‘I beg of you,’ said Henry coldly, ‘do not once more remind me of Magna Carta. I know it exists and I know I have to keep a wary eye on the barons. But I am not our father. We have left those evil times behind us. I am a King who will rule.’
‘I tell you this,’ cried Richard angrily, ‘if you continue to favour these foreigners you will find your subjects rising in protest all over the country.
‘Please remember that they are my subjects … and so are you.’
Richard bowed his head. He was beginning to wonder whether the royal marriage was as beneficial as he had thought it would be. True, Eleanor was a lovely girl, but she was exercising too much power over the King and her family was becoming a nuisance. The fact was, she was too strong-minded and the King was too besotted. Trust Henry to become uxorious to the brink of folly.
Richard said: ‘I have heard another rumour which makes me very uneasy. I do not believe it … and yet there must be some attachment for it to be talked of. It is said that Simon de Montfort is hoping to marry our sister.’
‘Well?’ said Henry sharply.
‘It could not be so, of course …’
‘Could it not? Why not?’
‘It would be too unseemly.’
‘Who says so? You, brother? You do not rule this land. If I agree to a marriage between Simon de Montfort and Eleanor a marriage there should be.’
‘You would never be so rash.’
Henry felt a familiar tingling in the back of his neck which he had always had when he was afraid.
He cried suddenly: ‘Then let me tell you this, brother. They are married and I gave my consent.’
Richard stared at him in horror. ‘You have given your consent and they are married! This will never be forgiven. Who is this man … this foreigner?’
‘He is now our brother-in-law.’
‘Henry! You are following in the footsteps of our father.’
‘What nonsense!’
‘What do you think the barons’ reaction will be to this?’
‘I know not. Nor do I care. I shall tell them that I am the King and who shall marry whom and who be elected to what See is my affair.’
‘Nay, brother, that is something to which they will never agree. You forget Magna Carta.’
‘If you mention that again to me …’
‘Henry, for God’s sake don’t forget it. A king always has his enemies, and you have yours. There will always be those to say that no son of John could ever rule them well. You know that.’
‘I know this,’ retorted Henry, ‘I am the King and will see that it is remembered.’
Richard looked at him sorrowfully and Henry was so stricken with fear that he said: ‘The marriage was necessary.’
‘Necessary? To whom was it necessary?’
‘To our sister,’ he blustered. ‘He had seduced her. She could not for that reason have been married to anyone else. I agreed because of the necessity to make an honest woman of her.’
‘The scoundrel!’
‘Ah, you – the seducer of many – are shocked I see.’
‘Our sister is a royal princess.’
‘And that intensifies the crime?’
‘It does indeed. Henry, you will hear more of this. Think not that it is an end of the matter. There is something else. The people will never accept William de Valence as the Bishop of Winchester.’
‘If I bestow the See on him, they will accept it.’
Richard said, ‘You will excuse me, brother.’
And with that he turned and left the apartment.
Henry was uneasy. Richard’s warnings kept ringing in his ears. He despised himself too for the calumny he had uttered about Simon de Montfort. It certainly was not true, but it had seemed a way out, an excuse for acting as he did. It was better than saying: My wife wanted it and I could not refuse her.
Hating himself he began to hate Simon de Montfort. This was a trait of his. He wanted to be good, to do right; but when he was caught he would make excuses for himself no matter how he falsely accused others in doing so; he despised himself and soothed his vanity by hating the people who made him dislike himself.
He tried to forget the unfortunate matter of the See of Winchester, which in spite of his efforts, he feared he might not be able to give to Uncle William, in disliking Simon de Montfort and assuring himself that Simon was in truth the seducer of his sister.
He waited in some trepidation for consequences. They were not long in coming. The barons were loudly expressing their disapproval, and Richard had placed himself at the head of them.
Henry fumed with rage. ‘What is he doing now?’ he demanded. ‘Why does he not go on his pilgrimage?’
The answer was that he had domestic difficulties at this time. His wife was ailing.
‘Much he cares for her,’ sneered Henry. ‘If he stays it is only because he hopes she will die and leave him free to marry elsewhere.’
Then he laughed with pleasure, for he knew that Richard would have liked to marry Henry’s Eleanor. He could not, however, have all his own way.
So while the barons were in revolt against what they called the King’s folly in allowing the marriage of a foreign outsider to his sister and granting too many favours to his wife’s family, Henry doted more and more on his wife, finding great joy in her, and granted her every wish so that the whole world should know how he esteemed her.
Chapter V
The barons were in revolt, and at their head was Richard. They were implying that the King was not giving his people the satisfaction they demanded. If we deposed him we might set his brother Richard on the throne was the theme of their discourse. There was a real danger of this happening, and Eleanor was dismayed.
‘It could never come to that,’ Henry soothed her. ‘You do not know my brother Richard.’
He sent for Simon de Montfort and commanded him to make his peace with Richard.
‘Offer him gifts,’ said Henry. ‘He will not be able to resist taking them. He never could.’
And how right he proved to be, for Richard did allow himself to be persuaded that Simon would be his good friend if only he would stop persecuting him. The marriage had taken place, had been consummated, and nothing could change that now. Was it not in the best interests of all to accept it?
Richard saw this, and characteristically accepted Simon’s explanation, along with his gifts, and declared himself his friend. He then shrugged off the matter of the See of Winchester. Henry would simply not be allowed to give it to William de Valence and there was an end of it.
Henry laughed. Was this not typical of his brother? His enthusiasms had always been short-lived. Richard had ever tired of an enterprise before he had completed it.
The monks would not allow Winchester to pass into Uncle William’s hand. Very well, he would wait. In the meantime he would go to one of his favourite palaces, Woodstock, with his sweet Eleanor. Perhaps there his dearest wish – that he should have a son – would be granted.
Woodstock, this beautiful palace in the heart of Oxfordshire, had always fascinated Henry. It was as though his mighty ancestors had left something of themselves behind in this place, and when he was there a little of their grandeur seemed to fall on him.
The forests surrounding it provided good hunting ground; and there was the deer-fold put there by his great great grandfather Henry I which he had filled with strange beasts from foreign lands. There lived lion, leopard, lynx and what had been a wonder at the time and still was, a porcupine. The deer-fold was protected by a high stone wall to prevent the animals escaping. These animals had given great delight to that wily ancestor of his; and it was comforting to hear that he often indulged in his pleasures, mostly hunting – animals but chiefly women – and in spite of this he had been known as the Lion of Justice because of the good laws he had introduced into the country. Then there was his grandfather Henry II whose name was often mentioned in connection with Woodstock. Here he had kept his mistress Rosamund Clifford, about whom many ballads had been made. Henry liked to consider the troubles in the lives of those men who were always held up as an example for him to follow. His grandfather had kept Rosamund in a bower close to the palace which was approached through a maze of trees. That maze was still here; so was the little dwelling known as Rosamund’s Bower. Henry II was a notorious lecher. His wife, the forceful Eleanor of Aquitaine, had hated him for it. She had discovered the existence of Rosamund in her bower because she had seen attached to the King’s spur the end of a ball of floss silk. She took the ball and holding it loosely she was able to track him through the maze and thus she learned the way to his mistress’s abode. When the King left Woodstock she remained behind and Queen Eleanor having discovered the way through the maze visited Rosamund on whom she was determined to be revenged.