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He tilted his head to the envelope on the table and kept talking.

“But I’ll know, and Frankie will know, and your woman will know, and she’ll live the rest of her life wishin’ she not only never went down on you but never saw your face. You’re willin’ to do that to her, you can live with that, right. But you can, you’re one serious dick, a huge-ass weasel, and a total fuckin’ douche.”

Ben said his piece and we were gone. He pulled me right out of the booth, the bar, and took me straight to my car.

He backed me into it and ordered, “You lead home. I’ll follow.”

“That was awesome,” I replied.

His lips quirked, but he said, “I’m not out of your rearview.”

“And you’re awesome,” I kept at it.

That got me a grin, but he asked, “Frankie, you hear me?”

“How hungry are you?” I asked back.

“I worked out after lunch so that’s long gone.”

This surprised me.

“Where did you work out?”

“Is this information you need before you drive home?”

“No, except for the fact that if you’re really truly hungry, that’ll be a bummer, because if you weren’t, I was so going down on you the minute we got home.”

“I could wait to eat.”

I smiled up at him and did it for a long time.

“But not for three hours while you stand there bein’ a goof because I’m awesome,” he finished.

“I love you, Benny Bianchi,” I blurted.

“Fuck,” he muttered, then bent his head, laid a hot, heavy, wet, long one on me that ended with my arms around his shoulders, one hand in his fabulous hair, and one of his hands on my ass before he lifted his head, pulled out of my arms, turned me, smacked my ass, and said, “Get home.”

He took a step back and stared pointedly at my door.

I took a deep breath to calm my heart and settle my system before I dug out my key, unlocked my door, and headed home to give my man a blowjob.

And, after that, feed him.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Fucking Finally

I woke up when I felt Benny’s hand moving down my belly.

“Baby,” I whispered drowsily.

That was when I felt the tips of his fingers sliding into the edge of my panties, his other hand pushing under me, and his body shifting at my back so he could bury his face in my neck.

When he got it there, he growled, “Quiet, Francesca, and don’t move.”

I felt my vagina convulse at the same time it got wet.

Okay, it can be said that waking up with Benny Bianchi was my favorite part of the day. For a variety of reasons.

One of those reasons became apparent when his middle finger hit my clit at the same time his other hand curled around my breast and his lips slid up my neck. I knew he wasn’t messing around when he put his thumb and finger to my nipple and tugged.


This felt so good it made me push my hips into his crotch. Feeling him hard, a whimper slid out of me.

Ben nipped the skin of my neck with his teeth before he said, “Don’t move, baby.”

“I gotta move.”

“Don’t,” he ordered roughly, pressing his cock into my ass.

Oh God. This was hot.

I quit moving. Ben played. He pulled and twisted. He swirled and pressed. He nipped, licked, sucked, kissed. All while I lay there trying not to move.

It wasn’t easy, and with each passing second, I got wetter, more turned on, and it got more difficult.

Finally, it got so difficult, I whispered on a plea, “Benny.”

“What you want?” he asked.

“Your cock, baby.”

“How you want it?”

“Any way you wanna give it to me.”

“Pull your panties down, Frankie.”

I did what he ordered immediately, hooking my thumb into one side of my panties and yanking down. Ben gave me what I needed almost instantly. He thrust inside.

God,” I breathed.

Ben twisted my nipple, circled a finger at my clit, and drove deep.

“Fuck, you’re wet,” he groaned into my neck, pounding in hard, fast, rough, so much of all three, my body jolted with each thrust.

“Harder, Benny,” I begged.

Without delay, he rolled into me, taking me to my stomach, still inside. I had to spread my legs wide and my panties stretched to the limit, biting into my thighs in a way I liked. All this so amazing, I felt a tremor rock through my entire body.

Then he yanked my hips up, even as he kept thrusting deep. He reached over me, his hand went into my hair, fisted and tugged back.



“Up, baby,” he demanded.

I pushed up to my hands and he gave my hair another tug so I knew he wanted me up.

I straightened and the minute I was up, he ordered, “Nightie off.”

I moved my hands to the hem of my nightie and pulled it off.

I got my reward immediately as Benny’s hands roamed over my skin.

I knew he was watching his hands move when he muttered into my neck, “Fuckin’ beautiful,” even as he kept taking me.

“Need your finger, honey,” I told him.

“Had you last night, babe. Got it in me for this to last awhile. Don’t want to take you there too soon.”

He might have it in him, but he was driving me the good kind of crazy so I didn’t have it in me.

“I’m already close,” I shared.

He drove in, stayed there, but grinded up.

I liked that, being filled with him, Ben pushing deeper. I liked it so much I moaned.

His hand slid down and covered my sex as his other one glided up my breastbone to wrap light around my throat.

“Could fuck you for hours,” he murmured into my skin.

It was Saturday morning, a weekend. The day after a, thankfully, uneventful Friday, the weekend that might precede work-related Armageddon, and I decided right then on our plans for the day.

“Okay, then do that now.”

“Could fall asleep buried inside you.”

I felt my thighs quiver.

“Wake up, first thing I do before I even open my eyes, start fuckin’ you,” he went on.

My hands went to his wrists and held on as my womb spasmed at his words. I figured he didn’t have to move to take me there, he just had to keep talking to me.

He glided out and slid slowly back in. “Love this pussy.”

Okay, maybe he needed to move.

“Ben, baby.”

His hand trailed from my throat down my body. “Love this body.”

“Please, Benny, fuck me.”

He nipped my earlobe with his teeth, moved his mouth to my ear, and whispered, “Love my baby.”

I did a top-to-toe shiver.

I was wrong. All he had to do was keep talking to me.

“Benny,” I breathed.

“Down, Frankie. I’m gonna give you what you need.”

I bent double, forearms to the mattress, and Ben bent over me. One hand on the bed for added leverage and power, he gave me what I needed.