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“Right,” Calu agreed.

“When did I become a pirate queen?” Mari asked, accepting the rifle as she walked beside Alain.

Alain saw that the common soldiers, unasked, had formed lines to keep a clear path before Mari and their companions. More soldiers were rushing into place ahead, doubtless called in to confront the dragon but now facing a much less hazardous task.

Mari began pushing the pace as they walked, doubtless wanting to return to the Mechanics Guild Hall as quickly as possible. Alain suspected, though, that she was also uncomfortable with the growing number of commons who were lining the streets, all of them pointing at her or raising young children to see Mari.

His speculation was confirmed when Mari looked over at him with worried eyes. “What if I let them down, Alain? The task I’m facing is nearly impossible. What if I fail?”

“Should we fail,” Alain said, “neither of us is likely to remain in this dream long enough to have to face the disappointment of others. The Great Guilds would want to seal a victory with our deaths.”

She rolled her eyes at him. “That is so very pragmatic and so very not comforting, my Mage. I just hope we get out of Edinton without any more—”

They had just reentered the vast plaza surrounding the Mechanics Guild Hall, where the soldiers of Edinton had cleared a wide area ahead of them. Mari broke off her words as the high-pitched screech of an enormous bird of prey sounded right over their heads and they were suddenly shadowed by the sweep of immense wings.

Chapter Eleven

Mari cursed and aimed her weapon as the Roc came to ground directly ahead of them, the Mage on the back of the giant bird gazing toward the group of Mages and Mechanics.

Alain put himself between Mari and the Roc, his hands out. “Mari, it is not attacking.”

She glared at him. “I don’t have good experiences with giant birds. You do remember that, don’t you?”

“If the Mage riding the Roc meant to harm you or me, the Roc would not have alighted on this plaza. It would have remained in the air and struck at us.”

“Mari?” Alli called. Her own weapon was leveled toward the Roc. “What’s the deal with this one?”

Mari shook her head at Alain as she called back to the others. “Hold your fire. Alain thinks this giant bird isn’t out to kill me.” In a lower voice, she spoke sharply to him, indicating the Mage on the Roc. “Well? What do we do?”

“I will speak with the Mage,” Alain said.

“You will not get within reach of that thing’s beak or claws!” Mari objected.

“I will take care,” Alain said.

He turned to face the Roc and advanced several paces, then waited silently in Mage fashion.

The Mage riding the giant creature patted the Roc’s neck. The immense bird lowered its head so that the Mage could slide off onto the pavement. Dropping the cowl of her robes, the Mage walked up to Alain, expressionless face giving no clue to her motives.

“You are Mage Alain of Ihris,” the Roc Mage said.

“I am,” Alain said.

“I am Mage Alera of Larharbor,” she said. Her eyes shifted from Alain to Mari. “The daughter is here.”

“Why are you here?” Alain asked.

“I am one of several Mages sent by the elders in Julesport to search for the daughter and report on her location to the nearest Mage Guild Hall.” Mage Alera’s gaze went back to Alain. “Instead, I have come to warn you. A Mage in Julesport had foresight of the daughter coming to this city. The elders did not trust in the foresight, but thought it wise to send me and others to search the south. They also thought it wise to inform the Mechanics that the daughter might come here.”

Alain was sure his surprise had shown despite his efforts to look as emotionless as Mage Alera. “Elders of the Mage Guild spoke with Mechanics?”

“No. The elders sent one they respected least to speak with the Mechanics.” Alera’s own impassivity cracked as she spoke, revealing anger and resentment. “The message was given, then this Mage was ordered to search.”

“Why do you warn us?” Alain asked.

Mage Alera did not answer for a long moment, then looked back briefly toward her Roc. “This Mage tires of disrespect and poor treatment. This Mage has seen her Roc ended early by orders of the elders. This Mage seeks a new wisdom, and whispers among the Guild are that Mage Alain and the daughter are finding such a path.”

“I will speak with the daughter,” Alain said. He walked back to Mari, who had lowered her weapon but was still pointing it toward the Roc. “Mage Alera came to warn us. The elders in Julesport learned by foresight that you would come here, and they told the Mechanics.”

Mechanic Calu stared at Alain. “Mages told the Mechanics?”

“I guess wanting me dead is making my enemies cooperate,” Mari said. “She’s telling the truth?”

“Mage Alera does not lie. She was sent here to search for you, but instead wishes to join us.”

“Alain, what are we supposed to do with a giant bird?”

“Like all illusions, the Roc will cease to be when the power put into it is exhausted,” Alain said. “I sense it has little time left. Have I told you that the elders have little liking for those Mages who create Rocs? The elders distrust the emotional connections those Mages have with their creatures, for every time such a Mage creates a Roc, it is the same Roc. That is one reason for Mage Alera’s desire to join us. She says the elders have sometimes forced her to end her Roc before the spell would have been exhausted.”

“They’re like a pair?” Mechanic Alli asked, lowering her weapon and gazing at the Roc with a growing smile. “Like a rider and a special horse, or one of those people who work with a rescue dog?”

Mari’s face reflected growing alarm. “The Mages told the Mechanics Guild that I might be here. If the Senior Mechanics took that warning seriously, they might be sending reinforcements to Edinton.”

“Wouldn’t they have used the far-talker to warn the Senior Mechanics in Edinton?” Calu asked, then answered his own question. “No. They would have assumed there was too big a chance of some malcontent at Edinton hearing and passing a warning to you, and they never would have dreamed that you could capture the Guild Hall.”

“A ship could not arrive quickly,” Alain began.

“There’s a rail line, Alain! The regular train isn’t supposed to arrive until tomorrow, but if the Senior Mechanics laid on a special express—”

“It could be getting close now,” Alli said. “We have no way of knowing how much time we have left.”

Alain pointed back to Mage Alera. “There is a way to see if one of your Mechanic trains approaches this city.”

Mari gave him a skeptical look. “The bird? We’re going to send a Mage we just met on a giant bird to see if there is a train getting close to Edinton?”


“How far can she see?” Calu asked.

“It depends on high the Roc flies,” Alain said.

“Yeah. Like somebody on top of a mountain looking out across the land.” Calu grinned at Mari. “This is an amazing capability, Mari. If Alain says we can trust this Mage, why not use it?”

“Because you and me and Alli all know a bird that big cannot fly!”

“The Roc creates the illusion of flying,” Alain said. “Or rather, the Mage creates the illusion of a Roc that creates the illusion of flying.”

“Oh, well, why didn’t you explain that before? Now it all makes sense!” Mari said in what Alain thought of as her sarcasm voice. She sighed. “I’m never going to get used to this stuff. What’s her name again?”

“Mage Alera.”

Mari walked up to her, Alain at her side. “Lady Mage Alera,” Mari said. “Thank you for your warning.”