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My assistant, Donna Weaver, whose tireless volunteer work for the Sexual Homicide Exchange kept the organization alive;

The victims and the families of victims who came to me for help and have never given up their quest for justice;

The detectives who have brought me in and been willing to give criminal profiling a chance;

The television networks, news programs, and hosts who often invite me to educate their audiences about the pressing issues of crime and let me share my views on the notable cases of the day: Nancy Grace, Jane Velez-Mitchell, Larry King, the Today show, The Early Show, Fox and Friends, Montel Williams, and the many other shows on CNN, MSNBC, Fox, the Discovery Channel, and Court TV that have me on, time and time again;

My coauthor, Bob Andelman, for helping me bring all these cases together in a coherent manner;

My agents, Jane Dystel, Miriam Goderich, and Michael Bourret, who had confidence this story should be told;

And, of course, the editors at Hyperion Voice, Barbara Jones and Elizabeth Sabo, who acquired my story and brought this book to the public.

My deepest gratitude to all.

– Pat Brown

Working with criminal profiler Pat Brown has been a unique and rewarding experience for me on a professional level. I’d also like to acknowledge her patience and support during the early days of putting The Profiler together. Thanks for sticking with me, Pat.

Thanks, too, to my agents at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management, Jane Dystel, Miriam Goderich, and Michael Bourret, for recommending me to Pat, and to Barbara Jones and Elizabeth Sabo for making this one of the best and most professional experiences of my career to date.

I’d also like to acknowledge the hard work and long hours of Becky James, who has transcribed my book and magazine interviews for almost twenty years.

And finally, to my wife, Mimi, and daughter, Rachel, for waiting “just a minute more” for me to finish work for the night.

– Bob Andelman

Pat Brown
