3. Cf. Ilya Ehrenburg, “Non potete capirci niente se dimenticate che è un paese giovane,” L’Unità, 18 August 1946; Italo Calvino, “Petrov e Ilf in America,” L’Unità, 23 March 1946; Marcello Flores, L’immagine dell’URSS: L’Occidente e la Russia di Stalin (1927–1956) (Milan: Il Saggiatore, 1990), 343–48.
4. Antonio Gramsci, “Americanism and Fordism,” in Selections from the Prison Notebooks, ed. and trans. Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1971); see also Antonio Gramsci, Note sul Machiavelli, sulla politica e sullo stato moderno (Turin: Einaudi, 1955), 329–40.
5. Quoted Calvino, “Hemingway e noi,” Il Contemporaneo, 13 November 1954, pp. 3, 5; cf. Nello Ajello, Intellettuali e PCI, 1944–1958 (Bari: Laterza, 1979), 14; Patrick McCarthy, “America: L’altro mito della cultura comunista,” in D’Attorre, Nemici per la pelle, 222–23.
6. Claude Roy, “Le ciel est ma frontière,” Les Lettres Françaises, 1 November 1946.
7. Cesare Pavese, La letteratura americana, e altri saggi, 3rd. ed. (Turin: Einaudi, 1959), 194; see also Elio Vittorini, Diario in pubblico, 2nd ed. (Milan: Bompiani, 1957), 234; Michele Bottalico, “A Place for Alclass="underline" Old and New Myths in the Italian Appreciation of American Literature,” in As Others Read Us: International Perspectives on American Literature, ed. Huck Gutman (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1991). Ingrao qtd. in McCarthy, “America: L’altro mito,” 223.
8. Pavese, La letteratura americana, 196.
9. Report Commissione Culturale Nazionale, November 1953, 5; and Report Salinari, in Report Commissione Culturale Nazionale, November 1953, 33, Commissione Cultura, Archivio del Partito Comunista Italiano, Istituto Gramsci, Rome, Italy (hereafter APCI).
10. Quoted Mtg. Direzione, 20 June 1956, Verbali Direzione (hereafter VD), mf 198, APCI. On Clare Luce in Italy, see also Mario Del Pero, “American Pressures and Their Containment in Italy during the Ambassadorship of Clare Boothe Luce, 1953–56,” Diplomatic History 28, no. 3 (June 2004): 407–39; and Alessandro Brogi, L’Italia e l’egemonia americana nel Mediterraneo (Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1996), chaps. 2, 3, and 4.
11. Quoted Stephen Gundle, Between Hollywood and Moscow: The Italian Communists and the Challenge of Mass Culture, 1943–1991 (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000), 90 (Berlinguer also qtd. ivi; see also 80); quoted Amendola and Romagnoli in Mtg. Direzione 28 February 1962, VD, APCI.
12. Decision Bureau Politique (hereafter Dec. BP) 24 May 1962, Archives du Parti Communiste Français, Seine-Saint-Denis, Paris, France (APCF). Quoted D. S. Bell and Byron Criddle, The French Communist Party in the Fifth Republic (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994), 220; cf. Marc Lazar, “Le Réalisme socialiste aux couleurs de la France,” L’Histoire 45 (March 1982): 60ff; Roger Martelli, “De Gaulle et les communistes entre traditions et modernité,” in 50 ans d’une passione française: De Gaulle et les communistes, ed. Stephane Courtois and Marc Lazar (Paris: Balland, 1991).
13. Quoted John L. Gaddis, The Cold War: A New History (New York: Penguin, 2005), 77; quoted Eric Shiraev and Vladislav Zubok, Anti-Americanism in Russia from Stalin to Putin (New York: Palgrave, 2000), 13–14.
14. Lefranc, “Le nouveau nouveau monde,” Democratie nouvelle (March 1961): 74; Jacqueline Vernes, “Les USA face au défi économique de l’URSS,” Democratie nouvelle (July 1960): 54–61; Jean Bruteau, “Problemes de l’automatisation,” La Nouvelle Critique (September/October 1957): 21–34; Nicola Sarzano, “Siamo tutti Rockefeller,” Vie Nuove, 5 March 1964; Carlo Marcucci, “Le quattro lezioni dei giochi,” Vie Nuove, 17 September 1960; Antoine Casanova, “La doctrine sociale de l’Eglise et le marxisme,” La Nouvelle Critique 141 (December 1962). Attributing a corporatist outlook to Catholic reformism, see Bruno Trentin in meeting 28 February 1962, VD, APCI; see also Alfredo Reichlin a Segreterie, Federazioni e Comitati Regionali, 22 August 1962, Sezione Stampa e Propaganda (hereafter SSP), MF 494, APCI.
15. Marc Lazar, Maisons rouges: Les Partis communistes français et italien de la Libération à nos jours (Paris: Aubier, 1992), 73, see also 18–27, 329–40. Cf. Elena Aga Rossi and Gaetano Quagliarello, L’altra faccia della luna: I rapporti tra PCI, PCF e Unione Sovietica (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1997), 51–78. Cf. traditional accounts emphasizing differences, especially Thomas H. Greene, “The Communist Parties of Italy and France: A Study in Comparative Communism,” World Politics 26 (October 1968): 4; Donald L. M. Blackmer and Sidney Tarrow, eds., Communism in Italy and France (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1975), especially the chapter by Sidney Tarrow, “Communism in Italy and France: Adaptation and Change.” See also Cyrille Guiat, The French and Italian Communist Parties: Comrades and Culture (London: Frank Cass, 2003).
16. See essays in Aga Rossi and Quagliarello, L’altra faccia della luna; Valerio Riva, Oro di Mosca: I finanziamenti sovietici al PCI dalla Rivoluzione d’Ottobre al crollo dell’URSS (Milan: Mondadori, 1999); Gianni Donno, La Gladio Rossa del PCI, 1945–1967 (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2001); Pietro di Loreto, Togliatti e la “doppiezza”: Il PCI tra democrazia e insurrezione, 1944–1949 (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1991); Elena Aga Rossi and Victor Zaslavski, Togliatti e Stalin: Il PCI e la politica estera staliniana negli archivi di Mosca (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1997); for balanced accounts on this issue, see Silvio Pons, “L’URSS e il PCI nel sistema della guerra fredda,” in Il PCI nell’Italia repubblicana, 1943–1991, ed. Roberto Gualtieri (Rome: Carocci, 2001); Marcello Flores, Sul PCI. Un’interpretazione storica (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1992), 68–82.
17. On how the war experience worsened the already poor “state vocation” of the Italians, the best sources are Ernesto Galli della Loggia, L’identità italiana (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1998), 59–84, and Silvio Lanaro, L’Italia nuova: Identità e sviluppo, 1861–1988 (Turin: Einaudi, 1989), 221–27.
18. On how the sense of statehood enhanced the sense of nationhood in France, see especially studies by Pierre Nora, Robert Gildea, Rogers Brubaker, and, most recently, Michael Kelly, The Cultural and Intellectual Rebuilding of France after the Second World War (1944–1947) (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005).