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"If you're not out of here in three minutes, I'll call the police! I'll tell my husband!" she threatened, her voice shrill and loud.

"Okay, lady," the boy snarled, "have it your way. But why not let me tell him what your pussy looks like!"

He stalked out and Julie was left standing alone trembling violently, the drying stains on the couch staring at her in accusation of what she'd done. Becoming conscious of her half-naked state, one breast lewdly bare, her eyes fell on her torn panties, discarded on the floor, and her face turned scarlet as the details of her obscene surrender came clearly back.

What came over me? she sobbed. How could I allow a fifteen-year-old boy, a dirty, filthy young boy, to even touch me?


"You'll like our friends," Leslie said, lifting up on one elbow. They were all sunbathing on the upstairs terrace, and Bob scanned the full brown globes of the delightful twin's naked breasts as she rose up to address him. Lila lay a few feet beyond, stretched out upon her back, the golden triangle of her tight young pussy exposed to the warming rays of the sun. Her eyes were closed, and Bob wondered if she was sleeping. Neither one of them had seemed to be in the mood for lovemaking that day, and he was curious to know just what they had on their minds.

The last few days had been like a pasha's dream… he had never been happier, treated to the most glorious days of his life.

Gradually, he had taken to spending more and more time at the mansion, and consequently less and less time at home with Julie. He rationalized that there was little reason for him to stay home anyway, the way Julie had been acting recently. Once he'd even considered mentioning it to the girls, but then he'd thought better of it. They certainly could give Julie some pointers, though, he'd figured, about what being a woman is all about!

Although he'd completed his gardening chores by now, the sumptuous fee the girls had paid him was enough to enable him to loaf for several weeks… so instead of bothering to look for new jobs, he'd decided to give himself the vacation he figured he so richly deserved.

A hot tingle streaked through him as he thought about what the ever-surprising twins had been hinting at for some time. It certainly looked as if today was the day!

"We'd better start getting ready for Ken and Linda!" Leslie said, reaching out and gently shaking her stark naked sleeping twin by the arm.

"Remember, Bob…" Leslie said as they gathered up their cushions and suntan creams. "Three o'clock… in the study!" Lila finished.

"And don't bother to dress!" they echoed in unison as they left him to himself.


At exactly three o'clock, Bob knocked on the study door. Curious and excited, he held his breath in that split second before the door was opened. Contrary to his first expectation, he was somewhat disappointed to see Ken standing there holding the door open.

Ken was a tall guy, about thirty, with salt and pepper hair, and even Bob could see that he exuded a kind of magnetic sexuality and overpowering maleness. Stark naked with a drink in his hand, he cheerfully ushered Bob in. His prick lay semi-erect, dangling down under his belly, and Bob could tell that when it was fully aroused, it would be a long, menacing weapon. Bob was far more interested in the girl, Linda, a rather small, dark-haired girl, her face shining with a schoolgirl freshness. She could not be any older than the twins. In fact, Bob mused, I'll bet she's a year or two younger! Her pert breasts jutted out in greeting… creamy rounded orbs, her dark pubic triangle a striking contrast to the ivory of her skin. She was talking animatedly with Lila, and Leslie engaged in quiet conversation with Ken. The twins were also naked but Bob had learned to distinguish them by Lila's birthmark so he could tell them apart at a glance.

"Why don't you make yourself a drink, Bob… and then perhaps you'd like to watch for a while!" Lila suggested. Hoping that he wouldn't miss anything, Bob slipped into the kitchen and made himself a tall whiskey and soda. Carrying his drink, he went silently back to the study, and was rather surprised to find that things had progressed rapidly in his absence.

Ken and Linda had spread a blanket on the floor and were already locked together in a tight, passionate embrace. Her slender, manicured hands were wound around his neck and Bob could catch a glimpse of Ken's hungrily probing tongue slipping into the petite, dark-haired girl's receptive mouth. He could see that Linda's eyes were beginning to dilate and an unmistakable smoky haze of passion flickered through them as the older man slowly aroused her ripe, young body. Being only about ten feet away, he could see every nuance and expression on their faces. Ken's mouth tore away from the passionate fullness of Linda's lips and began to trail hot, moist kisses down her swanlike neck, sucking voraciously at the tender flesh, leaving a path of raw red patches in its wake. Her hands were caught desperately in his hair and from her gaping, half-open mouth, it was obvious that she was already deep in the throes of tremendous excitement.

Bob sat down on a big chair a short distance from them and watched with total fascination. But then, Bob's attention was diverted from the passionate couple on the floor by a flurry of movement on the Murphy bed. For a minute, being several more feet further away, he couldn't make out the tangle of arms and legs, but after a moment, he saw to his intense shock, that it was the twins, Leslie and Lila. In amazement, he saw that Leslie, her blond hair flowing like molten silk was hovering over the equally golden Lila, who was spread-eagled on the bed. He gasped as he saw her slowly lower her mouth and enclose one of her sister's firm, rounded breasts. From the ecstatic gasp that Lila uttered, it was obvious that she reveled in the strange feeling of her sister sucking ecstatically at her breast. Leslie bit at the brown little berry of her twin's breast, savoring its sweetness and with her hand, kneaded the plump resilience of the other breast. Bob could see the nipple spring to attention, the dark knob leaping up from the crinkled brown areola. He could almost feel it himself as he watched Leslie squeeze the ripe flesh as she kissed first one and then the other buttery globe. Then she raised her head, and Bob could see her tongue darting out as it flicked down the smooth plane of Lila's lithe body, stopping to poke at the tight puckered little navel, licking it lovingly, wringing squeals of joy from its youthful owner. She continued down, her mouth coming to rest on the golden fur which lay invitingly between Lila's spread legs. Leslie teased at it for a moment, running the silky strands between her fingers. Then her fingers dipped out of sight and Bob could see renewed tremors spasm through Lila's body as her sister's deft fingers probed through the soft sensitive folds. Bob could just barely see the pink line of pussy through the golden fringes of her vaginal lips but he could see clearly the desperate upward thrust of her pelvis as she strove to imbed Leslie's fingers in her hot, wanting cavern.

Then she withdrew her finger and he saw the faint smear of lubricant glistening on it and he knew that Lila was already moist with desire. He saw the young aroused girl lift her knees and then she shifted slightly so that the whole naked expanse between her legs was visible to his greedy glance. He could see the already swollen, hair-lined lips crowding protectively around the tiny reddish tip of her clitoris just above the tight elastic cuntal ring. Her entire pussy seemed to pulsate in expectancy and Bob watched the petallike mouth opening and closing, like an oriental kissing fish. Leslie placed a thumb on either side of her sister's moist young furrow and slowly drew the fleshy folds apart, exposing even more of the delicate pink flesh. She gazed at it for a moment in obvious rapture, her eyes bright in anticipation, and slowly ran her tongue over her lips. Her own ivory-chiselled breasts were firm and full, the nipples rock-hard and her trim little buttocks were flared and strained from her kneeling position. Then, with painstaking slowness, she lowered her face and Bob could just see her tongue slipping out and with one long lap, stroke the full length of the moistened pink furrow. A gasp escaped Lila's lips and she twisted around in an obvious attempt to escape the burning contact. But Leslie held her firm and her tongue continued to lick teasingly at the moist cavern. She drove her tongue into all the dark secrets of Lila's pulsing vagina, searching, seeking, gulping down its honeydew sweetness, dancing around the soft, luscious folds, to emerge, dripping wet, for breath. After the initial contact, Lila began to relax and Bob could see her inner thighs close in around her twin's head, trapping it there and hands reaching down, pushing Leslie's imprisoned face even further down onto her burning vagina.