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“Sorry,” Og slurred, a wounded and contrite expression on his ruddy face. “There is no greater tragedy than a spilled drink. It breaks the heart.” He raised his own tankard, brimming with foamy beer, and said cheerily, “Still, my pint was saved. Be grateful for small mercies.” Unseen by the women, Og winked at Brendan and staggered away, leaving Brendan with the impression that the spillage had not been entirely an accident. He decided to take the opportunity to speak.

“Listen,” he said. “This is all really interesting and everything, but I really just want to go back to my parents. I don’t want anything to do with any trouble. I just want to be a normal kid, go to school, and hang out with my friends, you know? So thanks for the story but I’m going home. Put the Ward back on me and make it stick this time.”

His speech was greeted by uncomfortable silence. He looked at Kim, but she was inordinately concerned with mopping up beer. Deirdre was silent too. She looked at him sadly.

Ariel broke the silence. “I’m afraid that isn’t possible, Breandan.”

“Why not?”

“Orcadia and others like her know where you are now. They would never leave you in peace. They see you as the rebirth of their hero, Briach Morn. They will either turn you to their purposes or kill you.”

“That’s crazy!” Brendan cried. “Kill me? Turn me? I didn’t even know this guy Morn existed until today!”

“It doesn’t matter to them,” Kim interjected. “Your family would be in danger from them, too. Your Human family, I mean. A Ward of the type Morn wrought cannot be renewed. We have not the Art. Your Human parents will see that you have changed. You are Faerie now, and it will become more and more obvious that you are not like them. Certainly, you could disguise yourself using glamours but sooner or later, they would learn of your true nature.”

Ariel nodded agreement. “The best choice you have is to join your true people. Only we can protect you and keep you safe.”

Brendan sat in stunned silence. How was this possible? Only two days ago, everything was fine. He was a nerd in Nerd School with an annoying sister and his kooky parents and everything was completely normal. He hadn’t realized how happy he’d been. He felt an overwhelming sadness numb his soul. He wanted to cry, partly from sadness and partly from frustration. He hadn’t asked for any of this. What right did they have to completely destroy his life?

“Never mind them,” Deirdre said lightly. “I promise you, you won’t miss them once you get to know your true family. You will come and live with me. I’ll teach you my Art. We’ll have such a good time together.”

Her tone was so glib and heartless that it made Brendan furious. He felt a rage swell in his chest. He glared at Deirdre and pointed a finger, quivering with emotion, saying in a harsh voice he hardly recognized, “You. Shut. Up.”

Deirdre D’Anaan’s face went rigid. She tried to open her mouth, but it was as though her lips were glued shut. Her eyes went wide. Her face flushed with fury. Fith, sitting on her shoulder, mirrored her distress and anger. He opened his mouth and keened loudly.

73 Indeed, as explained earlier, Ward’s Island is not an island at all but only a part of Centre Island. This is not the only weird thing about the Toronto Islands. The Centre Island Amusement Park is not even on Centre Island but on Middle Island. Again, Islanders are odd people.


“Did I do that?” Brendan whispered in astonishment.

The crowd erupted in astonished chatter. Voices shouted out, “He Compelled her! The Great Deirdre D’Anaan.”

“How is it possible?”

“He hasn’t been initiated. How could he place a Compulsion on her?”

Ariel seemed as amazed as the rest. “It would appear that you have your father’s temper as well as his power. You have Compelled her to silence.”

Kim crowed with laughter. “Oh, that is just beautiful! I never thought I’d see the day. The Great Deirdre D’Anaan unable to say a word. So sweet!”

Deirdre glared at Kim.

“I did that?”

“Yes, Breandan,” Ariel said sternly. “And it is no small thing. You must understand that you have great power. You must be careful.”

“I didn’t mean to do it,” Brendan cried. “I was… I dunno. I was angry.”

Kim laughed again. “Honestly? I’ve wanted her to shut up for about a hundred years or so.” Deirdre greeted Kim’s comment with a hiss through gritted teeth that was echoed by a hiss from Fith. Kim ignored Deirdre and went on. “He’s been doing this all day. He sent a Human packing at the school this morning, and he almost did the same with Orcadia in the Undertown.”

Ariel’s eyebrows went up in mild surprise. Brendan got the impression that little ever surprised the thin Faerie. “You are manifesting many abilities. This is fascinating and dangerous. Obviously, your blood is strong.”

“He also exhibited control over a flock of sparrows. It was quite amazing,” Kim added. “He’s full of surprises, is our Breandan.”

“Most of us exhibit one Gift, Breandan,” Ariel explained. “You are displaying a most amazing variety. Compulsion and Communion with Beasts are two very different disciplines of the Art. There are others. Leonard is a shape-shifter. Saskia is a Warp Warrior. 74 Perhaps you will exhibit more talents?”

Everyone looked at him appraisingly. Even Deirdre ceased her attempts at speech. Blushing, he said, “I just want to go back to my family and my life.”

Deirdre and Ariel exchanged a look. Kim just studied the tabletop, tracing the grain of the wood with her fingertip.

Og had been hovering nearby. “I don’t think ye’ve understood what ye’ve heard, me lad. What’s learnt can’t be unlearnt. There ain’t no going back. You are what you are, my son. You aren’t Human and you never were.” Brendan looked at him in disbelief. Og shrugged. “You can no more go back to being Human than I could turn into a fish and swim away. We are what we are. And you, my son, are a Faerie.” He took a slug of his beer and belched profoundly. “Simple as that.”

Brendan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Is he right?”

Ariel smiled sadly. “I’m afraid so. But it isn’t such a terrible thing. Being a Faerie is a great gift.”

Never go back? Never? He felt hollowed out. All the running, all the terror and revelations of the past hours crushed down on his shoulders like a heavy weight.

“Breandan.” Ariel’s voice roused him from his stupor. “I know this is hard for you. None of us wished it to be this way. Know first and foremost, you are welcome among us. You are not alone.”

Brendan looked up into the pale face of Ariel and saw sympathy in the ancient eyes. He looked at Kim and saw her familiar half smile. Deirdre was silent, of course, but her eyes held his. He turned his gaze upon the gathered patrons of the Swan of Liir and felt their anticipation, as though this was a moment they had been waiting for, something they never dreamed would happen. He sighed and swallowed hard around a lump in his throat.

“How do I undo the… Compulsion- Thingy?” He jerked his head toward Deirdre.

“A Compulsion is a sincere wish given force,” Ariel said. “To remove it, an equally sincere wish is required.”

Brendan frowned. He looked at Deirdre and thought for a moment. She is my mother’s sister. She is one of the few true flesh and blood family members I have in the world. I wish I could ask her about my mother. I wish… “What was my mother like?” he said.

Deirdre shuddered and breathed deeply. She smiled and spoke. “She was half of my heart. She was beautiful. You remind me of her. I’m sorry I removed the Ward but I was just so happy to find you. Don’t think ill of me. I acted out of love.” Deirdre’s eyes were shining with tears. “You have her smile.”

Brendan knew she meant what she said. He felt the truth in her voice. “I’m sorry I told you to shut up.”

Deirdre laughed, and it was a sound that lifted his heart despite his sadness. “No harm done, darling boy.” She reached out and ran the back of her fingers over his cheek, and he felt tears smart once again in his eyes. “Who knows?” Deirdre said, her eyes shining. “Perhaps you have the talents of a Weaver, too, like me. Or maybe you will be a Healer, like your mother.”