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• Sun drying is the most complicated method of the three but also the cheapest. It requires a climate with 95 to 100 degree F weather and low humidity. Other than that it’s fairly easy. Spread the slices of fruit on a screen for three to four days, and turn once a day. Also, it is very important to bring them inside at night to keep moisture from returning to the fruit, which can allow bacteria and mold to grow. Store them in a dry area with good circulation until morning.

• For dehydrators, simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Storing Dried Fruits

If you want to store your dried fruits long term, the best way is in the freezer. Simply store in a resealable bag or freezer jar, making sure it is airtight.

Another great way to store fruit is by making fruit leather. Fruit leather is basically smashed and liquidized fruit that is heated at high temperatures until boiling and then spread thinly on a large sheet pan and cooled. Instead of buying commercial fruit leather for your kids, you can make your own without added sugars and preservatives. Kids will love the idea of eating fruit they’ve grown at home, too. The following are some basic starter recipes for making homemade fruit leather.

Fruit Leather Recipes

Basic Fruit Leather

Here is a basic recipe that you can easily use for whatever fruit you wish. These instructions are for oven drying; however, if you have a food dehydrator, it is a much easier process.

• Fresh fruit (peaches, plums, berries, apples, pears, grapes, etc.)

• Water

• Lemon juice

• Granulated sugar (if needed)

• Spices such as ground cinnamon and ground nutmeg (these are good with any fruit but are optional)

1. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees F (or 140 degrees if your oven has that setting).

2. When portioning fruit, keep in mind that 4 cups of fruit make approximately one sheet of leather.

3. Rinse and remove any pits, peels, cores, or stems. Always taste the fruit you are using. You may or may not need sugar. If it is sweet, then do not add any extra sweetness. If it is tart, like an apple, then add some sugar when instructed.

4. Place the fruit in a large saucepan. Add ½ cup of water for every 4 cups of chopped fruit. Bring to a simmer, cover, and let cook on a low heat until the fruit is fully cooked.

5. Uncover and stir. Use a potato masher to crush the fruit, or you can process the fruit in a food processor. Taste the fruit and decide whether to add sugar; also determine how much lemon juice or spices to add.

6. It is best to add sugar in small amounts (1 tablespoon at a time if working with 4 cups of fruit) to desired level of sweetness.

7. Add lemon juice 1 teaspoon at a time to help brighten the flavor of the fruit. Add a pinch or two of cinnamon, nutmeg, or other spices to allow the flavor to stand out.

8. Simmer and stir until all the sugar is dissolved and the fruit puree has thickened, usually about 5 to 10 minutes.

9. The puree should be very smooth.

10. Line a baking sheet with microwave-safe plastic wrap. Pour out the puree into the lined baking sheet to a thickness of either 1/8 inch or ¼ inch, depending on how thick you like it.

11. Place the baking sheet in the oven. Check that no plastic wrap is on top of the puree, or it will not dry out correctly.

12. Let the puree remain in the oven until it is dry and has formed a fruit leather. This usually takes 8 to 10 hours. The fruit leather is ready when it is not sticky and the surface is smooth.

13. When the fruit leather is ready, you can easily peel it from the plastic wrap.

14. To store it, simply roll it up in the plastic wrap, put it in an airtight container, and store in the refrigerator or freezer.

Apricot Leather

• 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

• 2 cups pitted and diced fresh apricots

• ½ cup granulated sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees F or the lowest setting available.

2. Combine the lemon juice, apricots, and sugar in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat until the sugar dissolves. Transfer to a blender or food processor, and puree until smooth.

3. Line an 11 x 17–inch pan or cookie sheet with a layer of microwaveable plastic wrap. Pour the pureed fruit onto the wrap and spread evenly, leaving 1 inch clear around the edges.

4. Bake for 4 to 6 hours, leaving the door slightly ajar, until the puree has dried and is no longer sticky.

5. Once dry, you can cut it into strips, wrap it in plastic wrap, and store in an airtight container.

Strawberry Leather

• 1 pound fresh strawberries, halved

• ¼ cup water

• 2 tablespoons granulated sugar (optional)

• 2 tablespoons honey

1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees F.

2. Place the strawberries and water in a saucepan, and bring to a boil. Cook for 3 minutes, until the berries start to soften.

3. Puree the berries with a blender or food processor. Return the puree to the saucepan, stir in the sugar, if needed, and the honey.

4. Cook for an additional 10 minutes or until thick and gooey.

5. Line an 11 x 17–inch pan or cookie sheet with a layer of microwaveable plastic wrap. Pour the pureed fruit onto the wrap and spread evenly, leaving 1 inch clear around the edges.

6. Place in the oven to dry for 3 hours. Turn off the oven and allow the leather to sit overnight, until completely dry.

7. Once dry, you can cut it into strips, wrap it in plastic wrap, and store in an airtight container.

Tropical Fruit Leather

• 4 cups fresh pineapple chunks

• 4 cups fresh mango, flesh only

• 1 cup fresh coconut flesh

• 4 whole bananas, peeled

• 1 cup water

• 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice

• 2 tablespoons granulated sugar

1. Place all of the ingredients in a blender or food processor and puree. Put into a large saucepan and cook on medium heat until mixture comes to a slow simmer. Cook at a simmer until the sugar is completely dissolved and the fruit mixture starts to get thick, approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

2. Remove from the heat and allow to cool for a few minutes. Taste it to make sure that it’s sweet enough and add a bit more sugar if you’d like.

3. Smear in a thin ?to ¼-inch thick layer onto your dehydrator’s fruit leather sheets (these can be purchased if your dehydrator didn’t come with them).

4. Dehydrate at 140 degrees F for 6 to 8 hours. The leather will dry from the outside edges in and will be done when it holds its shape and peels off the plastic freely.

Spiced Apple Rings

• 15 medium apples

• 2 tablespoons lemon juice

• ½ cup granulated sugar