He looked steadily at her. ‘I have not examined you closely, but it would appear from all I have seen that you are going to have a child.’
‘That’s impossible.’ She put her hands on her swollen abdomen. ‘The swelling is not always the same. At times it is larger than at others.’
Sir James looked dubious.
‘You don’t believe me. I can show you dresses I have worn recently. I could wear one yesterday which a few days earlier I could not have got into because I was too large.’
Sir James said he was no dressmaker. ‘I think you should submit to a proper examination,’ he added. ‘You are either pregnant or have some very obscure illness.’
‘Then it is some obscure illness.’
‘You must submit to this examination.’
‘I will not,’ cried Lady Flora, clearly agitated at the prospect. ‘I think you are behaving in a most unprofessional manner. It is not your duty to insult ladies who come to consult you.’
‘You grow larger every day and the ladies of the Palace think so, too. They will only be satisfied with a medical examination.’
‘The ladies?’ demanded Lady Flora. ‘You mean the Duchess of Kent? She has said nothing to me.’
‘Lady Portman has spoken to me.’
Lady Flora said: ‘Oh … the Queen!’
Sir James nodded. ‘So you see that since Her Majesty is aware of your … plight … an examination is the only answer.’
‘You mean it is Her Majesty’s command that I submit to this disagreeable examination?’
‘Clearly it is Her Majesty’s wish.’
‘I need time to consider this.’
‘It is dangerous to delay.’
‘In what way dangerous?’
‘The rumours are growing. They have spread beyond the Palace.’
‘Very well,’ said Lady Flora. ‘But I insist that another doctor is present. I have known Sir Charles Mansfield Clarke all my life. If he will take part I will submit.’
Sir James was a little deflated, for while she was declaring she would stand out against the examination he believed her to be guilty. Now he was not so sure.
He could only agree at once that Sir Charles should be called in and went back to Lady Tavistock and Lady Portman to tell them what had happened.
‘With great reluctance she has agreed to the examination.’
They were all disappointed. They had been counting on a blank refusal which in their eyes would have confirmed her guilt.
They went to the Baroness who in her turn went to the Queen.
‘Lady Flora has most reluctantly agreed to an examination,’ said the Baroness. ‘Sir James had to force her to it.’
‘How … indelicate!’
‘She is brazening it out. She thinks she is clever enough to outwit us all.’
‘How can she, Lehzen? If she has a child we shall all know in good time.’
‘These things can be arranged. She can declare her innocence, then when the affair has blown over, slip away and have the child and let some servant look after it. It’s been done before.’
Yes, thought Victoria, Aunt Sophia.
‘It is all a matter of time,’ went on Lehzen. ‘That is why Sir James was insistent about the examination.’
‘I’m surprised that she agreed.’
‘She wouldn’t have done so, but when Sir James let it be known that it was more or less an order from Your Majesty that changed her tune.’
‘It is all very shocking. I don’t want to have to see her. Send an order to her that she is not to appear until her character has been cleared in the only manner it can be.’
After leaving Lady Tavistock and Lady Portman Sir James felt it was his duty to inform the Duchess of Kent what was happening to her lady-in-waiting.
The Duchess was horrified. She had been so immersed in her own affairs that she had been completely unaware of what was happening under her nose although the entire household was whispering about Lady Flora.
She sent for Flora at once.
‘Is this true?’
‘It is lies … all lies,’ cried Lady Flora. ‘I am ill and because my body is swollen they are saying I am pregnant.’
‘Who is saying this?’ demanded the Duchess.
‘The Queen’s ladies started it. Tavistock and Portman.’
‘Oh,’ said the Duchess, ‘so it came from that quarter.’
‘I have explained to Sir James Clark that I am sometimes more swollen than others. Besides, I am a virgin. I trust Your Grace believes me.’
The Duchess was relieved. She did believe Flora. She had been jealous of her because Sir John had been rather too friendly with her. Sir John was so charming that many women found him irresistible and Flora had quite clearly been flattered, but they had all worked very well together. The Duchess believed she saw the motive behind this attack on Lady Flora’s character.
‘Do you swear that you could not possibly be pregnant, Flora?’
‘I do. If your Grace will allow me to stay at Court I can prove it. People will see that at times I am larger than at others. I am sick, I know. But I will consult Sir Charles Clarke. I am sure his diagnosis will be different from that of Sir James.’
‘Go to your bed and lie down,’ said the Duchess. ‘I will talk to you later, but let me tell you this: I believe you. This is some cruel plot which has started in the Queen’s household. Don’t worry. Flora. I will stand by you.’
The Duchess kissed her lady-in-waiting and the usually frigid Flora was almost in tears. ‘They will be sorry for this,’ declared the Duchess; and Flora felt that with the Duchess’s support she could face the ordeal before her.
Naturally the Duchess immediately sought out Sir John.
‘They are accusing Flora of being pregnant,’ cried the Duchess. ‘It is all a hideous plot. The poor girl is almost demented … although she bravely tries to hide it.’
‘You know,’ said Sir John, ‘that they are accusing me of being the father of this non-existent child.’
‘No, they cannot!’
‘They have already done so. But then I am blamed for everything so I have become accustomed to that.’
‘Is this child … non-existent?’
‘As far as I can say … yes. Do you think Flora is the sort of woman to take a lover? Flora is as frigid as an iceberg.’
‘You have tested this?’
‘One does not have to submit her to that test. All the signposts are there to lead one to that conclusion.’
‘Then she should refuse to submit to this distasteful examination, poor girl.’
Sir John was smiling one of his most cynical smiles. ‘This is going to be one of the biggest scandals of the age. Our little Vic does not realise what a storm she is raising.’
‘Should we try to tell her?’
Sir John laughed. ‘Tell her? Certainly not! Let her get her little fingers burned. The people love her. She is so appealing, the dear little Queen – so kind to everyone, so innocent. Out she goes on her horse – and how well she looks on her horse – riding in her carriage, bowing, smiling. Oh yes, the people love their dear little Queen. But don’t you see, this is her affair. She is at the root of it. She is hounding an innocent woman; she is accusing her of what society calls disgraceful conduct – more disgraceful of course when it is brought to light. If practised in secret it can be quite respectable. Oh, yes, they are playing right into our hands. I think this is going to be a victory for us.’
‘I begin to see what you mean, but this can only come about if Flora is innocent.’
‘I’m ready to stake my future honours and pension on her virginity.’
‘You should know,’ said the Duchess, a little tersely.
‘I’m sure I do,’ he said with a smile.
‘Then what happens next?’