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“In the flank,” the first officer agreed. “Yes. But there’s no way to get around to the left of Raul’s camp without being spotted well in advance, and his right is protected by this swampy, wooded area that runs right down to the harbor.” The officer ran one finger across a brownish patch on the map. “A force could get through there during the day, but their boats would be seen by Raul’s sentries out front as they passed along the coast.”

“What about at night?” Calu asked.

“It would be pitch black under those trees. There’s no way to orient yourself at night. We’ve tried sending in scouts, and they all report that finding your way forward in the night is impossible.”

Alain leaned forward suddenly, his eyes on the map. “Last night, as we watched the camp of Raul, I sensed a Dark Mage there.”

“You told us. That’s another problem,” Mari said, sighing with aggravation.

“It is an opportunity,” Alain said. “Remember that Mages can sense other Mages who do not have enough skill at blocking their presence.”

Mari realized what that meant while the others were still puzzling over it. “You could use that Dark Mage like a compass? Tell where he was and by that know what direction it was to Raul’s camp?”

“Yes,” Alain said. “Mages could lead the Mechanics through the darkness.”

“Is this the best we know about Raul’s camp?” Calu asked. “That’s a pretty rough drawing.”

“We couldn’t afford to lose scouts just to get a nice picture that we did not have the means to make use of,” the third officer commented bitterly.

“Why can’t we send up Mage Alera?” Alli asked. “Can she make her Roc here, Alain?”

“There is much power,” Alain said. “Mage Alera is rested and should have no difficulty.”

“Great! We send her up to look around, and she can tell us everything we need to know.”

“Mage Alera has a Mage’s view of the world,” Alain said. “I have learned that Mages do not always see the same things as Mechanics or commons. We see some things they do not, and do not recognize other things they see easily.”

“That’s not a problem,” Alli said. “Calu can fly up with her. He’ll spot anything important.”

Calu stared at Alli. “I can what?”

“Get up on the Roc and fly with Mage Alera and tell us what you can see of Raul’s camp,” Alli explained.

“In the air? High in the air? Above a bunch of murderous thugs? On the back of an imaginary giant bird?”

Despite her lack of sleep, Mari found herself smiling. “Calu doesn’t appear to be too enthusiastic about your idea, Alli.”

“No, Calu is not enthusiastic,” Calu said. “Isn’t it traditional for new wives to wait a little longer than this before they shove their husbands into life-threatening situations?”

“I’ve done it already. I guess I could go this time too…” Alli said.

“What? No! You are not going to guilt me into this, Alli!”

“Or maybe Mari could go. If you don’t feel up to it,” Alli added with exaggerated concern.

“I— You— All right!” Calu slumped back, looking cross. “Does the condemned man at least get a decent breakfast?”

Alli gave him a smile. “Actually, dearest, having been up there myself, I’d kind of suggest not having a full stomach when you fly on the Roc. You might not be able to keep that breakfast down.”

* * *

Alain stood beside Mari as Mage Alera prepared her spell. He knew that Mari had never seen a spell-creature illusion come into existence and covertly watched her expression, taking a secret pleasure in Mari’s astonishment, as the air suddenly shimmered with dust that coalesced into the huge shape of a Roc.

“This really is impossible, you know,” Mari said to Alli.


“But you’re sending your husband up on that bird anyway.”


Many of the inhabitants of Pacta Servanda were watching from a distance, enjoying the spectacle. Word had apparently raced through the town that these Mechanics and Mages and commons had come to help, and the people were no longer as sullen and silent.

Alain saw Calu trudge up to the Roc with the expression of a martyr, climbing up with the assistance of Mage Alera.

“Don’t look so gloomy!” Alli called. “I know you’ve been wanting to do this! It’ll be fun!”

“Hey, Alain!” Calu called back. “Could you do me a favor? If I don’t come back, would you remind Alli at least once a day for the rest of her life that those were her last words to me?”

Alain barely had time to nod before Mage Alera gave the Roc a command and the bird leapt skyward. He had a brief glimpse of Mechanic Calu hanging on with a terrified expression, then the shapes dwindled too quickly to make out faces.

“I’m going to go to the wall and watch,” Alli said. “Are you coming?”

“I’ll wait here,” Mari said. “I’d be too nervous if I was watching them fly over Raul’s camp.”

Mari waited until Alli had gotten out of earshot, then took a deep breath before turning to face Alain. “I’m going along tonight. I’m going to lead the force that attacks through the swamp.”

Alain realized that he had been expecting to hear just that ever since the meeting, but had managed to suppress his certainty. “Mari, it will be extremely hazardous—”

“I know.”

“It would not be wise for one so important—”

“All right, first of all, I am not more important than anyone else,” Mari said, her voice low and intense. “I can never afford to believe that of myself. Everyone is important. Secondly, you know I don’t like that kind of wisdom. I’m going to be employing a different wisdom, the wisdom that says I should not be sending people to do things that I would not be willing to do myself. The people of Tiae will not respect me if they think I’m the sort who refuses to run the risks I demand of others.”

“But Princess Sien—”

“Princess Sien! Alain, did you look at her? That girl is as tough as nails. I will bet you anything that Princess Sien has been on the walls of this town helping to fight off attacks. I want her to respect me as well.”

Alain sought another argument. “The daughter of Jules—”

“Which you are never supposed to call me to my face,” Mari said, pointing an angry forefinger at him. “Jules, Alain. Did she sit in her palace and send other people out to fight for her? To stop people like Raul?”

“Jules did not have a palace,” Alain said.

“So not the point, Sir Mage! I’m going. End of discussion.”

He considered her arguments and her attitude and realized that further debate would be useless as well as possibly misguided. “You may be right about the need to demonstrate your leadership in this way, Mari.”

She folded her arms across her chest and gave him a flat look. “I may be right? I’m your wife.”

Alain realized his mistake. “You are right.”

“Better. You’re planning on going along with the attack force tonight, too, aren’t you? Uh-huh. I knew it. Because you’re needed. So am I.”

“You must get some sleep before then,” Alain said, sure of his ground this time.

She hesitated, then nodded. “As soon as Calu gets back and we hear his report, I’ll try to sleep through the afternoon. I probably ought to stay up to monitor bringing our Mechanics and equipment ashore, but Master Mechanic Lukas and Professor S’san are running that, so they don’t need me. And Mage Dav is making sure the Mages are finding places. It’s more important that I be ready for tonight.”

“I will wake you in time to prepare for the attack,” Alain said.

Mari smiled at him. “I know you will. I knew I didn’t have to remind you, or warn you not to try to let me oversleep. One of the nice things about knowing how much my husband respects me is that I don’t worry about whether or not he’ll respect my decisions.”