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"I've already thought of that. Of course, just because she's an old friend won't hold much weight if she doesn't have the clients." Katherine flipped over to her back. "Why don't you come join me?"

Jay hesitated, wanting to decline. But really, when was the last time they'd had a Saturday afternoon together? "Sure."

"What do you have planned for dinner?"

Jay dove into the pool, surfacing several feet from Katherine. "I thought we'd grill steaks out here. It's been awhile."

"Sounds good. And I wouldn't mind an early dinner. I'm exhausted, really. This was a good idea to have a short weekend for once."

"Yes, it was. And forgive me for saying so, but Kath, you look terrible."

Katherine laughed. "Thanks, sweetheart."

"I mean it. You look like you could just collapse. I'm not sure you can go another month like this."

"I have to. And it won't be a problem. When they announce my new position, I'll be able to take some time off." She stood in the pool, wringing her long hair behind her. "I thought maybe we could get away somewhere." She looked over at Jay. "How about Hawaii?"


"You've never been, have you?"

Jay just barely resisted rolling her eyes. Of course she'd never been. Katherine knew that. "No, I've not had the pleasure."

"Well, then maybe we'll think about doing that. My treat, of course." She walked out of the pool and plopped down in one of the lounge chairs in the shade. "You were right. It's quite pleasant out here after a swim."

"Yes, it is," Jay replied before ducking under the water again and swimming to the far end. Hawaii? Good Lord, what had gotten into her?

Katherine covered her mouth as another yawn came over her. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm not used to down time."

"Maybe your body is trying, to tell you something."

Katherine sipped from her fourth Tom Collins of the afternoon. "It's telling me I'm starving. Those steaks smell wonderful."

"And they'll be ready in a second. Do you want to eat out here or inside?"

"Oh, we're still in our swimsuits. Let's stay out."

"Okay. Let me get the asparagus and potatoes, I'll be right back." Jay hurried inside, ignoring the table she'd already set for dinner. She stood on tiptoe, trying to reach the large serving platter and failing.

"Crap," she muttered. She got the small step stool from the utility room, pulling down the stainless steel platter which they seldom used. On it, she placed two plates and utensils, cloth napkins, the bowl of potatoes and the steamed asparagus. She hurried back outside, kicking open the door with her foot, scowling at the smoke coming from the grill. "Kath, turn the steaks," she said.

Katherine lifted the lid, ducking back from the smoke before flipping their rib eyes over. She looked at Jay over the rim of the gas grill. "Were we out of filet mignon?"

"Sorry. You'll have to settle for rib eye."

"You should make a note to stock up," she said. "I much prefer them."

Jay bit her lip as she set the table outside. "Of course, Kath. But these are prime cut." She walked over to the grill. "And they're ready to come off." She took the tongs from Katherine. "Go sit. I'll bring them over."

Katherine took her drink and moved away. She stood looking out over the pool, finally turning back to Jay. "You're very good to me, you know."

"You think?"

"Yes. I haven't been very good to you this past year."

Jay hesitated, torn between agreeing with her and perhaps having that discussion Audrey had urged her to have... or simply ignoring the statement and having dinner. She met Katherine's eyes, still so lifeless. She chose to ignore it. "You've been very busy, Kath, I know that. And I've been busy with my business. It's starting to take off, I think."

Katherine nodded, but didn't comment.

"Sit. Make yourself a plate. Do you want another drink?"

"No, I think I've had enough." She sat down. "But where's my steak sauce?"

"Sorry. I forgot it. Be right back." Jay hurried back into the house, nearly exhausted herself, just from serving dinner. She stopped in the kitchen, taking a breath. Had it always been this way? Had she always been the caretaker? Had Katherine always been the queen?


And without warning, that heavy weight settled around her again, making her shoulders ache, making her chest heavy. A feeling of confinement, of imprisonment, washed over her, making her breath hard to catch, her lungs tight. She leaned against the counter, eyes closed, trying to ward off the dizziness.

Anxiety attack?

But it passed as soon as it started, her head clearing, the ache leaving her shoulders. "Christ," she murmured, rubbing the back of her neck.


Jay turned, expecting Katherine to be standing there. But she was still on the patio. "Coming." She found Katherine's favorite steak sauce in the fridge and hurried back outside.

"The seasoning is great on these. I almost don't need the sauce."

Jay gritted her teeth and placed the steak sauce within Katherine's reach. "Well, just in case."


Jay stomped across the drop cloth, her mood still as sour as it had been on Sunday. And if she'd had a can of paint opened, she very well might have flung it against the wall.

"What is wrong with you?"

Jay glanced at Connie. "Nothing."

"I think you should let me do the painting today. You're in some kind of mood."

Jay whipped around, angry. But Connie simply stood there, a concerned look on her face. "God, I'm sorry," Jay said. "I really am."

"Bad weekend?"


"Relationship hell?"

Jay laughed. "Something like that. But I think you're right. I should let you work. I'll make a run to the paint store. Get what

I need for the bedroom. How does that sound?"

Connie waved her away. "Take your time. The AC is working today. I'll be fine."

Jay left without another word, going through the front door and standing on the stoop, looking out over the yard, watching as Drew's guy Johnny gave instructions to the five young men with him.

"Hey," she called, waiting until Johnny turned around. "Where's Drew?"

Johnny shook his head. "She won't be out until this afternoon. Had a meeting with a builder this morning."

Jay nodded. Okay, at least Drew wasn't still avoiding her. She jogged down the sidewalk to her van, starting the engine and turning the AC on high. She sat there, hands gripped tightly on the steering wheel. Yeah, relationship hell.

Katherine had made it about halfway through dinner before exhaustion—and alcohol—claimed her. She practically had to be carried up the stairs to bed. And at midnight, when Jay had ventured into their bedroom, Katherine woke, wanting to make love. Jay had given in to the familiar touch, trying in vain to conjure up those old feelings. Katherine's kisses were soft, gentle... like she remembered. Her touch was light across her skin. But that was all. There was no passion, no urgency in their embrace. And before either of them had even come close to orgasm, Katherine had fallen asleep again, forgetting all about their lovemaking, stopping in mid-stroke and rolling over to face die wall.

Jay had never been more humiliated in all her life. She withdrew her fingers from Katherine and slipped from the bed, going back outside to sit by the pool. It was hours later before sleep claimed her.

And the next morning, Katherine had cuddled with her in bed, whispering how wonderful the sex had been the night before. Thankfully, Katherine was invigorated and had practically run down the stairs and into her office, working the morning away until Jay had called her for lunch. A lunch Katherine only picked at before dashing away to the firm, saying she had files she had to work on.