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Keen, fitful gusts are whisp'ring here and there    Among the bushes half leafless, and dry;    The stars look very cold about the sky,  And I have many miles on foot to fare.  Yet feel I little of the cool bleak air,    Or of the dead leaves rustling drearily,    Or of those silver lamps that burn on high,  Or of the distance from home's pleasant lair:  For I am brimfull of the friendliness    That in a little cottage I have found;  Of fair-hair'd Milton's eloquent distress,    And all his love for gentle Lycid drown'd;  Of lovely Laura in her light green dress,    And faithful Petrarch gloriously crown'd.


To one who has been long in city pent,    'Tis very sweet to look into the fair    And open face of heaven,—to breathe a prayer  Full in the smile of the blue firmament.  Who is more happy, when, with hearts content,    Fatigued he sinks into some pleasant lair    Of wavy grass, and reads a debonair  And gentle tale of love and languishment?  Returning home at evening, with an ear    Catching the notes of Philomel,—an eye  Watching the sailing cloudlet's bright career,    He mourns that day so soon has glided by:  E'en like the passage of an angel's tear    That falls through the clear ether silently. 


On first looking into Chapman's Homer.

Much have I traveled in the realms of gold,    And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;    Round many western islands have I been  Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold.  Oft of one wide expanse had I been told    That deep-brow'd Homer ruled as his demesne;    Yet did I never breathe its pure serene  Till I heard Chapman speak out loud and bold:  Then felt I like some watcher of the skies    When a new planet swims into his ken;  Or like stout Cortez when with eagle eyes    He star'd at the Pacific—and all his men  Look'd at each other with a wild surmise—    Silent, upon a peak in Darien.


On leaving some Friends at an early Hour.

Give me a golden pen, and let me lean    On heap'd up flowers, in regions clear, and far;    Bring me a tablet whiter than a star,  Or hand of hymning angel, when 'tis seen  The silver strings of heavenly harp atween:    And let there glide by many a pearly car,    Pink robes, and wavy hair, and diamond jar,  And half discovered wings, and glances keen.  The while let music wander round my ears.    And as it reaches each delicious ending,      Let me write down a line of glorious tone,  And full of many wonders of the spheres:    For what a height my spirit is contending!      'Tis not content so soon to be alone. 



Highmindedness, a jealousy for good,    A loving-kindness for the great man's fame,    Dwells here and there with people of no name,  In noisome alley, and in pathless wood:  And where we think the truth least understood,    Oft may be found a "singleness of aim,"    That ought to frighten into hooded shame  A money mong'ring, pitiable brood.  How glorious this affection for the cause    Of stedfast genius, toiling gallantly!  What when a stout unbending champion awes    Envy, and Malice to their native sty?  Unnumber'd souls breathe out a still applause,    Proud to behold him in his country's eye.



Great spirits now on earth are sojourning;    He of the cloud, the cataract, the lake,    Who on Helvellyn's summit, wide awake,  Catches his freshness from Archangel's wing:  He of the rose, the violet, the spring.    The social smile, the chain for Freedom's sake:    And lo!—whose stedfastness would never take  A meaner sound than Raphael's whispering.  And other spirits there are standing apart    Upon the forehead of the age to come;  These, these will give the world another heart,    And other pulses. Hear ye not the hum  Of mighty workings?——————    Listen awhile ye nations, and be dumb. 


On the Grasshopper and Cricket.

The poetry of earth is never dead:    When all the birds are faint with the hot sun,    And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run  From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead;  That is the Grasshopper's—he takes the lead    In summer luxury,—he has never done    With his delights; for when tired out with fun  He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed.  The poetry of earth is ceasing never:    On a lone winter evening, when the frost      Has wrought a silence, from the stove there shrills  The Cricket's song, in warmth increasing ever,    And seems to one in drowsiness half lost,      The Grasshopper's among some grassy hills.

December 30, 1816.



Good Kosciusko, thy great name alone    Is a full harvest whence to reap high feeling;    It comes upon us like the glorious pealing  Of the wide spheres—an everlasting tone.  And now it tells me, that in worlds unknown,    The names of heroes, burst from clouds concealing,    And changed to harmonies, for ever stealing  Through cloudless blue, and round each silver throne.  It tells me too, that on a happy day,    When some good spirit walks upon the earth,    Thy name with Alfred's, and the great of yore  Gently commingling, gives tremendous birth  To a loud hymn, that sounds far, far away    To where the great God lives for evermore.