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He thought again of his Human mother at home, probably worried sick about him. He had always felt awkward and clumsy. He had never had any great talent. His father had tried to teach him music. His mother had introduced him to art. He had never been able to give them the satisfaction of being adept at either. Now he knew that he hadn’t really belonged there, and the pain of it was deep. Now he had found his people.

But was that really true? Surely, whomever you love is your family. He shouldn’t have to choose. These people may have a claim on him, but his mother and father had been there for his whole life. They had loved him and cared for him when he was sick, and taught him to be the person he was. He made a decision then and there: whatever happened, he would never leave them behind.

He squared his shoulders. “Now what? What’s next? I can’t stay here and hide from Orcadia forever. Tell me what I have to do.”

The Faeries at the table seemed to release a collective sigh of relief.

“I think you’re making a wise choice.” Deirdre smiled gently, grasping Brendan’s hand. “And we all know it is a difficult one.”

“So what do I have to do?” Brendan asked.

“The first thing is to get your wild talents under control.” Ariel stood. “You must be initiated.”

“Initiated?” Brendan balked. “Is this gonna hurt or what?”

Ariel laughed and so did many of those watching. “Not at all. Usually, it happens long before a Faerie reaches your age. There is no pain.” He extended his hand. “I will need the amulet, however.”

Brendan looked at him blankly. “What amulet?”

“When a Faerie child is born, his parents place a portion of their essence into a token of some kind. The token is then kept close until the child comes of age, when it is integrated into the essence of the child. Thus we ensure continuity from generation to generation. The child knows the parents on a deeper level and becomes fully awake to the world. In your case, the Artificers forged an amulet. It carried the spark of both Briach Morn and Bir-Gidha.”

“It is all that is left of my sister. Now it will become part of you,” Deirdre said softly.

“I don’t have an amulet,” Brendan said.

“It was wrought of gold, inset with gem stones. Inscribed with your name in the Ancient tongue: Breandan,” Ariel said.

“I’ve never had anything like that.”

Ariel sat back down. “This is not ideal.”

Deirdre gripped Brendan’s arm. “You’re sure? Think hard now. Your Human parents never mentioned anything like it?”

Brendan shook his head. “Nope.”

“Great!” Kim threw her hands up. “He lost it.”

“I didn’t lose it! I never had it!”

“He couldn’t lose it,” Ariel said. “It’s linked to him. It could only be stolen and then only by someone of the Blood.”

“Hold it.” Brendan held up his hands. “I don’t get it. Why do I need this thing? Can’t I just get initiated or whatever without it?’

“No.” Deirdre shook her head. “Not possible.”

“You need the token before you can become fully fledged,” Ariel said. “Until you find it, you will be vulnerable to anyone who chooses to strike you down. You will never be safe until you have it back.”

“Whoo-hoo!” Og shouted, raising his glass. “A Quest!”

The crowd raised their glasses and cheered. Something in their tone made Brendan’s heart sink.

“Oh no,” he groaned.

Kim smirked. “Oh no is right.”

74 Warp Warriors are a bizarre phenomenon. They are formidable with weapons and have the added bonus of being able to teleport minute distances. These tiny spatial shifts make them very difficult to strike. Many Human legends of invincible heroes were based on the exploits of Faerie Warp Warriors: Achilles, Beowulf, and Lancelot are typical examples. Many modern Warp Warriors end up pursuing careers in professional sports.


The Quest

Yet Another Note from the Narrator

Ha! You thought that the whole story would wrap up at the Swan, didn’t you! Fools! Burned you! There is at least another third of the story to go!

I mean, honestly! You are holding the book in your hands. There is still a wad of pages ahead of you. Did you think they were just blank pages put there to deceive you? That would be a horrible waste of paper, and I am anything if not conscious of environmental issues.

Or did you think I’d merely doodled little pictures on all the remaining pages? Certainly, my doodling is renowned in World Doodling Circles. In fact, I was once torn between pursuing a career in doodling and being a narrator, but in the end, I decided that the world would be a darker place without me to narrate the important stories.

So, no doodles. Just more story. Brendan has already gone through a great deal of struggle, but there is always more struggling to do. Life is worthless without struggle. Struggling is also a good source of cardiovascular exercise. I struggle three times a week and I’m as fit as a horse. Well, not a horse. Perhaps a small shaggy pony. But I’m fit and that’s the important thing.

Without further ado, let us get on with the story.


“A Quest!” Og had cried, delighted. Something about his giddy exclamation had filled Brendan with dread. He looked to Ariel for an explanation.

The ancient Faerie seemed uncomfortable for the first time since their conversation had begun. He pursed his lips and sighed. “Oh, dear.”

“Oh, dear what?” Brendan demanded. “What, oh dear? What does he mean, ‘a quest’?”

“You have lost your token. You must find it or forever be banished from the presence of the Fair Folk,” Ariel explained.

“Lost it?” Brendan said, incredulous. “I’ve never even seen it before. How could I have lost it? How am I supposed to find this thing? I don’t even know what it looks like!”

“When you were taken and hidden among the People of Metal, your father would have given you the amulet. No one could have taken it from you unless they were Faerie.”

“Again,” Brendan said through gritted teeth. “Anyone could have taken it. I was a baby. A Faerie could have easily taken it. How could I stop them?”

“No Faerie could have found you. You were under a Ward,” Ariel insisted. “A powerful glamour forged by one of the strongest of our kind shielded you from Faerie eyes. Now that the Ward is removed, your true nature will be revealed to Humans. Perhaps more dangerous is that you will be visible to Orcadia and those who follow her. You will be vulnerable until you find your token and undergo the initiation.”

“Who could expect me to be able to hold onto an amulet?” Brendan was totally exasperated. “I was an infant! Anybody could have taken it from me. Haven’t you ever heard the expression ‘Easy as taking candy from a baby’? Well, just substitute amulet for candy and you see my point.”

“If it were just any amulet, I would agree,” Ariel said. “However, this amulet had its own Wards as well, attuned to you. It would be invisible to Human eyes. Only another Faerie could have removed it from you and to do so would bring dire punishment, should the theft be discovered.”

“So some other Faerie took it. Maybe they destroyed it.”

“If they had,” Og interjected, “you would be dead.”

Kim nodded soberly. “Og is right. It contained an essential part of you within it. If it were broken or destroyed, you would perish.”

Brendan felt a chill pass over his heart. “I hope it’s a sturdy, high-quality item,” he said in a dry tone that hid his anxiety.

“Of course it is,” Og declared. He thumped his chest and burped loudly. “Made it myself, didn’t I?”