During this Ernest told his brother that he was a little worried about his appearance. He was not looking well.
Albert replied that he had constant rheumatism and recurring bouts of fever in addition to colds. He felt very tired. There was a great deal of work to do. Moreover he worried about the children. The Prince of Wales showed ‘wild’ tendencies.
‘I shouldn’t worry about that,’ said Ernest. ‘It’s natural in young men. We settle down. Let us sow our wild oats, Albert. It does us no harm.’
‘I remember its doing you some harm at one time.’
Ernest shrugged.’Poor Bertie!’
‘Poor Bertie will one day be King of England. I wish he had not been the eldest.’
‘Your English branch of the family are noted for quarrels between father and son. Don’t conform to that pattern, Albert. Try to understand the boy.’
‘My dear Ernest, what do you know of our position?’
‘Well, I admit it’s different from mine. But cheer up.’
‘I confess to being depressed.’
‘What, among our forests! Doesn’t this remind you of those expeditions we used to take? Remember our trophies.’
‘It reminds me, Ernest … too well. I have a terrible premonition that I shall never see Coburg again.’
‘Come. You need cheering up. What a pleasant creature Alice is.’
‘Yes, she is more placid than Vicky. Not so clever though.’
‘That’s better. Now you’re the fond father. What a lot you have to be thankful for, Albert. A fine family and a wife who thinks you’re perfection itself.’
Albert smiled slowly and the deep depression passed.
Albert was being driven along in an open carriage with four horses when these took fright and the coachman was unable to control them. They came to a level crossing with the barrier up and seeing that a crash was inevitable Albert jumped out of the carriage. Though badly bruised he was able to get up and go to the help of the coachman to find that he was pinned under the carriage. One of the horses was badly hurt, the others had galloped back to the stables where they were seen, and help was immediately rushed to the scene.
When the Queen, who had been out visiting, came to the palace and was informed of the accident she was horrified. She rushed up to Albert’s bedroom to find him lying in bed, his face covered in lint and looking, she noticed with alarm, very shaken.
Dr Stockmar, who was there with the resident doctor, told the Queen that the coachman was badly hurt and that one of the horses had had to be shot.
She could only think of what had happened to Albert and the miraculous escape he had had.
Stockmar was studying the Prince. He did not tell the Queen but it did occur to him that Albert was far from well and that if real illness attacked him he would have very little chance of fighting it.
Albert soon recovered from the accident and apart from a little stiffness, and cuts and bruises, was able to continue his journey. It was a great joy to be at Rosenau for dear Albert’s birthday. It was always such a moving pilgrimage for him to walk in the familiar woods and meet old friends. They even visited Herr Florschütz who had been Albert’s and Ernest’s tutor in the past.
But it must come to an end of course and the sad part was leaving Coburg and Vicky and Fritz, and darling little Wilhelm.
‘We must come again, soon,’ said the Queen.
Albert merely smiled at her. He could not shake off the strange premonition that he had seen his home for the last time.
Later that year Prince Louis of Hesse came to England. It was not his first visit and when he had come previously he had taken a great liking to Alice and she to him. The Queen had first met him some fifteen years before, when she had been travelling on the continent; he had then been a boy of eight and she had described him as ‘nice and intelligent’.
He had come specially to see them on their recent tour, much to Alice’s pleasure, and the Queen and Albert had discussed the young people. Albert thought that Louis would be an excellent match for Alice.
And so soon following on their recent encounter here he was in England – and there was no question why.
Victoria smiled indulgently to see the young people together and one evening after dinner when there was some company present she saw them talking very earnestly by the fireplace, unaware of the rest of the company. She went over to them and Alice in some confusion said: ‘Louis has just proposed to me, Mama. I want you to give us your blessing.’
The Queen pressed her daughter’s hand firmly and whispered: ‘Come to our room later.’
When Alice arrived, her parents were both there and Albert sent for Louis. The pair were embraced and told how happy they had made their parents, for the Queen had heard from the Prince and Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt that they knew Louis greatly admired Alice and were happy that this should be so.
When they had gone the Queen sighed deeply.
‘So, Albert, we are to lose another daughter.’
‘It is something to which we must reconcile ourselves,’ said Albert.
‘My love, as long as I have you I am content,’ said the Queen. ‘When I think of those horses running wild and what might have happened …’
‘It did not,’ said Albert, ‘and I am still with you.’ The Queen smiled. ‘I thank God daily for your escape,’ she said. ‘Oh, Albert, if the children all marry and leave us I shall not mind as long as I have you. You are my all in all.’
Albert smiled a little sadly. He had begun to wonder what would happen to her if he were no longer there.
Chapter XXVIII
In the middle of March the Duchess of Kent underwent a slight operation. She had a painful abscess under her arm which had been making her feel depressed and wretched so it had been decided to remove it. She had been recuperating satisfactorily in her home of Frogmore when suddenly she became seized by shivering fits.
A few days later Sir James Clark arrived at Buckingham Palace with the news that he was disturbed by the Duchess’s condition.
‘We must go to her at once,’ cried the Queen, and she with Albert and Alice took the train to Windsor.
How long that journey seemed, and all the time Victoria was thinking of the old days at Kensington Palace when she and her mother had had such ‘storms’.
When at last they reached Frogmore the Queen went straight up to her mother’s bedroom. The Duchess lay on a sofa, propped up by cushions and wearing a silk dressing-gown. She looked almost like her normal self but that was because the blinds were drawn and the room was so darkened.
Victoria knelt by the sofa and kissing her hand held it against her cheek. The Duchess looked at her daughter and Victoria saw with a pang of dismay and horror that she did not know her. She could not bear it. She went out of the room to give vent to her tears. Albert came in to comfort her.
‘We will stay for the night,’ he said.
Oh, blessed Albert! What would she do without him?
She would never forget that night. She lay sleepless, listening to every hour as it struck. At four o’clock she could bear no more, and she rose and went to her mother’s room. The Duchess was breathing heavily and there was no sound but the ticking of the old repeater watch in its tortoiseshell case which had been her father’s and had stood in the bedroom she had shared with her mother up to the time of her accession.
She stood looking at her mother and then went back to her room and tried in vain to sleep.
The next morning it was clear that the end was near. The Queen could not bear to look at that familiar face now so changed and suddenly she was aware of Albert who lifted her up and carried her from the room.