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When I got to the house, only one light was on. It was eerie and very exciting. I practically tiptoed down the hall and knocked on the door of her bedroom.

The bed was made up with black satin sheets and candles burned on every surface. In the center of the bed reclined my mistress, also arrayed in black satin, including sling-back high heels. I fell on my knees in the doorway. “Oh, my God,” I breathed, and I prostrated myself on the floor.

Lynn was ravishing by candlelight, and she knew it. She took her sweet time about addressing her slave.

“Crawl here,” she finally said, a note of boredom in her voice. She looked down at me. “Did you touch yourself this week?"

I swallowed. I knew better than to lie, “Yes, but I didn't come."

“Were you wet?"

“Several times. I think of making love to you and I get wet,” I said, certain she was well aware of it.

“I thought of your tongue inside me and I came,” Lynn remarked. “Several times."

“I'm glad for you, Dr. Jeffries. I want you to come as much as you wish,” I assured her quickly.

“Good, slave. An excellent attitude.” She shifted on the bed. “Kneel and suck my toes while I think about what to do with you. You may have been obedient, but that doesn't mean you don't need discipline."

“Yes, Dr. Jeffries,” I agreed. I positioned myself so that I could remove her shoes, which peeked out from the hem of her gown, and I began to caress her feet with my lips and tongue. Lynn used her remote to turn her TV on and pretended to ignore my ministrations, although we both knew she wouldn't be able to pull that off for very long.

Soon Lynn's breathing deepened and the remote dropped from her hand. She began to twist on the smooth bedclothes. I lavished attention on each tiny toe with its groomed and polished nail. If ever one had to kiss feet, Lynn's would be the most appealing. Because she was so turned on by this, I couldn't help but be turned on, too. I looked up at her, arching, moaning, her skin aglow, and I knew there was no one more fortunate than me.

“Mmmmmm, Dr. Jeffries,” I murmured against the skin of her instep, and I tenderly licked the sole of each foot.

She flicked her robe open. “Get up here,” she growled, and when I complied, she yanked my face down into her pussy and kept me there for a very long time.

Lynn hardly moved and barely made a sound while she came. Each time she climaxed, she would shudder deeply and sigh, and then lie still until I brought her to orgasm again. Her pleasure filling my mouth was heavenly. Although I had not come all week, and she had, I was content to lie on my face between her legs and get her off for as long as she could stand it.

Eventually, however, Lynn gently raised my head from her soft folds. I looked up at her and she smiled. “Was that good for you?” she asked.

“Yes, thank you, Dr. Jeffries,” I said. Only she could understand how much it meant to me to love her like that.

“Good. Get down on the floor,” she ordered.

“If you want to come, you'll do it yourself,” she said. “Kneel, look up at me and masturbate. I'll give you, let's see, three minutes, and you may come as much as you can until your time is up."

I really, really wanted her to touch me, but I also loved the way she was exercising control over me. I spread my thighs, entered myself with my fingers and looked up into her eyes. I realized how idiotic, helpless and ridiculous I looked doing this, because I had made her do it in the dungeon. It was humiliating to be used, to not be touched, and then to be so desperate to come that I would do it to myself on my knees to my mistress in her bed.

It was also extremely exciting, and so very easy to come while I adored her. She had her eye on the clock on the VCR, so I rubbed my aching clit quickly and, although I almost fell over when the first orgasm struck me, I kept on going and released some more of the pent-up need I had been suffering with all week.


Instantly I yanked my hand out of my twat and knelt there, panting, head down, exhausted.

“Clean yourself up and then you may lie at my feet on the bed,” Lynn directed, turning the volume back up.

I did as she said, returning to her and lying down quietly, feeling the soles of her feet against my hip. I would have been glad to stay there all night, and as it turned out, that was precisely what she had in mind.

In the morning, Lynn used me the same way again, although we had done other things throughout the evening, including having supper and swimming. But she did make me sleep at her feet all night and pleasure her in the morning just like the slave I wanted to be. I loved it. I had finally spent the night in her house. That left only two things on my list of things to do: going out in public and meeting her friends.

That was why I asked her, after we made love and were eating breakfast, “So, when can we go out dancing?"

“Where in the world can women go dancing?” Lynn asked, laughing. She was new to the concept and didn't realize the extent of the gay community.

I told her about the various events and locations and suggested the first dance of the summer at the beach in a couple of weeks.

She was quiet for a while and finally shook her head. “Jane, I can't."

“You're afraid of meeting people who know you and who might out you?” I guessed.

“Yes, among other things,” she agreed.

“Dinner and a movie, then?"

“I… really don't see how I can explain that to parents and so on. I mean, why would the principal be socializing with the janitor? It would set tongues wagging. I can't afford that."

“Well, how about something here, where I finally get to meet your friends?” I tried.

“It's the same situation. They don't know I'm with a woman; I don't want them to know, and there's no other reason for me to have the janitor as my guest,” Lynn said. “Jane, you need to understand as long as we are in the positions we now occupy, our relationship can't go any further than this.” She reached across the table. “I hate to have to put it so bluntly, and I know it must seem cruel, but I'm in a bind. I love you and I don't want to hurt you, but this is as much as I can offer, at least for the foreseeable future."

I looked at my hand lying under hers on the rose linen tablecloth and then I withdrew it. “So, we're back to you being a snob again. Why can't you tell them you discovered I'm a writer, and we simply became friends as a result?"

“No. They would expect me to mentor you but not to be your friend. I wouldn't even care if they knew I had a friend who is a janitor, but they wouldn't stop there. They would want to know more, or they would think they already knew, and word would get around, and suddenly I'm out of a job. I'm not going there. I worked too hard for this. I have too much to lose."

I could see by her heightened color that she was getting very agitated, but we had come too far to turn back. “So it comes down to choosing basically to be your slave in private, or be nothing,” I summed it up.

Lynn shook her head and reached for my hand again. I let her. “Jane, you're not just my slave. We are friends and lovers put in a nasty position by society. There are a lot of things we can't do, it's true! But why not concentrate on and enjoy what we can share?"

I moved my chair around to sit next to her. “Lynn, I told you I wasn't living a lie anymore. Lucille and lots of others got over this fear and you can, too, or else you move on to where you don't have to be afraid. I'll gladly move to another school so it isn't as obvious, and we can emphasize my writing over my day job. There must be a safe job for you somewhere."

“No! I'm established here. I've arrived. This is where I want to be; this is where I'm a woman of substance. I have authority, autonomy and a reputation I'm not going to give up. Accept it, or don't!"

She threw down her napkin and stood up. “I think you'd better go now. I have work to do.” Her eyes blazed at me.