As Luke came in the side door, he noticed that every light in the house was on. The television was blaring away in the living room and the dishes from breakfast were still stacked in the sink. The whole parsonage smelled like a distillery and Luke shuddered as he threw away the empty bottle of brandy on the kitchen counter. Judith was drinking openly now, not even bothering to hide her empty bottles of brandy after she finished them. Luke tried to think of it as a good sign. At least she wasn't hiding her problems. Perhaps, as the physchology books proclaimed, Judith's refusal to hide her problems was a plea for help. Somehow Luke didn't think that was the case. Judith probably just didn't care any more. She certainly didn't value his opinion of her. Just the other day she had made it perfectly clear that she just didn't give a damn.
Luke ran water in the sink and set the dishes in to soak. Then he wiped up the spilled brandy on the counter and walked slowly toward the living room. In a way, he hoped that Judith was asleep. She could be very quarrelsome and nasty when she was drunk. Luke just didn't know if he could take that tonight.
Walking quietly so as not to wake Judith if she were asleep, Luke tiptoed into the living room. He stopped short in the doorway and put his hand to his mouth in shocked surprise. Judith was asleep but not in the way he'd expected!
Reverend Luke's lovely wife was lying naked on the couch and she was breathing deeply. Her body was sprawled comfortably and her legs were spread. One hand was resting on her swelling breast, her fingers partially clenched around one full rosy nipple. Judith's other hand was buried between her legs and there was shiny cream sticking to her fingers. She had a satisfied smile on her face and even though her posture was obscene, she was smiling as sweetly as an angel.
Luke's mouth dropped open. He was much too shocked to speak. He stood like a statue and stared at his lovely wife and his head pounded in righteous anger. What if someone had come to the parsonage and found her in this state? The church board would have dismissed him on the spot! Luke looked around quickly and gasped again as he saw that the picture window was open. She hadn't even had the decency to pull the curtains. Anyone who passed by could have seen the minister's wife spread out like a whore for everyone to see!
Luke's blood began to boil. Even though he tried to remind himself that Judith was a sick woman if she did something like this, he couldn't press down his anger. Judith was ruining another job for him. What was she trying to prove? What hatred made her try to destroy herself with liquor and destroy him as well? Wasn't it bad enough that she had caused him to lose one position already? What would happen before Judith's destructive desires were finally satisfied? Did she want to see him ridden out of Greenwood on a rail?
Luke's hands tightened into hard fists and he had to fight the urge to smash his fists into her wicked face. He was shaking violently and he took a step toward her, before he managed to check his violent anger. He pivoted on his heel and strode to the window, pulling heavy drapes closed with a vicious snap of his wrist. He turned around again and stared at his wife fiercely. He couldn't seem to look away. Then his anger turned inward as he realized that in spite of Judith's obscene pose, or perhaps because of it, his cock was hardening in a lewd response to her lusty nakedness.
"Oh, God!" Luke whispered, tearing his eyes away from the depraved sight. He picked up a quilt and threw it over his wife. This was surely the work of the devil! There was no way a Christian man, a minister preaching the ways of righteousness, should find such a disgusting sight exciting!
Judith's eyelids quivered as she felt the quilt cover her body. She blinked and opened her eyes, surveying her husband's angry expression through bleary eyes. Then she smiled a sulky little smile.
"Hi, Lukey," she drawled, her voice deep and her words slurred by the alcohol. "I'm glad you're home. I missed you, honey."
Luke avoided her pleading glance and looked down at the green tufted carpet. His anger left as rapidly as it had come, leaving him with stunned sadness. Judith looked so miserable now with her hair mussed and trailing from the bun she'd tried to make on the top of her head. He felt so sorry for her he could have cried. He just wished there was something he could do to help her but she refused to talk about her problems when he attempted to mention them. She refused to recognize that there was anything wrong. She claimed that she only had a little "drinky-poo" to relax her once in a while, even though the number of empty bottles Luke put into the garbage every week was testimony to the contrary.
"Oooooh, don't be mad at me, honey," Judith pleaded, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I've been a bad girl, haven't I? You'll forgive me though, won't you Luke? You always forgive me. I'm so glad I married a minister. Ministers know how to forgive."
Luke looked up as Judith struggled to a sitting position. She blinked and looked bewildered. The poor girl didn't really know what she'd done. Jesus had begged His Father to forgive His enemies. Forgiving Judith was the least he could do.
"It's all right, honey," Luke mumbled, giving his wife a tired smile. "Just try to get into bed, will you, dear?"
"Bed?" Judith repeated, looking puzzled. "Oh, yes… that's funny. I thought I was already in bed."
With supreme effort the drunken girl managed to sit up and swing her legs to the floor. Then she struggled to her feet and giggled drunkenly. "I don't think I can make it by myself," she grinned. "It feels like I'm going to fail down."
The moment the words passed Judith's lips she swayed dangerously, and she would have fallen if Luke hadn't caught her. The quilt slipped to the floor and Luke found himself holding his naked wife in his arms.
"Ooooh, darling!" Judith giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "It's just like it used to be. Let's go to bed now, pleeeease?"
Luke's face flushed as he realized what Judith meant. In her drunken state she thought that he had undressed her and was carrying her off to bed. The thought of fucking his drunken wife made Luke wince with revulsion, but the idea was exciting too in a depraved sort of way. His cock was still hard and aching from seeing her in that unbelievably lewd position on the couch. Maybe that was just what Judith needed to straighten her out. He hadn't been paying very much attention to her lately. Luke knew that sexual frustration could lead to all sorts of problems in a marriage. Maybe that was why Judith had been drunk so often lately.
Luke sighed as he slipped Judith's arms from his neck and put her down on the bed. The proper part of his mind was embarrassed at the lusty way she was squirming. Another, deeper part of his mind was enjoying Judith's sexy wiggling. Luke knew that fucking his wife probably wouldn't have any effect on permanently changing her behavior but it was hard to concentrate on the proper thing to do when his prick was stiff and aching. The more he stared at his lovely red-headed wife, the more fucking her seemed like a good idea.
"Pleeeease?" Judith begged again, opening her deep green eyes and staring at him pleadingly. "I need it, honey. You don't know how bad I need it. I've been thinking about it all day."
The pleading expression in Judith's eyes and the squirming motions of her body drove the last vestige of propriety out of Luke's mind. He felt the lusty rush of passion and he stared at Judith's high swelling breasts with an eagerness he hadn't felt for months. You bet he'd fuck her! If that was what she wanted, that was exactly what she'd get!
Judith grinned lazily as she saw the lewd expression on her husband's face. Her body felt unbelievably hot and she squirmed her little butt against the mattress waiting for him to take off his clothes. She saw the way his hands were trembling and she smiled wider and licked her lips in invitation. Maybe Luke wouldn't be quite so straight and proper tonight. Perhaps tonight was the night when he'd fuck her as she longed to be fucked.