lack of data —I found that there were no books, newspaper articles or academic documentation that referred to the subject— was a stumbling block to overcome since a priori I thought that, if Hitler had really been in Colombia, he must have had a network of previous protection woven by his former comrades who, also escaped from Europe at the end of the conflict, would have settled in that country at some point.

This was an initial speculation that became for me a hypothesis to be proven and also an obsession, since I couldn't stop thinking about those CIA documents and that particular photo that, because it was a photocopy, I couldn't be subjected to an expertise that would allow the image to be evaluated with scientific rigor. I then wondered if, despite the years that had elapsed, the original of said photograph would exist somewhere in the world. It was a question that I frequently asked myself, although I couldn't find any clue in that sense.