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When I returned, I brought her the water on my knees and waited with my head bowed. Lynn put the glass aside and beckoned me closer. “Spread your legs wide, slut."

I was kneeling before her and between her boots now, and she reached between my legs and played with the clip.

“Oh, please, Dr. Jeffries, please touch me,” I whimpered as the spasms tore through my groin. I doubled up. “Oh, God, please."

“I should make you do yourself,” she remarked, looking down at me.

“Please let me feel your leather,” I begged. “Please."

Lynn reached between my legs again, caught the clip with her fingers and eased it off. “You know what happens now, of course. But only if I touch you.” She tossed the clip on the table and sat back, looking at me.

“What do you want me to do? I'll do anything,” I begged, desperate. I had been on the verge for what seemed like hours.

Lynn pulled me close and began to tease my nipples with her gloved fingers. I squirmed and wet myself even more as she tortured me ever so gently. She eased her tongue into my mouth and let me suck it. She did everything I wanted except to touch my clit, which felt hugely swollen.

Then she stroked, just once, and let go of me. The orgasm was like a shock wave and I collapsed on the floor at her feet. “Lick my boots while you come,” she demanded, and I slobbered all over them uncontrollably, smooth and slightly bitter to my tongue. I ground my hips against the floor and rolled back and forth as I gobbled her leather. I started to reach between my legs for more sensation, but she was quicker than I. She let me have a good swift kick to my bicep that felt like an electric shock and she warned me, “Don't you dare touch yourself. Get up!” As soon as I had struggled to my knees again, she stroked my clit once more and knocked me flat on my face to lick her boots again, and she did it to me again and again until I couldn't move, couldn't come, couldn't even breathe.

In those moments, she made me completely dependent on her touch, and made sure I knew that no matter how small she was, no matter how often she came to my room to be dominated herself, I was her property, and even my own clit didn't belong to me.

As I lay still on the carpet, blinking up at her, Lynn stood over me, rested her boot on my throat and said, “Never touch yourself without my permission, Jane. If I ever find out you've been masturbating, you won't come for a month. All of your orgasms belong to me. Is that clear?"

“Yes, Dr. Jeffries,” I told her, stroking her boot. “I belong to you. You're the boss."

Her smile was benevolent. “Good girl."

Chapter Sixteen

By Monday evening, Lynn returned the approved list of guests I could invite to meet her. To my surprise, all the people I had suggested were acceptable, but I guessed that was because I had cut it down myself. There were some people with whom Lynn just wouldn't be able to interact comfortably. She was just too high octane for the average person, period.

Her approval didn't mean I wasn't a nervous wreck about the whole situation. Just because Lynn was coming to meet my friends didn't mean it would be enjoyable. She was making a concession and wasn't at all certain it was safe or that these people were her intellectual equals. She was right about the latter. I had never met anyone who was. I had three computer experts, two social workers and a retired music teacher coming, and while they were all nice, normally intelligent people, I knew that in Lynn I had a genius by the tail.

So I warned my six friends, two couples and two singles, that Lynn was nervous and could be a bit of a snob and to try to just go with it, and we could dissect the whole thing later among ourselves. They were sweet about it, having all been closeted at some point in their lives, so that was that.

Saturday arrived, and in fact, Lynn had stayed over with me and we had had made love deliciously on Friday night and again Saturday morning. It seemed when she was there with me, all bets about dominance and submission were off. She seemed to prefer to do scenes in her house and just be lovers in mine. That was fine with me. It made for an easy transition into the afternoon's activities.

And Lynn was very gracious and welcoming, basically taking over and doing all the hosting, which was great as social graces are no strength of mine. My friends kind of gaped to find such an attractive creature sharing my space, running the show and being my lover. Out of respect for Lynn's privacy, I didn't tell any of them exactly what it was that brought us together.

Lacking a pool, I had some sprinklers and water cannon and we played stupid water games until Lynn called us to eat. I hadn't thought she would lower herself to play with us, and I was right.

Lynn served everyone's steak, burgers and chicken, and they were all perfect. Then she sat and amused us with stories of her travels or of teaching, listened to the others, cracked jokes or laughed at them where appropriate, and generally just charmed everyone. Finally, though, she excused herself and when I walked her to the door, she begged off seeing me until the next weekend because she had already given up so much time that she was behind in her various obligations.

“That's okay, Lynn. You spent a heck of a lot of time here, and Paprika was alone again. You do what you have to do. How about next Friday?"

Lynn nodded. “I need to check my calendar, but probably. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

“No problem, Mistress,” I whispered, and because we were still inside the closed front door, we kissed. “Mmmm, you were great. I think they're all very impressed,” I whispered in her ear.

“What matters to me is that you're impressed,” she growled. Then she pulled back. “I have to go, baby. I'll call."

When I went back outside, they were all waiting.

“Jane, you are so lucky!” said Nancy. She was in and out of a new relationship every month.

“God, yes,” Matt said. “Don't let her get away."

“She is gonna be so much better for you than Lucille,” Susan told me. “Just don't go and scare her off."

“Scare her off how?” I asked, sitting down beside her.

“Don't push her for a commitment. She is very much her own woman. If you really, really want this to last, take your time,” Susan advised me.

John, Matt's partner, was nodding. “You say she's been married three times, and to men. If this is her first serious relationship with a woman, she's gonna be very jumpy. Give her lots of space."

I agreed. “Lynn is worth waiting for and there's no rush. She can have all the time she needs.” Then we started gossiping about our other acquaintances and I didn't worry the least bit about my future with Lynn. What I knew, and they didn't, was that Lynn thought she was just as lucky to have found me.

Lynn called the next evening as promised, but she said, “I know I usually come there Friday, but would you come here for a change?"

“Whatever you say, Dr. Jeffries."

“Good. Shall we say 7:30?"

“Yes, ma'am,” I agreed. Whatever she wanted.

We chatted no more than five minutes before she made her usual excuse of work and hung up. I thought nothing of that or of not hearing from her for the whole week. That was quite normal for Lynn.

Of course, after only glancing at her for 30 seconds every afternoon, and no longer being allowed to touch myself, had me in quite a state by Friday evening. I had no idea if she masturbated, and frankly, I hoped she did because that would be her privilege.

Right before I left the house, she called. “I'm going to leave the front door open for you,” she whispered. “Close it and come back to my bedroom."

I almost wet myself on the spot. That meant she would be dominant, even though all my stuff was there and we usually did scenes in “my” room. “Yes, ma'am, Lynn.” She hung up and I drove very, very carefully to her home, my hands wet with sweat on the wheel, thinking about what she might do to me.