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Thae, these, those.

Thairm, catgut.

Tint, lost.

Trow or Drow, a spirit or elf believed in by the Norse.

Ugsome, frightful.

Umquhile, the late.

Unco, very, strange, great, particularly.

Unco wark,” a great ado.

Vifda, beef dried without salt.

Vivers, victuals.

Voe, an inlet of the sea.

Wa’, a wall.

Wad, would.

Wadmaal, homespun woollen cloth.

Waft, the woof in a web.

Warlock, a wizard.

Wasna, was not.

Wat, wet.

Wattle, an assessment for the salary of the magistrate.

Wawl, to look wildly.

Waws, waves.

Weal, well.

Wearifu’, causing pain or trouble.

Weird, fate, destiny.

Wha, who.

What for,” why.

Whilk, which.

Whomled, turned over.

Wi’, with.

Wittols, cuckolds.

Win by,” to escape.

Wot, to know.

Wrang, wrong.

Yarfa, yarpha, peat full of fibres and roots; land.

Yelloched, screeched or yelled.