His eyes were on Hugo now.
“The hero of Badajoz,” he said, making his words sound like the grossest of insults. “Lord Trentham. Are you sure you know what you are doing, Gwen? Are you sure you have not granted the favor of your company to a mirage?”
“I take it, Jason,” Lady Muir said while Hugo looked steadily back at him, his jaw tight, “that you know Lord Trentham? And that he was indeed the commander of the brilliantly successful Forlorn Hope at Badajoz? Have you made his acquaintance, Sir Isaac? Sir Isaac Bartlett, Lord Trentham.”
She was referring to the other rider. Hugo switched his gaze to him and inclined his head.
“Bartlett,” he said.
“I did not know you were in town, Gwen,” Grayson said. “I shall do myself the honor of calling upon you at … Kilbourne House?”
“Yes,” she said.
“It would seem,” he said, “that Kilbourne is too indulgent. You need advice and guidance from the head of your late husband’s family, since you are not getting it from the head of your own.”
And he nodded and rode on. Sir Isaac Bartlett smiled at both of them, tipped his hat to Lady Muir, and followed.
The hatred was pointless, Hugo decided as he moved his curricle onward. What had happened during his years in the military was long in the past and would remain there. But he was too preoccupied with quelling the hatred he felt anyway to concentrate any attention upon Lady Muir beside him as they completed the circuit and she called gaily to a number of acquaintances. He was surprised, then, when he turned his head to ask if she wished to do the circuit one more time, as most people seemed to be doing, and discovered that her face was pale and drawn. Even her lips were white.
“Take me home,” she said.
He drew the curricle away from the crowd without delay.
“You are unwell?” he asked.
“Just a little … faint,” she said. “I will be fine after I have had a cup of tea.”
He turned and looked at her again. And he heard the echo of the words she had spoken with Grayson—or, more particularly, the words he had spoken to her.
“Lieutenant-Colonel Grayson upset you?” he asked. Probably the man had an even higher rank by now.
“Viscount Muir?” she said.
He frowned in incomprehension.
“He is Viscount Muir now,” she said. “He was Vernon’s cousin and heir.”
Ah. Small world. But the man’s final words to her were now explained.
“He has upset you?” he said.
“He killed Vernon,” she said. “He and I together.”
And she turned her head to look away from him as his curricle moved out into the street. Only the brim of her bonnet and the primroses and greenery were visible to him.
She did not look back again or say anything else. She offered no explanation.
And Hugo could not think of a blessed thing to say.
Incredibly, Gwen had not seen Jason, Lord Muir, since he succeeded to the title, or at least not since Vernon’s funeral.
Or perhaps it was not so very surprising. He had not given up his career when the title became his. He still had not, as far as Gwen knew. He was a general now. He was, presumably, a very important man in the army. He was probably away from England for much of his time or else was in parts of the country remote from London. If he had ever spent time in town, it must have been when she was not here. She had even stopped holding her breath each year for fear that she would see him.
He had been two years Vernon’s senior, and had dominated his younger cousin in every imaginable way except possibly in looks—and in social rank. He had been larger, stronger, more successful at school, more athletic, more popular with his peers, more forceful in character. Whenever he had had an extended leave from his regiment, he had spent much of it with them. He had needed to keep an eye on his inheritance, he had always said with a loud laugh, as though he were making a joke. Vernon had always laughed with him in genuine merriment. Gwen’s laughter had been more guarded.
Vernon had adored Jason, and Jason had seemed fond of him. He had tried to jolly Vernon out of the dismals whenever he found him in one of his black moods, with admonitions that he had the title to live up to, that he must be more of a man, more of a husband for his beautiful wife. He had always been loudly jocular with Gwen, telling her that she must hurry up and produce an heir as well as a spare so that he could relax and concentrate upon his career. He had always laughed loudly at his own joke, and Vernon had laughed with him. He had once or twice set an arm about Gwen’s shoulders and hugged her to his side, though he had never made any more overt advances to her. She had always cringed with revulsion anyway. He had apparently been the first to reach her side when she fell from her horse. He had been with them on that occasion, riding a short distance behind her—a very short distance when she had made the jump, almost as though he had felt that he needed to urge her horse to jump high enough.
He had wept inconsolably at Vernon’s death and again at his funeral.
Gwen had never known how much was sincerity with him and how much was artifice. She had never known if he loved Vernon or hated him, if he coveted the title or was indifferent to it, if he was really sorrowful at her miscarriage or secretly glad.
And of course he had not literally killed Vernon, any more than she had.
She had always hated him with a passion and felt guilty about it, for he never did anything overt to deserve it and she might have been doing him a dreadful injustice. What other military man, after all, would weep publicly over the death of a cousin? He was one of Vernon’s few surviving relatives and the only one who had been in any way attentive to him. Vernon’s father had died young, and his mother had not lived much longer. Vernon had succeeded to his title at the age of fourteen and had been governed by a pair of competent but humorless guardians until he reached his majority. He had had no brothers or sisters.
Now she had seen Jason again after seven years. And he was threatening to call at Kilbourne House. Neville, he had had the effrontery to say, was too indulgent with her. He must give her advice as head of her late husband’s family. As though he were head of her family. She liked him no better now than she had all those years ago.
She fumed inwardly but said nothing at home.
She called at Lord Trentham’s the morning after he had called upon her and was introduced to his languid stepmother, who resembled her daughter to a remarkable degree. Gwen bore Miss Emes off to her own dressmaker.
The shopping trip cheered her up a great deal, long and exhausting though it was. She always enjoyed shopping, and having a pretty young girl to dress from head to toe for any number of upcoming occasions was as much fun as she had expected it to be. Especially as the girl’s brother had given them carte blanche to spend as much as they wished.
She had missed a visit from Jason while she was out. So had her mother and Lily, who had gone to spend the day with Claudia, Joseph’s wife, who was suffering from the nausea that came with early pregnancy—her second. But Neville had been at home.
“He said something about feeling responsible for you as head of the family,” Neville said to Gwen as they sat at a late luncheon. “I was obliged to poker up and stare him down and ask him to which family exactly he was referring. No offense intended, Gwen, but the Graysons have not been scrambling to take care of you since Vernon’s passing, have they?”
“I suppose,” Gwen said, “he thought it ought to be beneath the dignity of a Grayson, even just the widow of a Grayson, to be seen in Hyde Park with a former military officer whose heroism was so extraordinary that the king himself rewarded him with a title.”
“He did hint,” Neville said, “that Captain Emes—that is how he referred to Trentham—was perhaps not as heroic on that occasion as the king among others was led to believe. I did not invite him to elaborate. I am sorry, Gwen. Ought I to have? You have never said much about Vernon’s cousin and successor. Are you fond of him and inclined to take advice from him?”