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"It… it… it's nothing," Becky managed to say, swallowing noisily. "I just remembered that I forgot to put the coffee on for tomorrow morning." She gave Matt an embarrassed, guilty smile and hastily slid out of bed to hurry to the kitchen. Matt shouldn't be blamed for something that wasn't his fault. It was all her fault… a battle she'd have to fight with her own Christian consciences.

"Are you tired, honey?" Matt asked when Becky returned to the bedroom. He was still completely puzzled by Becky's reaction to the glorious [missing text]. "Yes," Becky answered, sighing convincingly. "I don't think I've ever been so tired. Let's get some sleep now and we can talk in the morning."

Matt frowned, still completely baffled. Women were certainly strange. Becky had been a lustful wanton woman only moments ago and how she was stretched out on her own side of the bed, as stiff as a board.

"I'll be damned!" Matt muttered softly, punching his pillow with his fist, attempting to get comfortable. "I'll be damned!"

Becky heard Matt's muttering and she clasped her hands together desperately, searching for the right words far her prayer. Matt wouldn't be not if she could help it! He was a good man and she'd stay up all night if she had to, praying for his salvation. She'd even swallow her pride and go and talk to Reverend Luke tomorrow. She would hate to admit what had happened, but Reverend Luke would surely know what to do. She'd follow his advice no matter what it was. This awful interference of the Devil in their married life wasn't going to happen again. She would make sure of it. Even if Reverend Luke said that they had to sleep in twin beds, she'd do it. There would be no more shameful sinning after tonight. This disgusting perversion would never be repeated as long as she had the Lord and Reverend Luke on her side.


"I owe you an apology, Judith," Luke said as his wife sat down at the breakfast table. "At first I wasn't going to mention it at all, but it's only right that I promise to you that my disgusting behavior of last night won't happen again."

Judith raised startled eyes to her husband. He looked terrible. There were dark circles under his eyes and he looked like he hadn't had a wink of sleep last night.

"What disgusting behavior?" Judith asked, raising her cup of coffee with a hand that was trembling noticeably. "What are you talking about, Luke?"

"Well…" Luke sighed. "I'm glad you don't remember. I acted like a fool last night and I've vowed not to let it happen again. As a matter of fact, I think it might help if we slept in separate bedrooms."

"Separate bedrooms?" Judith repeated numbly. "But Luke…"

"We have to be strong to avoid temptation," Luke said in his holiest tone of voice. "Just take my word for it, Judith. And don't try to change my mind. This is one time when I'm going to decide what's best for the both of us."

Judith's mouth was still open when Luke went out the door. She closed it with a surprised little gasp and tried to remember what had happened last night to cause all this. She shook her head and smiled a little wistfully. It was really a pity she couldn't remember. It must have been something really super to make Luke suggest separate bedrooms. Yes, it must have been fucking sensational! He hadn't suggested separate bedrooms… he'd ordered them!

Judith had been intending to try to lay off the booze but Luke's startling revelation made her long for one stiff drink. Now that she thought about it, drinking seemed like her only pleasure in life. Luke wasn't even going to sleep in the same room with her any more. This was a fine way to sign the death sentence on their marriage. Even if he hadn't fucked her that often, it still was something to look forward to. Now she had nothing except a bottle and that didn't put out the fire in her lusty pussy. What did her God-fearing husband expect her to do? Act like a nun in a convent?

The more Judith thought about it, the angrier she got. She knew it wouldn't do any good to argue with Luke. He didn't understand her craving for sex anyway. And Luke was the most stubborn man alive, once he'd made up his mind about something. She'd just have to get her kicks another way, if he was going to be so damned straight and proper. It would serve him right if she took another lover right under his nose. He had it coming for not satisfying her himself.

After more than an hour of steady drinking, Judith was ready to climb the walls of the parsonage. She walked over to. Luke's office in the church but he had a note on the door saying that he was out at the hospital, visiting sick members of the congregation. That meant that he wouldn't be home for hours. There was absolutely nothing she could do except to go back to the parsonage and drink some more.

Judith whirled around as she heard the outer door open. Perhaps Luke had forgotten something and he was coming back to pick it up. He might take the time to talk to her if she insisted. She had to find out what really happened last night for her own peace of mind.

"Ooooh, Joe!" Judith squealed. "You… you startled me! I thought you were my husband."

"Sometimes I wish I was," Joe chuckled, staring at the minister's attractive wife. "No, Judith, really… I'm only joking. I just came over to see if the reverend was in. Gloria said the church needed a donation for the new baptismal font."

"Oh… yes, I suppose they do," Judith smiled. "I really don't know, Joe. I guess I'm not a very good minister's wife. I'd better start taking more of an interest in church affairs."

"I don't blame you," Joe grinned. "Church affairs are pretty boring. Other affairs are much more interesting, don't you think?"

"Oh!" Judith gasped, blushing. She could feel how hot her face was and she tried to set her face in a prim, proper expression but it just didn't work. Joe knew that she had understood exactly what he meant.

"You don't seem to be the type of woman to be married to a minister," Joe went on, grinning his maddening grin. "There can't be much excitement for you in church work, Judith. Don't you miss having fun and doing wild things?"

"I…" Judith stammered, trying to think of some way to stop this conversation. Joe was clearly flirting with her and she knew she should turn on her heel and run right back to the safety of the parsonage. That was what she should do, but Judith didn't want to. She did miss fun and excitement being married to Luke. And now she'd miss a lot more than that, after he'd told her they were going to have separate bedrooms this morning. Her anger at Luke made her bold and she smiled back at Joe.

"I miss it, all right," she admitted. "Being married to a minister is boring. I'm not the kind of pious wife Joe wishes I'd be."

"That's just what I thought," Joe chuckled. "Well, seing the reverend's not here, maybe I can help you have a little fun, Judith. What do you say?"

"What kind of fun did you have in mind?" Judith giggled, feeling bold and sexy.

"This for starters," Joe grinned, reaching out to grab her breasts. His fingers tightened on the quivering globes and he rubbed her nipples with his thumbs, sending a thrill of wicked delight through Judith's whole body.

"Mmmmmm," Judith moaned, reaching out hungrily for him. Then they were kissing and his hands were sliding over her body in a delightfully practiced way that made Judith's head spin with lust. Little tingles of excitement made her legs quiver weakly and her nipples were nearly bursting by the time he released her.

"Where?" Joe asked, not even asking her if she wanted more. He knew that the trembling of her body would not be denied. Judith was ready for some first-class fucking and he was just the man to give it to her.

Judith's mind whirled eagerly, trying to think of the safest place. They couldn't do anything here in front of Luke's office and the parsonage was definitely out. If Luke came home early, they'd be caught in either place.