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She'd been seeing the youth, Eduardo, almost constantly and finally the guilt she felt at her odd coupling with the young Portuguese boy had gotten the better of her. She could hardly look herself in the mirror anymore… and yet every morning, she found herself anxiously, even impatiently awaiting his arrival. That coupled with the absolute impasse between her and Bob had made her decide to leave. It was the only thing to do!

But now that she'd been on the Cape for almost two weeks… and those spent without so much as a word from Bob… Julie thought she'd really finally go completely out of her mind. The nights were pure torture, and the days were filled with her mother's well-meaning questions and suggestions. Of the two, the nights were worse… she slept very poorly, and then her sleep was filled with lewd, erotic dreams… more and more they were dreams of Eduardo, the little lawnmower… (Bob had never even noticed, or at least hadn't mentioned it when the lawn was finally done. Another frustration!) And now, she had even taken to daydreaming about her young lover, her loins tingling, breasts sensitively rubbing up against the fabric of her bra… she wanted his touch again! It was a shameful admission, but it was true! Even as she rocked right there on her mother's front porch, she felt an undeniable lust spreading through the entire lower portion of her body. Her full thighs pressed close together, and the tender hair-lined cleft between them snuggled moistly up against them, wanting a more definite caress.

Suddenly Julie leapt up from the chair, her decision made. She went inside to the living room and began leafing through the yellow pages of the Providence phone book. Finally her trembling finger located the establishment she was looking for. Ideal Garden Help. Quickly she began to dial the area code and then the Providence number.

"Hello," she said in her haughtiest voice. "This is Mrs. Robert Redding." The voice at the other end responded with due reference. "I have some rose hedges that need clipping. Can you arrange to have that young man – what's his name, Eduardo? – come by tomorrow morning… yes, it must be tomorrow…"

With a sigh of relief she heard the voice reply, "Why certainly, Mrs. Redding… what time would be good for you?"

She rapidly calculated that she could leave late that night while her mother was asleep if she rented a car… "Between nine and ten would be fine…" she answered… that way she would get a few hours sleep and be well rested by the time he arrived… and Bob would most certainly have left the house by then.

Joy spread across her drawn features as she hung up the phone. She had no idea how she would solve all her problems, but at least one was going to be solved… and within just a few hours.


"Well, why didn't you tell us earlier that your wife had gone away?" Leslie asked, pouting prettily.

"Yes… we'd love to see your house… Wouldn't you like to see where Bob lives, Les?" Lila chimed in.

"Nothing would thrill me more, darling… Can we go this evening… maybe we can even cook dinner there!"

Bob realized that there was no way of getting out of inviting the twins to his house. They were looking forward to it like the big children they were, and even though he was a little nervous about it, he didn't want to disappoint them, so he agreed. Julie had been away two weeks, and she was planning to stay a couple of months… no reason why she should come barging in tonight, he figured. Besides, it would be fun seeing the gorgeous blonde twins in his own house… liven up the place!

A few hours later, the girls were running all over the house, exclaiming over it and praising its charming decor. They had often wondered what kind of home Bob had and now they appraised it with interest. They looked at several pictures of Julie which were in the bedroom, and exclaimed at her beauty expressing an interest in meeting her.

"I'm afraid she's not your type, girls," Bob laughed, thinking of Julie's prudish manner and how she'd die of shock if she even suspected what he'd been up to with the twins.

"You can never tell, Bob!" Leslie said, "Don't be too sure she doesn't have a lover behind your back!"

Bob laughed out loud, the thought of Julie taking a lover seemed so farfetched. She barely tolerated sex in the legal confines of marriage! Yet, a sudden pang of jealousy stabbed through him at the thought, and he realized that in spite of everything, he did miss Julie.

When the girls had finished exploring the house, Bob took them down to the basement den, where he started making them each a big drink and then, finding there was no ice left in the tiny basement refrigerator, he sprinted upstairs to get some from the kitchen. Coming back down into the basement a few minutes later he laughed when he saw that the girls were stark naked and sitting primly on the sofa.

Delighted, he exclaimed, "Hey, you girls don't waste any time, do you?"

The teen-age twins ran up to him, laughing and each taking an arm, dragged him over to the thick pile rug on the floor. Playfully, they began to tickle him until he rolled around on the rug, doubled up with mirth. Taking advantage of his defenseless position, they began to strip off his clothes, Bob pretending all the while to be angry.

When finally he was naked, he propped himself up on his elbow, and looked appreciatively at the lush, naked bodies of the two young girls. Their tans had become deeper from their long summer days out of doors and the only obvious effect of their summer of intense sexual activity was a subtle ripening of their womanly curves, giving them a more mature, worldly appearance.

"Well girls, who's first?"

"I am!" Leslie shouted. "I want to fuck you this time!"

Bob, always a willing partner, stretched out luxuriantly on the rug. He was just getting used to the completely emancipated behavior of the twins and their frank demands no longer surprised him. In fact, although he'd hardly dared admit it to himself, he was beginning to think he no longer wanted to see as much of the girls. Now that he had almost run the gamut of sexual experience with them, he thought he would be quite happy to spend more time at home… maybe pay more attention to his wife. He didn't want to completely wreck his marriage. Julie had grown more and more distant, he realized and he hadn't done a thing about it! In fact, he'd been acting pretty badly!

His thoughts were interrupted by Leslie, who was beginning to mount him, straddling his belly. His overworked cock started into semi-erection and Leslie lovingly cupped it in her hands, rolling it around between her palms, coaxing strength into it. He could feel her tight little buttocks pressing into his thighs and her golden breasts bounced as she continued to massage his swelling prick.

Lila had settled back against the wall, happy for once to be an audience.

He sucked in his breath as he felt Leslie's smooth lips around his prick and then her tongue flicked out and began to lick it carefully with her salival juices. Her hand gently cradled his balls and tenderly squeezed them, holding the fragile flesh carefully. Her tongue continued its warming coating and Bob's cock began to respond. She dabbed at the little slit in the top with her tongue, burrowing deep into it and she pressured the hypersensitive area under the head with her forefinger, burgeoning the tip into bulbous fleshiness.

His prick now stood up from the tufts of his pubic hair like the thick stump of a tree. The teen-age blonde raised herself over the towering instrument, one leg on either side of the gardener's prostrate body, and lowering her hands, gently drew aside the fleshy folds of her cunt, laying bare the fuzz-guarded vaginal opening. Bob could see her lick her lips in anticipation and then slowly, she bent her legs at the knee and began to lower her wide-split, open vagina down towards his excitedly throbbing penis. She poised herself just over the blood-engorged head and holding its rangy length with one hand and still separating the folds of her pussy with the other, she steered it towards her waiting orifice. A gasp exploded in her throat as she felt the initial touch of his hard rubbery flesh on her frail pink cunt and then she lowered herself a fraction of an inch so that the ragged pink edges flared open and barely grasped the knobby head. Lowering herself a little more, she drew in her breath sharply as she felt the thick bulbous head slip inside her. It felt rock hard as it filled her delicate sheath and she could feel the throbbing of it as it vibrated off her moist pussy walls.