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We slide slowly, savoring, and I swirl my tongue around his nipple. Seems only fair. Mine spend enough time in his mouth. Draw it deep into my mouth, across my tongue. He moves against me, rocking, pushing me, pushing deeper.

I can feel my legs begin to shake as I border on desperation. I know we need more. My fingers play across the flesh of his thighs. Muscles tense and work beneath my palm.

Pull apart. Bend my knees behind him. Not enough. More. Want.

Sweat runs between us. His, mine, ours.

Ankles over shoulders. Find a way to make him slip further in. His hands freeze. Shudders wrack. Then his fingers dig into my thighs, find a way to make him slip further in.

“Oh fu—Emmmma.” His eyes roll back in his head to where he stores how to do long division.

He bucks against me, and I feel myself begin to clench. He holds me tighter still, grinds against me. My new favorite move.

“Oh, please…please…” Even to me, my voice is soft and breathless.

He loses rhythm, but keeps pounding. Dedicated.

Wraps around my calves, widens my legs, and I really hadn’t realized there was any of me left for him to discover, but I feel the difference, the pulse and heat where I’ve never felt anything before.

Limbs begin to shake. His, mine, ours.

Writhing. Over and under. Come apart. Pieces. Shards.

I cry out. My voice borders on a choke. He follows. Stills.

Blood pounding.




Day of Employment:


5:43 a.m.



: Next to him.

I AWAKE TO THE SOUND of my own huge intake of air and sit up bolt upright.

He stirs but stays asleep.

I haven’t stayed up late just talking in bed since Clara and I were in middle school.

I had asked him about Diana.

“I don’t have anything with her, and I never have.” He rolled onto his side to face me. “She’s been more than clear with her wishes, but so have I. She is a necessary—well, I hate to put it this way—necessary evil for this process. She can mess up everything. I have told her I’m not interested. But she remains determined…maybe even more so since I expressly turned her down. Until we sign, I’m just trying to keep the peace, keep her at arm’s length.”

“Bet you wish you had longer arms,” I said.

“And more of them. She’s grabby.” He smiled and reached out, almost touching me, then pulled his hand back and stuffed it under his pillow. “I don’t think I like this ‘no touching’ rule.”

“Well, it was your idea,” I reminded him. My hand tingled; it really was hard to be so close and not touch him.

He huffed and pulled the bedding higher around us. “It seemed to be the only concession that would get you to stay in bed with me.”

“You got me into your bed by offering to not touch me. Pretty sure that’s the opposite of how it’s usually done.”

Then he’d told me about himself. The stuff I couldn’t learn by watching him in a fishbowl.

His father raised him on his own after his mother had died. His father had asked him to be his best man when he had finally remarried last year.

“I’d rather not talk about my mother,” he said, folding his arm across his face. “I barely remember her. Only little pieces.”

I left it alone.

I could remember my mother, but there still wasn’t a lot to talk about. “My parents are okay. Just shuffled me back and forth after the divorce. Now they both have new families.” It didn’t really bother me to feel like an outsider around either of them. “But then, I don’t have anything to compare it to. This is it. Just me.”

It had been quiet for a while; I’d almost fallen asleep, when he spoke again. “Aren’t you going to ask me?”

Disoriented, I wondered if I had missed something. “Ask what?”

“Why I’m such an asshole.”

I blinked up at the ceiling. “Um, no. No, I’m not.”

He sat up on one arm, his face surprised. “Really?” He paused for a moment. “I thought that might be the first thing you would ask. I’ve been waiting.”

“You have no patience with distractions,” I offered. “I get it. Besides, you’ve been slipping.”

“How so?”

“You’ve been nice to me lately.”

He burrowed down into the bedding. “Some distractions are better than others.”

Now, hours later, I slide out from under his arm.

In the doorway, I look back at him. Peaceful.

I think about how frustrated I have been with him, but I can’t manage to feel as angry now, even with effort.

My conversation with Mitchell plays back while I get into the shower.

But why would I feel that way about Canon?

“Stupid,” I say into the spray. “Stupid, stupid, stupid.” I spit the words through the water. My head rests against the cool tiles.

It has to be the oxytocin or endorphins or whatever those evil, mind manipulation chemicals are that surge during sexual activities.

In this case, really, really surge.

Reason it out. No big deal.

He’s an ass. You do realize I have seen that movie…

He’s judgmental. What do you think of the owner, Samuel Dowry?

He’s condescending. I’m not insulting you. It is simple biology…

He’s conceited…she is the best I ever had…

He’s selfish. Give them your measurements…

He’s incompatible. Ugh. Bee vomit…

He’s secretive. If I wanted her, I would be with her…

He’s impossible to please. Wear whatever outfit goes with those black lace shoes and sit to my left…

He’s aloof and distant and cold, and who am I kidding with this line of bullshit, he is the singularly most passionate and responsive man I have ever known…

The water pounds down on me like the truth.

“I have been entirely wrong about him.”


6:45 a.m.

I’M STANDING OVER HIM. He’s where I left him. On his side, tucked in.

Cutest little snore ever.

Stop it. I’m making myself sick.

I shake his shoulder, and he moves a little then settles back.

“Si…Mist…Can…” No, none of that seems right. I don’t know what to call him in these evolving circumstances.

His hair is a mess. I run my hand along his face, into his hair to try to tame it. He turns into my palm. A small hum floats up.

“Please wake up,” I whisper.

He blinks up at me. “Hi.”

“Um, hi.” I straighten up.

He sits up and takes in my clothes and the general condition of the covers that has him wrapped up like the savory filling of a bedding burrito.

“I’ve overslept.”

“No, no. Not by much. I…I thought you were going to, so…I woke you.”

He nods and starts to unwrap. I already know what’s in that package—it’s a different kind of package, go figure—and that is my cue to exit. Stage left. Turn and leave. In haste.

I hear him sigh loudly as I leave the room. The sunrise peeks through the curtains, and either the rooster crows or I can actually hear my own chicken shit soul.

I’m envious of how quickly he’s ready.

I gather up our things and let the breakfast server in when he arrives.

“Over here.” I motion for the cart to go near the sofa.

“Anything more, ma’am?”

“I don’t believe so,” I say.

Canon, suited, walks into the room.

The server turns to him. “You want anything more, sir?”

“It appears not,” he says, slipping on his watch. “It seems that having more is a harder decision for some.”

We eat and leave and drive and arrive, and I don’t hear his voice again until Mr. Peters greets him at 9:18.