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Ellis, Havelock, 29–30, 249, 255

The Enchanter (Nabokov), 53, 221. See also Volshebnik (Nabokov)

Enoch Pratt Free Library (Baltimore), 88–89

Epstein, Jason, 208

Ergaz, Doussia, 209

Farrell, Marie, 90

Ferry, John, 97–98

Field, Andrew, 9, 30, 55, 226

Findley, Everett, 119

five-and-dime store meeting, 15–17

Fogg, Frank (La Salle alias), 58–60, 62, 246

Forstein, Dorothy, 69–71

Forstein, Jules, 69–71

Forstein, Marcy, 70

fountainists, 55

Frank J. Leonard Funeral Home, 185

Freud, Sigmund, 249

Geisel, Ted, 103

Gibbons, John, 128, 130

The Gift (Nabokov), 49–50

“Girl in the Box” abduction case, 85–86

Girodias, Maurice, 209–214

Goff, Ella Katherine, 34. See also Horner, Ella (mother)

Goff, Job, 35, 37

Goff, Susannah, 35, 37

Gogol, Nikolai, 8, 28

Gomez, Manny, 136

G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 211–214, 224, 241

Grammar, Dorothy, 200–202

Grammar, G. Edward, 200–202

Grand Teton mountains, 103–105

Guadanini, Irina, 50

Haber, Joyce, 241–242, 243

Hall, Marshall, 136–138

Hanlin, Sarah, 17

Harrie, Armand, 96

Harrie, Madeline, 96

Hazlitt (online magazine), on Lolita-Sally connection, 4–5

Heilfurth, Paul, 174

Hoover, Clark, 95–96

Hornbuckle, Howard, 127–129, 135, 138, 239

Horner, Ella (mother), 140–141

Atlantic City “trip” permission, 19–20

civil suits filed by, 188

on La Salle, 131

La Salle’s history revealed to, 26

life after Sally’s death, 235–237

Lolita parallels, 108–109, 219–220, 246

marriages of, 33–37, 235–236

reporting Sally’s disappearance, 24–25

on Sally’s captivity, 157

Sally’s death and, 175, 185–186

during Sally’s disappearance, 24–26, 67–72

Sally’s letters to, 20, 24, 25, 138

Sally’s rescue and, 126, 130–131

Sally’s reunion with, 139–142, 140–141

as single mother, 16–17, 18, 19, 34, 36–37, 67–68, 71–72

testimony of, 138

Horner, Russell (father), 18, 34, 35–37

Horner, Sally (Florence)

after rescue, in California, 157–158

aliases of, 89, 112, 118

birth of, 34

during captivity, reaching out to others, 122–123, 133, 155

captivity, traveling between cities during, 86–88, 112, 121–123, 138

captivity in Atlantic City, 19–20, 22–26, 25, 39–40, 138

captivity in Baltimore, 83–84, 86–91, 129

captivity in Dallas, 111–116, 118–123, 129,137, 192–194

captivity in San Jose, 121, 125–127

death of, 2–3, 173–175, 183–185, 221, 257

description of her ordeal, 128–130, 136–137

family life of, 18, 33–37, 157–161, 160–161. See also Horner, Ella (mother); Panaro, Al; Panaro, Diana; Panaro, Susan (sister)

insights into, 84–87, 133, 155, 158–159, 161

La Salle, first encounters with, 15–17, 19–20

at La Salle’s arraignment, 136–137, 145

letters to her mother, 20, 24, 25, 138

Lolita parallels. See under real-life connections to Lolita

Lolita’s direct reference to, 1

love of the outdoors, 163

Miss Robinson and, 87–88, 138

neighbor’s recollections of, 113–115, 121,192–194

photographs of, 2, 25, 232, 239, 140–141, 160–161, 259

physical description of, 1–2, 25–26, 31, 160–161

rescue of, 125–132, 132, 135–138, 139

reunion with mother, 139–142, 140–141

school enrollment after captivity, 158–159, 162

school enrollment during captivity, 89–92, 113

search for, 24–26, 39–43, 69

social life of, 18, 162–163, 169–170, 171–172

subjugation of, 89–91, 257–258

Taylor on, 237–238

Wildwood trip, 169–173

Hughes, Richard, 190

Humes, Charley, 98

Hutton, James, 96

Invitation to a Beheading (Nabokov), 203

Irons, Jeremy, 250

Ithaca (NY), house inspiration in Lolita, 29. See also Cornell University

Jackson Hole (WY), 104

Janeway, Elizabeth, 215

Janisch, George, 117–121

Janisch, Pat, 117–118

Janisch, Rachel, 194–195, 229–234

Janisch, Ruth, 119

arrival in Texas, 117–118

background, 116–120

departure from Texas, 121

La Salle’s letters to, 194

Lolita parallel, 220

motivation for helping Sally, 118–121

relationship with her children, 229–232, 234

Sally’s rescue and, 125–127, 146, 194–195

willingness to testify against La Salle, 139

Janisch, Vanessa, 194

Janney, Anthony, 88

Jass, Alfred, 149

Kagamaster, Dale, 112

Kagamaster, Josephine, 114, 115

Kampusch abduction case, 85–86

Karlinsky, Simon, 53

Keegan, Dick, 206–207

King, Ralph, 60

The Kingdom by the Sea. See Lolita (Nabokov)

Klots, Alexander, 103

Knight, Michelle, 86

Krim, Seymour, 218–219

Kubrick, Stanley, 245–248

Langella, Frank, 250

Lanz, Bruno, 255

Lanz, Henry, 54–55

LaPlante (La Salle’s alias), 112

LaPlante, Madeline (Sally’s alias), 89, 112

La Salle, Frank, 64, 148

aliases of, 19–20, 24–26, 58–60, 62, 112, 246

appeals by, 189–192

appellate brief by, 192–194

arraignment of, 136–137

background, 23, 57–58

capture of, 130

children of, 60–63, 191–192, 195–197

death of, 197

divorce of, 63–65

extradition of, 135–136, 138–139, 143–145, 189–190

false narratives by, 23, 109, 130, 191–192, 197

funeral flowers for Sally from, 185

grand jury indictment of, 138–139

guilty plea by, 145–148

Janisch (Rachel) victimized by, 232–234

kidnapping charges against, 69, 81, 111

letters from prison, 194–195

Lolita parallels, 152–155, 178–180, 219–221, 246

Lolita reference to, 1

marriages of, 42, 58–63

personal characteristics of 19–20, 57–58

Pfeffer family helped by, 22–23

physical description, 148

Sally’s captivity, in Atlantic City, 22–26, 25, 39–40, 138

Sally’s captivity, in Baltimore, 83–84, 86–92, 129

Sally’s captivity, in Dallas, 111–116, 118–123, 129,137, 192–194

Sally’s captivity, in San Jose, 121, 125–127

Sally’s captivity, traveling between cities, 86–88, 112, 121–123, 138

Sally’s first encounters with, 15–17, 19–20

Sally’s mother on, 131–132

Sally’s sister on, 131–132