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"That's all we can ask," Eiah said.

Maati thought he heard Small Kae mutter, I could ask more than that, but

he was too busy pulling the plank into position to respond. It was a

tricky business, guiding all three women into the boat, but Maati and

the second managed it, soaking only Small Kae's hem. Maati, when at last

he pulled himself onto the boat, was cold water and black mud from waist

to boots. He made his miserable way to the stern, sitting as near the

kiln as the boatman would allow. Eiah called out for him, following the

sound of his voice until she sat at his side. The boatman and his second

wouldn't speak to either of them or meet Maati's eyes. The second walked

to the bow, manipulated something Maati couldn't make out, and called

out. The boatman replied, and the boat shifted, its wheel clattering and

pounding. They lurched out into the stream.

They were leaving Vanjit behind. The only poet in the world, her andat

on her hip, alone in the forest with autumn upon them. What would she

do? How would she live, and if she despaired, what vengeance would she

exact upon the world? Maati looked at the dancing flames within the kiln.

"South would be faster," Maati said. The boatman glanced at him,

shrugged, and sang out something Maati couldn't make out. The second

called back, and the boatman turned the rudder. The sound of the paddle

wheel deepened, and the boat lurched.

"Uncle?" Eiah asked.

"It's all fallen apart," Maati said. "We can't manage this from here.

Tracking her through half the wilds south of Utani? We need men. We need


"Help," Eiah said, as if he'd suggested pulling down the stars. Maati

tried to speak, but something equally sorrow and rage closed his throat.

He muttered an obscenity and then forced the words free.

"We need Otah-kvo," Maati said.


"Will you go back?" Ana asked. "When this is over, I mean."

"It depends on what you mean by over," Idaan said. "You mean once my

brother talks the poets into bringing back all the dead in Galt and

Chaburi-Tan, rebuilding the city, killing the pirates, and then

releasing the andat and drowning all their books? Because if that's what

overlooks like, you're waiting for yesterday."

Otah shifted, pretending he was still asleep. The sun of late morning

warmed his face and robes, the low chuckle of the river against the

sides of the boat and the low, steady surge of the paddle wheel became a

kind of music. It had been easy enough to drowse, but his body ached and

pinched and complained despite three layers of tapestry between his back

and the deck. If he rose, there would be conversations and planning and

decisions. As long as he could maintain the fiction of unconsciousness,

he could allow himself to drift. It passed poorly for comfort, but it


"You can't think we'll be chasing these people for the rest of our

lives, though," Ana said.

"I'm hoping we live longer than that, yes," Idaan said. "So. If this

ends in a way that lets me return to him, then I will. I enjoy Cehmai's


"And he'll take you back in, even after you've been gone this long?"

Otah could hear the smile in Idaan's voice when she replied.

"He's overlooked worse from me. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know," Ana said. And then a moment later, "Because I'm trying

to imagine it. What the world will be. I've never traveled outside Galt

before, except one negotiation in Eymond. I keep thinking of going back

to it. Acton. Kirinton. But it's not there anymore."

"Not the way it was," Idaan agreed. "We can't be sure how bad it is, but

I'll swear it isn't good."

The silence was only a lack of voices. The river, the birds, the wind

all went on with their long, inhuman conversation. It wasn't truly

silence, it only felt that way.

"I think about what I would do without all of you," Ana said. "And then

I imagine ... What would you do if a city caught fire and no one could

see it? How would you put it out?"

"You wouldn't," Idaan said. Her voice was cool and matter-of-fact.

"I think about that," Ana said. "I think about it more now. The future,

the things that can go wrong. Dangers. I wonder if that always happens


Idaan had made a clicking sound, tongue against teeth.

"You're not fooling anyone, brother," Idaan said. "We all know you're


Otah rolled onto his back, his eyes still closed, and took a pose of

abject denial. Idaan chuckled. He opened his eyes to the great pale blue

dome of the sky, the sun burning white overhead and searing his eyes. He

sat up slowly, his back as bruised as if someone had beaten him.

Ashti Beg lay a few yards off, her arm curved under her to cradle her

sleeping head. Two armsmen sat at either side of their boat with pairs

at the stern and the bow, keeping watch on the changeless river. Danat

had joined the watchers at the bow and seemed to be having a

conversation with them. It was good to see it. Otah had been concerned

after his disappearance at the wayhouse that Danat and the captain of

the guard might have found themselves on bad terms. Danat seemed to be

making it his work to see that didn't happen.

The boat itself was smaller than Otah would have chosen, but the kilns

at the back were solid, the wheel new, and the alternatives had been

few. When there are only three boats on the riverfront, even being

emperor won't create a fourth. Ana and Idaan were sitting side by side

on a shin-high bench, their hands clasped.

It was something Otah had noticed before, the tendency of Ana and Ashti

Beg to touch people. As if the loss of their eyes had left them hungry

for something, and this lacing of fingers was the nearest they could come.

"You both look lovely," Otah said.

"Your hair looks like mice have been building a nest in it," Idaan said.

Otah confirmed her assessment with his fingertips. The fact of the

matter was that none of them was presentable. Too many weeks on the road

bathing with rags and tepid water had left them looking disrep utable.

Somewhere just east of Pathai, they had been joined by a colony of lice

that still took up their evenings. Otah imagined walking into the

palaces at Utani as he now was and smiled.

He walked to the edge of the boat where a bucket and rope stood ready

for moments like this. With the armsmen looking on, he lowered the line

himself and hauled up the water. When he knelt and poured it over his

head, it was as if he could feel ice forming in his mind. He whooped and

shuddered, pulling his hair back. Idaan, behind him, was laughing. He

made his way back to them, Ana holding out a length of cloth for him to

take and dry himself.