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He paused. He scanned the intent faces, the sea of faces, beneath him, and they came distinct, this one and that, as faces like his own, and at once he knew that they understood the urgency of his self-revelation, and that they waited to welcome him back to Ithaca.

Never, never in all his life, had he felt more reassured and more content. He knew where he was going. And so, at last, at last, he could go on…

Irving Wallace

Irving Wallace (March 19, 1916 – June 29, 1990) was an American bestselling author and screenwriter, penned best-selling books that were extensively researched, including such page-turners as The Chapman Report (1960), about human sexuality; The Prize (1962), a fictional behind-the-scenes account of the Nobel Prizes; "The Man", about a black man becoming president of the U.S. in the 1960s; and The Word (1972), about the discovery of a new gospel.
