Everyone looked up as Danielle entered the room late and she saw everyone looking at her, so she looked at the huge Glod Ruler and said, Actually, if they had fired one shot at our fleet as it entered their system, we would have destroyed their ability to wage war. We would not have wiped out their species because it would remove from the universe a race that may prove vital in the future. We have learned our lesson from making war on ourselves; you only lose when you are the aggressor. If there are any survivors, they will make it their ultimate goal to have vengeance. The issue between our races was one of fear; we represented a danger to the Cainth because their history had shown how stronger races conquered weaker ones. We also discovered in our initial discussions that it was perfectly fine for the Cainth to outright lie about any agreement they made.
Dorg noticed that Tgon-Gee looked startled when he saw Danielle. He had not taken his eyes off the Glod ruler when everyone else was looking at Danielle. What has him upset? Dorg wondered. It only lasted for a moment and Tgon-Gee regained his composure.
Then thats all the more reason to attack, isnt it? Tgon-Gee asked. Im struggling with how you can possibly trust them.
We had to find a place where both of our races could co-exist and know that the other was not an enemy but ally and friend. We found that place where no Cainth would ever lie or deceive. It was located in their Clan laws. It is perfectly acceptable to deceive anyone except another Clan Brother. The worse possible sin a Cainth can commit is to lie or agree to things that they know are false to another Clan. There are rituals designed to instill this in every Cainth from the time they are first able to communicate to when they die. Their Clans cling to the belief and trust that their brothers will always be honest and will protect them if needed.
Terl then stood up and said, Tgon-Gee, we did not tell them this about us. This Human female could see it just by watching our interactions with them and each other.
Dorg noticed Tgon-Gees distress. He probably wouldnt have noticed it if it werent for the earlier reaction.
She suggested that the Humans had to become our 16 ^ th Clan, Terl continued. After much discussion and questioning of the Humans, we voted to include them into our Family of Clans. We also had to agree that in order for us to learn from our encounter, that we would no longer be an aggressor to any other race that isnt directly attacking us. After what happened and the mistake we made with them, this was an agreement that we had no difficulty passing and incorporating into our Clan Governing Codes.
Danielle continued, After we were voted into their Clan structure, it was important that we provide protection from the Alliance so we began the process of modernizing their defenses. Were continuing that as we speak.
Tgon-Gee looked at Danielle and said, You have no absolute proof that once you arm your former enemy that he wont turn on you. Terl stood up and everyone in the room could see his anger.
Danielle said, Just a minute Terl. Hes right. Theres nothing preventing you from attacking us again except the violation of your most sacred codes. Then she looked at the Glod Crown Prince and said, Just as there is nothing preventing any of your warriors from killing you and taking your place.
Tong-Gee jumped up and slammed his hand down on the table and said, No Glod Warrior would ever think of doing that, it would violate the Vermeal Succession. He and all of his descendents would be destroyed for such an act.
Danielle looked at Terl and asked, What would happen if one of your clans attacked another?
Terl said, They would be killed to the last living member.
What would happen if one of your clans failed to come to the defense of another clan?
They would be censured and lose their voting rights and will pay a debt to the clan they ignored.
Danielle looked again at Tong-Gee and said while looking him directly in the eye, We Humans have a saying; it is worse to suspect a friend of wrong than to have them actually do it. If one has to live their life in constant distrust of everyone they encounter then everyone will distrust them. Now I ask you Excellency, can your race be trusted?
Tgon-Gee looked Danielle in the eye and said, No.
Danielle smiled and said, Youve just taken the first step toward being trustworthy. I know what that answer cost you. You came here to see which direction you were going to go; with us or the Alliance. Youre trying to find which one is the better choice to help your race. If you report this relationship to the Alliance, it might help your standing in their government. If you find a way to defeat our technology, your race would be a rising star.
If you know this, why did you agree to meet with me?
Because you dont like what you see in your race. You want at some level to be able to be an ally. You look at how close the Cainth came to total destruction and you see your own ultimate destruction by one of the races youve treated unfairly. You look at us and you dont know what were capable of doing. You dont see any way we can defeat the Alliance, but we could defeat you to the point of destruction. All we need do is to weaken your military and there will be a line forming to finish the job. Thats why youre here.
Tgon-Gee looked down at the table and then looked at Terl and Admiral Dorg and said, Everything she has said is true. My race doesnt have the clan structure you have. The only real commonality we have is Loyalty to the Crown.
What is the Crowns responsibility to its subjects? Danielle asked.
To ensure that the people are protected and cared for and to make sure that justice is done in major disputes between our various nations. The crown also sanctions disputes and rules on the outcome of two zones warriors fighting to resolve their issues.
Excellency, if Humans and Cainths were your subjects; what would be your responsibility to them?
I would be responsible for their protection.
And if you agreed to become a subject of the Cainth, what would happen then?
I would still be responsible for their protection.
I think we have a way to make agreements, Danielle said.
Tgon-Gee looked for a long time at Danielle and said, I would never agree to become a subject of the Cainth.
Why not, Terl asked?
Because Ive seen too much of your history and what you have been in the past. I just wouldnt be able to place my peoples safety in your hands. Then he looked at Danielle and said, I would however agree to my people and me to become subjects of this Human Female.
Danielles mouth fell open. She was speechless. Terl looked at the other Clan Leaders and they were nodding at him. Terl turned and said, The Cainth Empire will also become subjects of Mrs. Danielle and swear to protect any of her subjects as if they were our Clan Brothers.
The Director stood and said, Mrs. Danielle Gardner is already the leader of our Race. We would also accept her as our sovereign ruler over any interspecies affairs and accept any of her subjects as our allies.
Wait, wait, wait, Danielle stammered. I dont know anything about ruling. All I know is when I see the truth, thats all I can do. I have no idea of being any kind of ruler.
Tgon-Gee said, Seeing the truth is often a rare thing. Ive seen how you see me and my people for who and what we are and you still want to establish a peaceful, productive relationship with us. The price of Royalty is heavy and the responsibility is high, believe me I know. I will agree to work out a relationship with the two of you, Cainth and Human, but only if she is our ruler and I mean our queen. I suspect that each of our worlds will want to run the everyday affairs of our societies, but when it comes to issues between our races, our Queen has the final word. She will not be an honorary queen but one that truly rules. This is the only structure my people will accept. She will be what binds us.