"Now," he continued, "To business. This stone is remarkable. Are you certain you wish to sell it? Perhaps a loan might be arranged, with the stone for collateral…"
But Cale was shaking his head. "I regret, sire Lordsman, that I need the funds for off-planet transactions, and so a loan would sadly not suffice. However, I greatly admire your willingness to make the offer. Few would make such to a stranger, especially an offworlder."
Lordsman's only reply was an absent smile. His attention was riveted to the stone he cradled in his palm. "Magnificent," he murmured. He dragged his eyes to Cale's face. "It is incredibly large for a sunstone. How did you come by it?" His tone was casual, but his shoulders tightened slightly. He was asking if the stone was stolen, and Cale knew Lordsman would refuse to deal if it were. He smiled slightly at his own surprise at encountering an honest businessman.
"As I mentioned, sire Lordsman, it is the last of my family's inheritance. The Amedons were once a prominent family on Warden's World. But since the Fall…" He shrugged as his voice trailed off.
Lordsman's grin was back. It was not an uncommon story throughout the Old Empire, as the fortunes of many noble, wealthy, and powerful families had fallen with the empire. "It must have been a noble family indeed, to possess a sunstone of such size. Fourteen millimeters?"
"Fifteen, noble sire," Cale replied. The niceties and social graces had been observed. They were getting down to business.
"Indeed." Lordsman took a caliper from a jacket pocket. After a moment, he straightened. "Indeed," he repeated. "Fifteen it is. And of course, there is no doubt of its authenticity after that display earlier. I almost fear to ask your price. I can only hope it is within the means of my poor shop."
"Sire Lordsman," Cale began, "You have honored me with your welcome and your obvious honesty. I shall be likewise honest. As I mentioned, I have obligations off world, where even Ararat ducats would suffer a severe discount. If you will consent to payment in diamonds, I will be willing to accept thirty thousand carats. Unfortunately, my obligations will not permit me to accept less."
Behind him, the young woman's gasp testified to the immense values being discussed.
Lordsman was unsurprised, however. "A mighty price," he murmured as though to himself, "A mighty price indeed. But for fifteen millimeters…" He paused, apparently lost in thought. Suddenly a slow smile spread over his face. Cale suspected he had just thought of a possible market for the sunstone. "Yes," Lordsman continued, in a louder, conversational tone. "For a fifteen millimeter stone it might just be done."
He straightened and smiled at Cale. "Sire Amedon, I believe it can be done. However, I'm sure you will not be surprised to hear that I do not maintain that large an inventory. I fear it will take several hours to assemble thirty thousand carats. Are there any special requirements?"
Cale nodded. "I fear so, sire Lordsman. I would prefer flawless white stones in sizes from two to five carats, I will, of course, wish to inspect the stones before accepting them."
Lordsman's smile spread into a genuine grin. "I would expect no less from such a cultured gentleman."
The young woman moved to her father's side. "In the meantime, sire Amedon, if you would like a meal, a fine choice may be had one block down the street at the sign of the angel." She stopped suddenly, and her hand flew to her mouth. "Oh! My apologies, sire Amedon, for failing to ask. Do you have ducats? "
Lordsman rose, sunstone in hand. "I shall leave those details to my daughter, sire Amedon, and with your permission begin gathering your diamonds. Will you trust me with the stone? I am uncomfortable with the idea of you walking the streets with such a treasure."
Cale also stood. "Thank you, sire Lordsman. I'm sure the stone is safer with you. When shall I return?"
Lordsman glanced at his ring watch. "I should say all will be in order in two hours or so. Shall we say at a quarter past fifteen?" At Cale's answering nod, he bustled off.
Cale turned to the woman. "My apologies for the interruption, mistress."
She smiled sweetly. "Not at all, sire, not at all. Business first, always."
"Thank you," he replied. "In response to your earlier question, I'm afraid I have few Ararat ducats. Do you think the inn will accept New Chin wen?"
"Oh, dear," she responded. "I doubt it. It is just a family inn, after all. Of course, any of the banks would exchange the currencies for you."
Cale chuckled. "Of course. How stupid of me. Where is the nearest bank?"
This time she laughed aloud before clapping her hand over her mouth. "Yahweh is a city of banks, sire Amedon. There is one on nearly every street corner. I believe there is one on the same block as the inn."
"Excellent," Cale smiled. "I'll also need to purchase a bag large enough to carry thirty thousand carats of diamonds without being conspicuous. Where might I obtain such a bag?
She led him to the door, nodding as it opened. "Godssons. One block down, two blocks right."
Cale bade her goodbye, and strode off
The bank exchanged his wen at a reasonable discount. The food at the sign of the angel was simple, but very well prepared and presented. The meat, called 'cabra', passed well for beef, and a large array of accompanying vegetables left Cale feeling stuffed.
Despite the austerity their religious beliefs imposed, Cale found the citizens of Yahweh to be bluff, hearty, cheerful, and honest, for the most part. He liked them, and enjoyed wandering the downtown area until the allotted time.
Promptly at a quarter past fifteen, Cale returned to the gem shop. This time the door swept open at his approach. The young woman was just inside to greet him warmly, and Lordsman himself bustled from the rear of the shop with a bag of diamonds even larger than the one he had taken from Peng.
Lordsman seated him at the light table and, after making sure a cup and a carafe of hot tea were available, left him to examine each diamond with a scanner.
It was nearly three hours later that Cale stood stretched stiff muscles, and smiled at Lordsman. "Excellent quality stones, sire Lordsman, and at least a full measure of carats. It is an honor to deal with a man of such integrity"
Lordsman nodded. "Thank you, gracious sir. It has been a rare pleasure to deal with so mannerly an off-worlder." His eyes twinkled and he leaned close "I would have paid thirty-five!" he murmured with a wide smile.
Cale smiled conspiratorially. "I'd have taken twenty-five." Both men laughed aloud as Cale left the shop. Cale hailed one of the rare animal-drawn cabs and headed for the shuttle port.
Both his transactions had been successful, and Cale now had over fifty thousand carats in diamonds of easily negotiable size. He could afford to live a luxurious life anywhere in man-settled space. In fact, on many planets, he would be the world's richest private citizen. It was time to do some serious planning. Did he really want to retire? Did he want to study law on Ilocan and settle in as a prominent attorney, able to pick and choose his clients? Or perhaps try to sneak into the Alliance, with its peacefulness and high living standard? He was surprised to find that he was reluctant to leave Scorpion. It would be hard to smuggle her into the Alliance with her weapons intact. And he still might need those weapons. He knew better than to underestimate Townley and his pirates.
Of course, there was his "plan B"; travel the Old Empire as a courier, offering high-speed transport of high value passengers and freight. It was tempting, but Cale knew that eventually one of those high value shipments would attract pirates. And successfully fighting one off would be almost as bad as being taken. Rumors circulate quickly in the interstellar underworld, and the last thing he needed would be to draw attention in pirate circles!
As L’rak pulled away from the orbiting station and headed for the jump point, Cale began to worry. Was Yan right? Did he really need a "plan C"?