116. For global data on vaccination, see Our World in Data, COVID Vaccination Data, https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations?country=OWID_WRL, accessed December 28, 2021.
117. On workplace mobilization in Russia, see Timothy Frye, Ora John Reuter, David Szakonyi, “Political Machines at Work: Voter Mobilization and Electoral Subversion in the Workplace,” World Politics 66, no. 2 (2014): 195–228.
118. For survey results, see Levada-Center, Obshcherossiiskoe golosovanie po popravkam v konstitutsiyu, July 2, 2020, https://www.levada.ru/2020/07/02/obshherossijskoe-golosovanie-po-popravkam-v-konstitutsiyu-4/, accessed September 7, 2021.
119. For a data-driven analysis, see Aleksandr Kireev, “Referendum Shredingera,” Novaya gazeta, July 6, 2020, https://novayagazeta.ru/articles/2020/07/06/86170-referendum-shredingera, accessed September 7, 2021.
120. See Vladislav Gordeev, “Volodin opisal budushchee Rossii slovami ‘posle Putina budet Putin’,” rbc.ru, June 18, 2020, https://www.rbc.ru/society/18/06/2020/5eeb6d129a794743608c8c2a, accessed September 7, 2021.
121. For a preliminary analysis of effects of political regime continuity on governance in Russia, see Vladimir Gel’man, “Constitution, Authoritarianism, and Bad Governance: The Case of Russia,” Russian Politics 6, no. 1 (2021): 70–89.