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'In God's name, what happened?' Benjamin whispered.

'The fool tried to get to the horse. He was always up to these tricks. Only this time Vulcan was too quick and powerful.'

Benjamin stared at the physician. 'He'd tried this before?'

'Yes. As Sir John described the other evening. The old toper still thought he was a horseman.'

'But this is the first time Vulcan attacked him?'

'Yes.' Throgmorton rose, the hem of his cloak over his mouth and nose. 'Sometimes he would try it in the evening but never during the dead of night.'

Benjamin, impervious to the scene, leaned closer and sniffed at what used to be Waldegrave's mouth. Even from where I stood I could smell the strong, stale wine fumes which permeated the stench of the ripped body.

'What actually happened?' I asked Millet, noting how the young man was very much the worse for drink.

The fop shook his head and went outside. He leaned against the stable, sucking in the cool night air like a man surfacing from a deep river.

'Everyone in the chateau was asleep,' I observed. 'Apart from you?'

The fellow grimaced. 'Yes, apart from me. I had business in the city. Anyway, I returned late. I stabled my own horse and was in the buttery when I heard screams, the crashing of hooves and Vulcan's neighs. I ran back here. Grooms and ostlers were already in the yard. The top half of the stable door was open but Waldegrave had apparently closed the bottom behind him. A groom opened it. The horse shot out like an arrow from a bow.' Millet nodded towards the general direction of the garden.

'I understand he's been cornered there and his attendant is trying to calm him. I came over,' he continued, 'and saw what you have now.' He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. ‘I vomited twice,' he remarked, 'and I think I am going to do so again.'

Hand to mouth, slightly stooping, he hurried away into the darkness. I grinned contemptuously at his retreating back, looked once more at the stable, saw an eyeball glistening on the wet straw and promptly vomited myself. I looked around; Clinton, Dacourt and others now stood near the main steps of the chateau, Throgmorton with them.

'Master!' I hissed, closing my eyes and leaning against the lintel of the stable. 'What are you doing?'

Benjamin came out, rubbing the side of his face. 'There's nothing we can do, Sir John,' he called across to Dacourt. 'The poor man's body should be removed.'

The ambassador rapped out an order and four servants, their faces masked by cloths soaked in vinegar, hurried across with a linen sheet.

'Take it to the infirmary!' Dacourt ordered.

Benjamin and I watched as Waldegrave's corpse was hoisted on to the sheet.

'One minute!' Benjamin called out.

The servants glared angrily, eager to get the grisly business over and done with. Benjamin seized his torch, brought the flame as near as he could and examined not the wounds, but rather the dead priest's shabby, bloodstained tunic.

'Most interesting,' he murmured. 'Yes, very interesting.' He smiled at the servants. 'You may take him away. Come, Roger! The night is not over and we need our sleep.'

Clinton, Throgmorton and the rest tried to draw Benjamin into conversation as we went up the main steps of the chateau.

'The man was as mad as a Maypole!' Dacourt bellowed. 'A senseless, stupid, drunken act!'

'Waldegrave was undoubtedly drunk,' Benjamin replied. 'He may have been a fool, but I don't think that was an accident.'

'What do you mean?' Peckle jibed.

'I will explain in the morning,' Benjamin answered. 'Sir John, Sir Robert, I bid you good night.'

We returned to our chamber. My queasy stomach had settled and I was agog with curiosity. (I see the chaplain smirking again, probably because I vomited. I'd like to remind him that's nothing to the idiot he made of himself on All Fools Day last when he found the dead stoat I'd placed in the pulpit. Retched like a waterfall he did!) However, Master Benjamin was not in a talkative mood.

'Tomorrow, Roger,' he promised. 'But now I need some sleep.'

I lay for a while waiting for the chateau to fall silent again before drifting into a demon-filled sleep of black war horses rearing above me, men flying through the night air, and those dreadful corpses laid out so tidily, so neatly, in that beautiful London garden.

We woke early the next morning. Benjamin's stomach seemed to have caught up with his memories for he now looked white-faced and confessed he felt queasy.

'The stupid bastard,' I murmured.

Benjamin shook his head and finished dressing. 'Don't speak ill of the dead, Roger. Waldegrave was murdered. Come, I must see the corpse once more.'

We went down to the white-washed infirmary where I made Benjamin stop at the kitchen for rags soaked in vinegar and herbs. We certainly needed them. The dead priest's body still sprawled beneath his sheet in that small white room. The stomach had begun to swell and the chamber stank with the evil gases which emanated from it. I could take no more but stood by the door whilst once more Benjamin peered at the blood-stained clothing.

'Yes, yes,' he muttered to himself. 'Yes, of course, that's how it was done!'

We left the infirmary, standing for a few minutes outside, drinking in the sweet morning air. Benjamin called a young boy over.

'Listen, lad,' he ordered. 'My compliments to Sir John but tell him Master Daunbey would appreciate his presence here in the courtyard.'

The boy stared blankly back. Benjamin laughed.

'Of course.' He sighed and translated the request into French.

Dacourt joined us a few minutes later, his white moustache bristling with importance, his face a little more puce. I could smell the fresh wine on his breath.

'Sir John, I have a favour to ask.'

'What is it, sir?'

'Would you have the castle searched, particularly the rubbish tips outside the kitchen, for the corpse of a chicken or a pig, some animal slaughtered for no apparent reason?'

Dacourt's eyes looked bulbous.

'Please, Sir John!' Benjamin insisted. ‘I have good reason for my request.'

Dacourt shrugged and bawled orders at a servant. He followed Benjamin over to Vulcan's stable.

'The war horse is not there,' the ambassador remarked defensively. ‘I have moved it to a small paddock beyond the castle walls.' He kicked the loose cobbles of the yard. 'Some people say he should be destroyed.'

'Why?' Benjamin asked. 'The horse did no wrong.'

'But he killed Waldegrave.'

Benjamin patted the ambassador gently on the shoulder. 'No, Sir John, he did not, as I will explain in a while. Now, I wish to discover something for myself.'

He went into the stable, closing the bottom part of the door behind him. To do this he had to lean over and push the bolt firmly into place. He then closed the top part and, for a few minutes, remained hidden in the stables.

'What's the madman trying to do?' Dacourt mumbled.

Benjamin threw open the top part of the stable door and grinned maliciously. 'Sir John, you would say I was tall?'

'Yes, of greater stature than most men.' 'Whilst Waldegrave was rather small?' 'Yes.'

'And to close this door, even I, with my considerable height, face difficulties?'

'Yes, yes,' Dacourt muttered. 'I always have to stand on the bottom panel. Why do you ask?'

Benjamin drew back the bolt and came out of the stable.

'I'll tell you why, Sir John, but first I need to break my fast. I should be most grateful if you would discover the results of your search and gather the rest of our colleagues in the great hall.'