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“Come in!” I said harshly to set her up for the scene.

The door opened and Lynn peeked in, looking apprehensive. She was naked, of course. I pointed to the floor at my feet. She did a nosedive, prostrating herself with her face to my boots. I knew she wanted to kiss them. I could see her trembling with excitement.

“You may greet me, slut,” I grunted.

With a groan of relief, she threw her arms around my legs, opened her mouth and began licking my boots in broad, hungry strokes. It seems I could almost feel the warmth of her breath and tongue as she attempted to eat my boots right off me.

“Oh, God, Major, I missed you so much,” she said, and I realized she was crying, just as I had when she received me as her slave the day before in her bedroom. It was a wonder we managed to switch at all, so great was our need to be submissive, and to have someone strong to whom to surrender completely. No wonder, however, that neither of us had been able to give up on the other. It would seem that love does find a way.

“It's all right, Lynn. Take your time,” I said gently. Dominance isn't mean, it's a kindness to those of us who need it.

She licked and kissed until she had calmed down and was purring happily, her face against my instep. It was time to lead her further into subspace.

“Up on your knees, Lynn,” I ordered, gentle as ever, and she responded gracefully, waiting patiently for my next command.

I took out a thick black bandana, folded it and used it to blindfold her. “This should be tight, but not uncomfortable,” I said.

She reached up and tested it. “It's good,” she confirmed.

“Now Lynn, you've probably been very bad since we were last together. I'll bet you've abused your staff and made sarcastic remarks to students and ignored parents and a lot of other nasty, bitchy things, the way you always do when you don't have enough discipline. You probably spend hours masturbating in your office when you should be working. Don't bother to confess them all to me; it would take all day. I'm just going to administer the punishment we both know you deserve. Come here,” I said, taking her hand and helping her to her feet. I positioned her across the bed on her stomach and took out my paddle.

“Do you recognize this?” I asked, tracing her ass cheeks with it.

“Is it… the paddle?” she asked breathlessly.

“Very good, and now I'm going to spank your beautiful little fanny until it blisters,” I said, and I let her have it.

I had her bouncing all over the bed, wriggling and squirming under the assault of the polished wood. Her backside reddened nicely to a rosy glow and I could smell her musk.

“Oh! Ow! Please stop, Major! I can't take any more. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Don't beat me! I'll be good! Ow!” She screamed and begged, but we both knew how much she was enjoying it. Lynn never came anywhere near using her safe word when she was getting a good paddling. In fact, I thought if I kept on long enough, she might have come just from being spanked, but she did have to be able to move with relative ease and sit down at work the next day. Time to switch to a new tactic.

“Get down on the floor, Lynn,” I told her.

She slid to her knees and waited, panting with exhilaration and arousal, to see what I would do next. From the bathroom, I brought out a large, coarse terrycloth towel and yanked the bedclothes down. She looked confused at the sounds I was making. I spread the towel on the sheets and ordered her, “Open my pants, slave."

Lynn crawled right over and did it by feel, kissing my pussy without permission, but I let it slide. “Get in bed on your back,” I said. I mounted her and began to grind my hips down into her, which in turn caused the rough towel to scrub her hot, sore backside.

She yowled. “Oh, Jesus, that hurts!"

“Too bad. Get me off, and do it nice and slow, so you can feel that towel scraping the skin off your ass.” I kissed her harshly, making her writhe with desire. Lynn's hand worked up between my legs and she began a slow, sensuous massage of my clit with her fingers. I sighed and she calmed down a bit, making me think she wasn't suffering enough. I got up.

“What's wrong?” she asked, sounding scared.

“Oh, I just don't think you're getting your money's worth this way. Too easy on you.” I pulled my harness out of the dresser drawer and strapped it on, inserting my largest dildo. “What are you doing?” She was more apprehensive than if she had seen the thing, although it was a whopper.

I got back on top of her and eased it in slowly, although Lynn was so wet and open there was no chance of causing her any discomfort. She welcomed it, and then I began to hump and grind, slow enough to make it last, hard enough to make it hurt. As she moved and moaned under me, I realized I was missing a good deal by not being able to see her eyes and I removed the blindfold. She blinked and smiled up at me, making my heart contract with love. I knew there were women who were technically, classically, more beautiful than she, but I didn't want any of them, only Lynn. I stayed away from her clit so she wouldn't come, and I would. Would I ever! And I would make her feel every spasm in her pussy and ass.

“Move! Make your ass rotate like it's full of ball-bearings,” I told her. “Do a good job and you may get to come sometime this week."

She put her hands down flat on the bed and began to hump up against me. Her eyes were glazed with lust, and it was a beautiful sight. I leaned down and kissed her, letting her do all the work, barely moving except to remind her what she was there for. I gave her a good, hard thrust once in a while, to make the chills run up and down her spine as if I might actually let her come. But she knew better, deep down, nor did she want to come so soon.

“Oh, Jesus, Major,” she groaned. “Oh, I wanna feel you come. Fuck me… fuck me… mmmmm… oh, pleeeeease."

I had that wonderful feeling once again that I was just what she had always wanted and I moved enough to keep her excited and moving. I mostly gave her a lot of the tiniest of thrusts and jabs, but occasionally I dug my toes in and rammed the dildo into her. Each time I did that she would arch up to receive it, eager but not frantic, because she wanted it to last.

However, I couldn't last with all those lovely wiggles going on under me, forcing the base of the dildo against my clit. And there was no reason for me to hold back, no reason at all.

“Lynn… Lynn… I'm coming,” I told her, looking down into her enormous blue eyes. “I want you to feel my come. I want it to make you ache. Feel it, Lynn. Feel me exploding, way down deep inside. Come on, honey, push up hard and take my come,” I urged her.

“Make me feel it. Make me feel it!” she babbled, her ass jumping all over the place.

I climaxed and my hard bucking motions made her grit her teeth as she pursued her own release, which I wouldn't allow yet.

“Ah! Lynn! God! That's so gooood!” I screamed as spasms made me writhe out of control. I was really grinding her butt into the bed with my pleasure, and I was vaguely aware that she was also screaming from pain or frustration, unable to join me but forced to endure my ecstasy. She clutched at me, trying to get more contact with her clit, but even in the throes of orgasm, I leaned back away from her and wouldn't let her have it.

“Unh! Unh!” she grunted, trying to make me give her an orgasm, but I held her still until I was ready to get up, then I pulled out of her and took off the dildo. She rolled back and forth, keening in agony. I knew how close she had been, because she put me there all the time herself.

“On the floor, Lynn,” I said, closing my pants. I would come again, and definitely before she did.

She slid out of the bed to the carpet and licked my boots. “Please let me come,” she pleaded. “Please please please."

“Bring your stool over here and shine my boots with your pussy,” I said as though she hadn't said a thing.

Lynn jumped up and hustled to do as I said, then knelt and looked at my boots hungrily, quivering with the effort of waiting for my command.