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Thinking back now on the incredible afternoon, his feeling about Leslie had changed completely. Whatever the reason was for her interest in him, he was willing to go along with her in anything she wanted him to do. He wanted to learn all she had to teach, and judging by her performance of this afternoon, he thought wryly, that's a hell of a lot!


"Bob, we just have to do something about our garden! It's a real mess! You promised me you'd take care of it… at least clip the damned hedges! I just can't believe you… of all people, would let it get into such a state!"

Julie continued to complain as she poured the coffee. In the four weeks since Bob had started work at the Lansing mansion, he had neglected their own garden, which was becoming completely overgrown. Weeds sprouted profusely, thanks to the warm summer weather, interspersed with frequent showers, and the grass and hedges also flourished.

"For God's sake, Julie," Bob stormed, "I've told you before… I don't have time. So quit nagging… I'll get to it sometime."

Julie, fighting back biting words of anger, dashed out of the kitchen and rushed into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Once there, she lost her temper completely and began throwing clothes and shoes around in a fury.

"The bastard! The Goddamn bastard!" she mumbled, finally sitting down on the bed, out of breath. The room was a complete shambles, but Julie was oblivious to the havoc she had wreaked.

She felt more than just angry at Bob… a slow, burning hatred was taking over her being and controlling her. She felt just like the garden… neglected, uncared-for… the object of no one's attention. Daily now she nagged at her husband trying to get him to tend to the lawn and the hedges, but he seemed to be in a different world recently. At times, he was moody and dreamy, other times gruff and morose. And they hadn't made love in weeks! Her negative feelings were like the weeds in the garden, choking out all the flowers and shrubs, until the whole thing was nothing but a mess.


Bob slammed out the door. How could he be bothered hanging around her nagging! Julie had certainly been giving him a hard time recently he grumbled, as he got in his car and hurriedly drove off. Maybe she had her reasons to complain, he thought, but a man just had to have his freedom. Leslie had taught him that… in fact he'd learned more from her about himself than he'd dreamed possible. She was some baby! It was almost impossible to give any thought to Julie's snide remarks when he knew he was going to see Leslie every day for some time to come!

His little blonde employer might be young, he thought, but she knew enough to instruct women twice her age in the ways of the world. Pleasure and more pleasure seemed to be her motto, and Bob was in complete agreement with her philosophy! Why he'd gone years with Julie without getting laid properly… and it had taken only answering one simple want ad in the paper to settle that as well as his formerly distressing financial circumstances! What a windfall!

He drove quickly down the by now familiar route to the imposing mansion, already anticipating the surprises, both culinary and sensual, that Leslie might have in store for him that day.


In her pink and white bedroom, Leslie lay back languidly on her bed, watching as her identical twin sister adjusted her eye makeup in the elaborately carved mirror.

"Oh, you'll love him, Li… he has the most beautiful cock!"

"Shhhh…" her sister cautioned, blushing a delicate rose pink under her skin. "Don't use such words!" But nevertheless her green eyes sparkled a little more at the things her sister had been telling her about the new gardener. Leslie was incorrigible, she thought, last year it had been the carpenter, and the year before, the plumber… they'd been only sixteen then, but the plumber hadn't seemed to mind. It was always Leslie who had the penchant for working-class men, but somehow Lila would always be drawn into the fun before it was over. She didn't mind really, although it was always a little harder for her at first than it was for her twin.

But now that Leslie had already broken this one in… well… she'd been away for a long time, and it hadn't exactly been as stimulating as she might have wished. And besides, she was very curious by now to see just what this gardener was like!

"Okay sweetie… give me one of your dresses before he gets here," she said, giving her sister a knowing look in the mirror.

"Here we go again," she thought, as a familiar rush of excitement seemed to fill her veins.


The front door opened slowly, and Bob felt his usual excitement when he caught sight of the beautiful blonde girl. She looked even more fabulous to him this morning than ever… her golden hair was neatly tied back and she was wearing a short crisp cotton dress that made her look like a fresh young schoolgirl.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said, gaily, reaching out for her. He was surprised to see that she drew back from him, stepping backwards beyond his reach.

"What's wrong?" he asked, suddenly worried that he'd done something to mess up his incredible windfall.

Lila's exquisite features recomposed themselves, and she smiled reassuringly at the stranger before her. He was good-looking, she thought… but it would be far more interesting to put him through a little test before he so much as touched her!

"What about your gardening?" she inquired. "All play and no work makes Bob a dull boy!"

Bob blushed and felt a momentary flush of anger. After all he'd done with this little broad, it was humiliating to be reminded that he was after all, still only an employee.

"I'll get on with the job," he mumbled stiffly, moving past her.

"Fine!" she replied, closing the front door.

Bob worked furiously all morning in the back rose garden, growing more and more incensed by the way Leslie had treated him when he arrived. She hadn't even offered him anything to drink, the way she usually did! He worked on, until about noon, completely unaware of the two giggling girls who watched him from the upper floor of the house.

When finally, the sweat was pouring off him and the sun was high in the sky, he was relieved to see a familiar shape, walking easily toward him across the lawn, carrying what looked to be two frosty gin and tonics. She was wearing a frilly pinafore that resembled a maid uniform, except it was obviously fabricated from a very expensive material, and was of a soft pink-violet color. The top of it was scooped out so low that he could see the tops of her nipples when she leaned over to set the small tray down.

"Boy!" he said, wiping his brow… "I could sure use one of those!"

"Oh?" Lila asked, looking directly into his eyes… "and what else could you use?"

Bob stammered a little not wanting to be rebuffed again. Still the tone of her voice had done it again. He was hungry for her touch, his stiff cock quivering at the very hint that it would get a chance to slip between the tantalizing young thighs of the girl before him.

"I…" he started.

"Don't bother to answer," the lovely twin replied, brushing her hand through the air, as if to dismiss her words. "Come on over this way with me!" Bob picked up his glass and followed her, his face wearing a puzzled, quizzical expression. She certainly was acting strange! Would he ever understand women?

He observed her carefully as she walked before him. There was something different about her today, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it! His rampant penis, however, jerked upward a little more at each sway of the full, sensual hips before him, and he found that this new attitude of hers was highly stimulating, whatever its cause.