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"I'm not sure yet. I'll call you at noon."

"Can't wait to see you."

"Same here. Sorry I woke you."

"Hey, you can wake me anytime. It's better if you're next to me, though."


Cavanaugh pressed the button that broke the connection. He switched off the phone to conserve its battery as well as to prevent it from ringing and attracting attention. Then he returned the phone to his windbreaker and glanced warily behind him, listening for the sounds of emergency vehicles at the town he'd passed. The fire was close enough that the state police had begun evacuating the inhabitants. He had barely been able to sneak across the road and into the continuation of the forest without being noticed in the frequent coming and going of headlights. He'd seen trucks arriving, dropping off men with shovels and chain saws, a team that looked ready to use the road as a perimeter from which to try to establish a firebreak. Other, bigger trucks had brought bulldozers.

He instinctively crouched when he heard a propeller-driven airplane drone overhead. No doubt the plane was with the firefighters. Spotters in it would direct the effort to contain the blaze, he assumed. And yet he couldn't stop irrationally worrying that the plane might somehow have a thermal sensor and be another part of the effort to hunt him. Sometimes you've got to have faith, he thought.

Using the sounds of the vehicles to guide him, he moved lower through the forest. Five minutes later, he heard an approaching helicopter and again crouched before assuring himself that the assault team would never be foolish enough to return to the attack area. This helicopter has to be part of the fire-fighting effort also, he told himself. Perhaps it's going to drop water or fire-retardant chemicals. But even though he was convinced of his logic, he felt naked as he continued through the trees.

A half-moon provided enough light for him to make his way past murky stumps and evergreen boughs. His goal was the next town along the road, about five miles farther to the east, where a north-south road intersected with one that came west from the New York State Thruway. The latter road continued west to the town he'd just left. It was the route the emergency personnel were using to get to the fire. He was certain the state police would establish a blockade at the town he was approaching. They'd want to prevent civilian traffic from heading into the fire zone. Thus, Jamie wouldn't be able to pick him up unless he found a rendezvous site beyond the blockade.

Soon, the gray light of dawn allowed him to increase speed. The sun, hazed by smoke, had been up for a couple of hours when he glimpsed a gray clapboard house through the trees. Immediately, he sank to the ground and peered through the bushes. He saw a freshly cultivated vegetable garden, a shed, a small garage painted the same gray as the house. What mostly attracted his attention was a hose on a faucet at the back. If I can just crawl over there and get a drink…

He imagined how cool and sweet the water would taste as it trickled over his lips and down his parched throat.

He almost weakened and emerged from the bushes. A good thing he didn't, for five seconds later, a slender young woman in work boots, jeans, a sweatshirt, and gloves came out. She would definitely have seen him, reacted to the dried blood all over him, and told the authorities.

Instead, she frowned toward the smoke in the sky, picked up the hose, and called toward the house, "Hey, Pete, I can't tell if that fire they told us about is headed this way. But since you're determined to defend the old homestead, maybe you'd better put down that beer can, grab the other hose, and give me a hand soaking the roof."

Too dehydrated to sweat in the day's heat, Cavanaugh crept back deeper into the trees. At a cautious distance, he skirted the house and several others, avoiding the town. At the north-south road, he descended into a culvert. It was cool, sandy, and dry. On the opposite side, he reentered the forest, but now he took strength from the knowledge that he would soon be able to rest. He angled toward the east-west road that came from the main highway, crept to bushes at the edge of it, and peered westward toward the crossroads, seeing that, sure enough, the state police had established a blockade but that it was beyond the crossroads, within the town itself.

Fine, he thought.

He returned to the trees near the culvert. When he looked at his watch, he was startled to see that the time was ten minutes past noon. He pulled out his phone, turned it on, and pressed numbers.

Jamie's phone buzzed only once before she answered, sounding worried. "Yes?"

"It's me." He kept his voice low.

"Same here. When you didn't call at noon-"

"Everything's okay."

"You're sure?"

"Things'll be even better when you pick me up." He heard voices in the background. "Where are you?"

"Buying the car. You'd think a cash offer and no haggling would make it go quickly, but the paperwork went on and on. Finally, they're about to give me the keys."

He held the phone tighter. "Speaking of cash…"

"How much do we need?"

"At least two thousand in twenties."

"I'll bring three."

"Tell the bank clerk you're going to Atlantic City. When you get everything together, head north on the New York State Thruway. About fifty miles past the exit to Kingston, you'll come to a turnoff for a town called Baskerville."

Cavanaugh had no choice-at this point, he had to mention the name of the town. He assumed that it would be referred to in so many cell-phone messages between emergency personnel that it would never be a word that a scanner would pick to isolate a conversation.

"Follow the road west," he continued. "In about ten miles, when you get to Baskerville, stop at the crossroads and turn right. A hundred yards outside town, you'll see where a dry streambed follows a culvert under the road. Stop and get out, as if you think one of your tires might be leaking and you need to check them."

"Crossroads. Turn right. Culvert. Got it. That's where you'll be?"

"That's where I'll be." He looked up through the trees as another helicopter rumbled overhead. A huge canister, presumably containing water, dangled from its belly. "Unless the forest fire gets worse."

"Forest fire?" When he didn't answer, Jamie said, "You really know how to have a good time. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Call me when you're close. I'll leave my cell phone on."

"Are you honestly okay?"

"I will be. Thanks for helping."

"Thanks for asking. I never expected you would."


Cavanaugh put the phone in his jacket. Having finally accomplished everything that needed to be done, he glanced around the forest. Finding a depression in the ground, he covered it with dead branches, satisfied himself that the camouflage looked natural, and crawled beneath the branches into the shadowy hollow. There, amid the not-unpleasant smell of earth, he leaned back against the slope. He had a temporary sense of relief. Now all I have to do is wait for Jamie, he thought.

Despite the shade of the branches spread over him, the day became warmer. Conscious of how awkward the Kevlar vest felt, he removed it. Only then did he become aware of the shrapnel embedded in it: fragments from one of the fire extinguishers that had exploded.

He frowned at the shrapnel for almost a minute. Then he tested the duct tape on his wound, which throbbed where his shoulder met his neck. The thick silver strips continued to provide a tight seal, no blood escaping. The swelling made it painful for him to turn his neck.

He stretched his legs, or tried to-no sooner had he extended his legs than they retracted, bending toward him. Here it comes, he thought. It was happening much sooner than he anticipated. As long as he'd been in motion, working to get away from the fire, making arrangements with Jamie, finding a safe haven, his adrenaline had been his friend, fueling his weary body, spurring him on.