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Comte, Auguste


Conrad, Joseph

Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right



Cormack, Allan

Coyne, Jerry

Craig, William Lane

Creationismand Andersonand apocalypseand atomsand Darwinand Dawkinsand Koranand pollsand Rushdieand Shelleyand Shermerand Stengerand Templetonand WeinbergSee also Design


Croly, George

Crone, Patricia

Crusades, the

Cuban missile crisis

Darwin, Charlesautobiography ofand evolution and natural selection

Darwin, Emma

Das Leben Jesu,

Dashti, Ali

Dawkins, Richard


De Rerum Natura,

Deathand apocalypseand Ayerand Cohenand Dennettand fearlife afterin next worldpunishment and reward afterand realismand religious beliefsand separationwishSee also Immortality

Deism andand Andersonand Eliotand Milland Shelleyand Stephen


The Demon-Haunted World


Dennett, Daniel C.

Descartes, Rene

The Descent of Man,

Designand Andersonand Darwinand Dawkinsand Koranand Mackieand Milland Paleyand Saganand StengerSee also Creationism; Intelligent design (ID)

Devil, theSee also Satan

d’Holbach, Baron


Does God Exist?

Donne, John

Dore, Gustave

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

Dreams of a Final Theory: What About God?,

Drews, Arthur

Dupont, Pierre

Durant, Will

Eddy, Mary Baker

Edson, Hiram

Edwards, Jonathan

Eichmann, Adolf

Einstein, Albertand Stengerand Weinbergwritings on religion of

Eldridge, Paul

Eliot, George

The End of Faith

“End of the World Blues”

“An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding”


Erasmus, Desiderius

Ethics. See Religion (and ethics)

“Evangelic Teaching”

EvangelismSee also Graham, Billy

Evans, Mary Ann

Evolutionand Andersonand Cohenand Darwinand Dawkinsand Dennettand Johnsonand Koran

and Menckenand moralityand Russelland Twainand WeinbergSee also Natural selection

Ewing, Alfred

Fables of Man,

Falwell, Jerry

Faraday, Michael

A Farewell to God: A Personal Word,

Farrakhan, Louis

FascismSee also Nazi Germany

Fau, Guy

Fauga, Raymond du

Fawell, Harris W.


Fichte, Johann

First cause. See Religion (and first cause)

Fisher, Geoffrey

Fitzgerald, Edward


Flew, Antony

Flieg, Hellmuth

Frady, Marshall

France, Anatole

Franklin, Benjamin

French Revolution

Freud, Sigmund


The Future of an Illusion,


Gandhi, Mahatma

The Garden of Epicurus,

Gardner, Martin

Geller, Margaret

“Gerin Oil”

Gibb, Hamilton

Gibbon, Edward

Gilbert, Nancy

Gnosticsand Russelland Stephen

Godand Alialleged evidence of existence ofand Andersonand apocalypseand Augustineand Ayerand Butlerand Cohenand Darwinand Dawkinsand Dennettand Einsteinand Eliotand eviland Franceand Freudand Goldmanand Graylingand Hardyand Harrisand Hobbesand Humeand Jilletteand Khayymand Koranand Mackieand the Millsand moralityand Newmanand pollsand Rushdieand Russelland Saganand Shelleyand Shermerand Spinozaand Stengerand Stephenand Templetonand Twainand Updikeand Van Dorenand Weinberg

God: The Failed Hypothesis,

The God Delusion,

“The God Hypothesis”

Godsand Andersonand Cohendeadand Dennettand Einsteinand Epicurusand Goldmanand Hobbesand Humeand McEwanand Menckenand Russelland Saganand Shelleyand Van Doren

“God’s Funeral”

Godwin, William


Goldhagen, Daniel

Goldman, Emma

Goldstein, Baruch


Gould, Stephen


Graham, Billy

Graham, Ruth

Grayling, A. C.

Great Pyramid

Guignebert, Charles


Haldane, J. B. S.

Halley, Edmund

Hamack, Adolf



Hanbal, Ahmad ibn

Hanifa, Abu

Hardy, Thomas

Harris, Sam

Hartland, E. S.

Hartle, James

Hawking, Stephen

Hawkins, John

Hazm, Ibn

Heavenand Bakuninand Goldmanand Graylingand moralityand Robinsonand Rushdieand Russelland Weinberg

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

Heidegger, Martin

Helland Andersonand Goldmanand Graylingand Judaismand Koranand Milland moralityand Russelland Weinberg

Herbert, George

Hereford, Oliver


Hess, Rudolf

Heym, Stefan

Himmler, Heinrich


Hitchens, Christopher

Hitler, Adolf

Hobbes, Thomas

Hoffmann, Joseph

Holloway, Richard


Houdini, Harry

“How (and Why) I Became an Infidel”

Howe, Julia Ward

Hoyle, Fred

Hubbard, L. Ron

Hubble, Edwin

Hudal, Alois

Human natureand Russell

Hume, Davidand Boswelland deathand designand miraclesand monotheism and polytheism“The Natural History of Religion” by

Huntington, Samuel

Hurgronje, Snouck

Huxley, Thomas

“If God Is Dead, Is Everything Permitted?”

“Imagine There’s No Heaven”

Immortalityand Ay rand Darwinand Einsteinand Islamand Orwelland Russelland Van DorenSee also Death (life after)

“In Westminster Abbey”

Ingersoll, Robert

Inquisition, the

Intelligent design (ID)

Irreducible complexity

Isaacson, Walter

Islamand Aliand anti-Semitismand apocalypseand apostatesand creationismand Crusadesand fundamentalismand Judgment Dayand KoranNation ofand Paradiseand punishmentand religious warsrevivalist movement ofrise ofas totalitarianSee also Muslims

James, William

Jefferson, Thomas

Jeffery, Arthur

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jesus ChristAtheists forbirth ofcentral prophecy ofand church and stateand communionand different religionsdivinity ofand Einsteinand hereticsand Koranquestion of existence ofand resurrectionSecond Coming ofand sin and morality

Jewsand accusations of ritual murderand anti-Semitismand apocalyptic movementsand Babyloniaand Crusadesand Godand helland intelligenceand Islamfor Jesusand Jesus Christand Nazisand Palestineand Pentateuchand prophecywandering, and Second Comingand witchesSee also Judaism


Jillette, Penn

Joachim of Fiore

Joan of Arc

Johnson, Phillip

Johnson, Samuel

Jones, John E.

Joyce, James

Judaismand apocalypseand chosen peopleand Godand helland MarxSee also Jews

Kab, Ubayy ibn

Kalthoff, Albert