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Once safely in jump, Cale turned to the case. He loosened the belt he'd wrapped around the case. The bottom of the case sprang open, pulling the belt from his hand. With a sour grin, Cale took the bag of diamonds from the case, closing the spring-loaded bottom and latching it.

Very clever, he thought. Once Cale was safely away from the building, Peng triggered a signal, and the bottom of the case would have dropped out, spilling the bag of diamonds into the undoubtedly rigged hovercab or the street. No doubt Peng employees were conveniently on hand to grab the bag and run. He took the now-empty case and put it in the med cabinet, then activated the cabinet's stasis field. He would dispose of the case at the first recal point, but in the meantime, he wouldn't have to worry about timed explosives. Cynical suspicions garnered from hard experience on Jurgen and Mina's death had stood him in good stead on New Chin. There is a fine line, he thought, between an aggressive businessman and a corrupt thief. No, all the pirates weren't raiding ships.

Chapter 3

Ararat was only one jump from New Chin, which pleased Cale. There would be less time for word to spread.

Ararat was a regional banking center. Ararat letters of credit were accepted without question throughout the sector, and the secrecy of their transactions legendary. While Ararat was not the gem-trading center that New Chin was, it was an open secret that the larger gem traders were backed by the large banking houses. Cale was hoping to dispose of his largest sunstone, a 15-millimeter monster. According to the latest valuations he had seen, a 15-millimeter sunstone would be worth well over fifty thousand carats of diamonds. There were few places a sunstone that large could be traded, due to its immense value. Ararat was one of those few places, but Cale wanted a quick in-and-out deal. He didn't want to wait around while the wheeler-dealers dithered. He expected to ask 30,000 carats; a comparative bargain.

Ararat's jump point was not picketed, and local traffic seemed rather light. Cale boosted L'rak 's acceleration and approached Ararat in only twenty-two hours.

Ararat did not permit starships to ground, no matter their size. All ships were required to dock at the small moon that had been converted into a space station. Regular shuttle service was provided to the capital, Yahweh. Ararat was the only one of the "glory worlds" on which religion had remained a potent force. The excesses of the repressive 'Mission for the Greater Glory of God' had initiated violent rejection on the other six inhabited worlds the 'Glory' had ruled with an iron fist. Cale had made it a point to study the rigid morality and manners of Ararat.

Being forced to leave L'rak on the moon station didn't bother Cale as much as it might. Ararat had virtually no crime for profit, due to effective law enforcement and draconian punishments. They were not so meticulous when it came to customers. Quite a few of the better-known pirates, including Emo Arror, the infamous Terror, had numbered bank accounts on Ararat. Of course, Cale wouldn't access that account if he could. He was trying to avoid attention, not attract it. No, Cale would play it rigidly straight here.

He strolled casually down Yahweh's quiet streets, occasionally stopping to look in a shop window and make sure he had not attracted any attention or followers. He turned into a grilled doorway bearing a discreet sign "Gems."

"May Lordsman's be of assistance, sire?" asked an obviously robotic voice.

Cale smiled into the red eye of the camera. "I hope so; I have a gem to sell."

"Very well, sire," came the reply. "Please step in front of the scanner."

Cale stepped to the indicated place, and in only seconds, there was a click as the heavy grilled door unlocked. Law enforcement and draconian punishments were not the only reasons for Ararat's lack of crime.

"Thank you sire," the robotic voice accompanied the click. "Please be welcome to Lordsman's, and may God's grace shine upon you."

Cale pushed through the door. Ararat was one of the few places where beards were favored, thanks to the residents' religious beliefs. Here, his beard made him more typical, not less. Only his offworld clothing had marked him as an outsider. However, the gem shop had not been Cale's first stop. He now wore the same dark knee-length coat and drab trousers and tunic that were nearly a uniform on Ararat.

"A good morning, noble sire," he was greeted by a plump young woman. "May I have the honor of serving you?" Her ankle-length dark blue skirt was unrelieved by color or pattern. A loose gray long-sleeved blouse that buttoned tightly at the neck topped it. Her blond hair was tucked into a white cap. But her smile was genuine and warm as she rendered a pretty curtsey. Not a single gem was displayed in the shop, which more closely resembled a study in the home of a tasteful wealthy man. Four rich, overstuffed armchairs surrounded a round table near the center of the room. The table's clear plas top was lighted so that the gems carried through the rooms only other door could be conveniently examined.

Cale bowed. "The honor would be mine, mistress," he replied, "but sadly, I fear the transaction will require the attention of the owner."

An expression of irritation flashed across her face, quickly replaced by a smile that was neither warm nor genuine. "I assure you, sire, that I am licensed to appraise virtually any gemstone." Her tone had sharpened.

Cale bowed again. "I beg your pardon, mistress. I did not intend to impugn your skills. However, since the stone in question is a sunstone…"

Her eyes widened in surprise. "A sunstone!" The surprise faded quickly, replaced by an impassivity betrayed only by the excited gleam in her eyes. "Of course, noble sire. If you will but abide a moment.." She ushered him to one of the overstuffed armchairs, and hurried out.

She returned a moment later, accompanied by a short, thin, middle-aged man in the black jacket that was a business suit on Ararat. Even his bushy brown beard could not conceal the sincerity of the man's broad grin. He bowed, then stepped forward and proffered his hand. "A great good day to you, most noble sire," he boomed. "I am Se Lordsman. 'Need a gem? Se Lordsman'" he quoted jovially.

Cale returned the bow, and shook the hand with a genuine smile of his own. This was no Peng. He began to feel better about his mission. "And a good morning to you, sire Lordsman. I am Rolf Amedon. I find myself in need of capital, and would like to sell my prized family heirloom." He pulled the folded velvet from one of his coat's capacious pockets, and carefully set the sunstone on the lighted table. Suddenly the entire room was bathed in multihued beauty. The girl gasped. The stone seemed to come alive on the light table. Its brilliance overwhelmed the subdued lighting of the store with a glorious burst of color that shifted as the stone moved on the table.

Lordsman snatched the stone from the table. The light show faded as though it were a vivid dream. The jeweler looked distressed. "Such displays are decadent and unseemly," he said in a stern tone. His eyes darted around before he relaxed into an easy grin. "But the lord has made sunstones magnificent, has he not?"

Cale nodded and smiled. "My sincere apologies, Sire Lordsman. I am from off-world, and failed to consider Ararat proprieties."

Lordsman waved a hand dismissively. "It is of no consequence, noble sire. Had you not said so, I would not have taken you for an outworlder. Your undoubted efforts to adapt your manners and dress to accommodate our customs do you great honor and are appreciated.