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A deep heavy thud echoed about the place and I realized it was an altered version of a gun being fired, and for a few seconds I gasped wondering if it had entered the loch after all and if they had just killed it.

I watched the most distant soldier, away in the depths of the wood, and him using a torch and its beam shifting around everywhere, while he stood aiming his rifle.

I realized how dangerous the monster was and that it could go crazy and I expected the thing to come flying straight out the loch, and I wondered if they could accurately shoot and kill it, and if their bullets could kill it!

Chapter 8

The Search

The entire front page of a major newspaper covered the story, of the Loch Ness sighting, and what had happened, but they had not authenticated the discovery or produced evidence, and its species was marked as unknown.

The story was seen all over the country, and tourists, reporters, scientists, people from other groups started to turn up, and the two paranormal scientists, with some luck, saved the day, just when we were about to leave Loch Ness with no proper proof of the monster’s existence, when they brought in conventional scientists, who had the technology to scan the loch, to the deepest depths, and even into regions of the ground.

Though it was not accurate, and produced some mapping below the ground, to a certain depth, it made it possible to observe some objects with some clarity, and perhaps even a dinosaur fossil, and it worked from a plane.

The scientists were also members of an exploration association, and they had been on a scientific expedition to uncover a legendry form of dinosaur in the Amazon, and they had declared how they could help them, and they gave them an insight into their technology and how it could be used.

Though dark clouds shifted in at nightfall and the heavy snow arrived, and it even looked as if we would be snowed in and trapped in the hotel, and unable to even reach the airport, to get to the airplane, but luckily in the morning it cleared.

The roads were cleared by the evening and we got to the airport and airplane and started investigating their new technology, trying to grasp what we could from what they gave, and we left on the airplane from the airport towards Loch Ness.

The two paranormal investigators were enthralled with their setup and operating methods, and thought that it could be a major breakthrough, and in their investigations, grasping its full potential and the future possibilities that it could offer their various forms of scientific exploration.

At the same time I investigated what I could and how the technology functioned in far greater detail and what its capabilities were. It soon began to look too hard to produce and use, but my thoughts of it and the mission altered once we started investigating large regions of the loch.

How could they fail? The creature had to be around where our hotel was, and they were swiftly exploring the entire loch!

The equipment system was monitoring everything perfectly and I sensed that they could detect the monster and I considered if they had deliberately given incorrect information on the distance of the scan to hide its faults and power, as it was expensive equipment!

I later became sure from things some of the scientists on the plane had indicated that they were carrying out a more distant and less accurate scan, which I was sure could not detect it without it being close up.

At the front window I watched shades of light play with my vision in animated motions, over the bright loch, and snow covered hills and mountains, while the plane rushed through the air, and I watched the scientists at work, constantly examining their technology and readouts to discover anything, and anything to make improvements, for them to introduce, or for them to make any breakthroughs with.

The two paranormal investigators sat along from me, sitting opposite beside each other, at a table with a map stretched out across it, searching the area ahead and about us, while they discussed it.

It was strange as there never looked as though there was anything there, especially so desolate, and there was little about the plane with anything, and the region looked far colder and too far north. Yet we knew what place the monster could be, even though it could be virtually anywhere there, and I was surprised that they finally asked the pilots to fly lower, and I looked out the side window and saw that the hotel was away up ahead.

It was incredible when something occurred, and few minutes later it did, and the equipment reacted, which was unbelievable, even as I knew something could be there, and the equipment started showing more reactions and giving incredible readouts and the scientists, who had not seen the creature, could not comprehended what was there, and as it was vague, which could have been off anything, but when they shifted the airplane over to where the source was they started getting better and more comprehensible readouts, and one scientist even started suggesting something else there could be creating the disturbance.

At a screen where reactions were being displayed, and a blurred but visible image of a massive creature emerged, and they all started discussing what they thought it was, and at least one thought it was something else, as they could not comprehend what could cause it, and I saw that another was disappointed.

I realized something and gasped, and I saw the two paranormal scientists notice it and follow my eyes and surely realize what I thought and that the detected object was not in fact under the loch, and was under an area of land beside it, which was in a desolate spot near our hotel.

Chapter 9

The Science Convention

I was surprised to see reporters I knew and the media from throughout the globe arrive at the annual conference of the exploration association and I realized straightaway that the whole story of the Loch Ness monster and occurrences that had taken place would become well known and documented, and be on newspapers, magazines, television, and many other media sources.

All the scientists and explorers were packed together around a stage platform and some were being interviewed and filmed! Luckily the scientists with our investigation of the Loch Ness monster and the cavity avoided them and telling anything and the majority of the people never knew what had really happened either, and the media was mainly investigating things and doing news updates on the story.

I recalled everything that had happened and our explorations of the cavity we found, where the object was under the area of land beside the loch, which we used a photo of the airplane scan and of a photo of the loch from outside the airplane to find, and put it on a map of the loch.

We used divers to investigate the loch about the cavity and they found the entrance, and filmed its interior, which was startling, and had many signs of the monster having been there, and the remains of food it had eaten, including fish, sharks, and the skeleton of a large cow.

Yet, even though we found it, the mission was unsuccessfully as we were unable to capture it and get anything on the monster itself, and it never appeared there again, and it had gone into hiding, and we never had any proper proof of its existence, except vague hazy photos we collected from people there who had seen it, and one I took when the divers were in the cavity, of its black distant shape, away in the distance, watching us, and I saw it vanish away in the distance, surely never to return.

I was astonished that the exploration association was mainly unknown and that the media had not noticed the group, and its accomplishments. They had many mentions of their explorations and adventures over many years! And the large conference hall was packed solid with famous and major scientists from all over the globe that were members!