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What could it be? I was left baffled, once again! I had considered everything, and only had the metal detector that had activated it, and it never added up to anything!

I realized that the two paranormal investigators had not even known what it was, and I realized that they should be the ones that should solve it, and they could at least witness the occurrence, and information, and I realized from the information they had given that they had not actually given me any mention of such an occurrence, and I was sure that they had not told me of anything authentic of a supernatural nature, and which they had confronted, and I was sure that they had not properly found anything as solid as it, and that their stuff was not really authentic, and going by Marple’s view of them and their work he never believed that they had discovered anything of that nature.

I left the building and got to a phone and called them up, and I explained the situation and the occurrences and Higgins was astounded, and he sounded more astounded than I had heard him, and he was deeply surprised, and was not able to explain anything to me, and he put Oswald on the phone, and he was confused, and they agreed to come and see the occurrence, and they decided to bring their best equipment, and try and help the woman.

It was amazing that I had not fully realized the idea before!

I had been too busy not wanting to go back, and had no interest in finding out what was there, and the damage I had been bad!

It was incredible that all the time I had been with them I never properly explained what had happened, and I still believe they never picked up what I meant.

I recalled how powerful it was, and that their other scientists could also help out, and I told her about them, and their experience, and she was excited at the outcome and glad to have me bring them.

So I phoned Marple and told him of what occurred and he just ignored the occurrences and told me the two paranormal scientists had become famous over the Loch Ness monster story, and he agreed that their technology had vastly improved, and that if anyone could find anything they would be the ones.

Chapter 12

The Paranormal Scientists

Paranormal scientists and technicians rushed back and forward setting up their new equipment all over the woman’s corridor, while Oswald and Higgins checked everything.

I watched on, and the woman in her living room relaxing, joyously listening to the scientists at work.

They gave me the impression that they might be going to do something or come to a conclusion, and that they might well have found the right location to do it.

I started to realize the implications, and recalled what had happened to me the last time, and that it might be deadly, and I realized that they might find something was there of deadly origins and be of great danger to everyone there and even in the region! Yet when I thought of it I could not realize anything that could do such a thing!

Higgins quickly told the scientists, “Investigate all these walls, the floor, and roof…”

I felt tiredness from the events of that day and wished that I could have rested.

When I examined the equipment they now had I was surprised at how advanced it had become and at its capabilities and I wondered how they could make a large enough profit to pay for it, but realized it surely was funded somewhere.

Their visit there was clearly giving them far more of an insight and knowledge of things than I had realized, and they had gained a great deal of information from their earlier questioning of the woman, who had been desperate to get them to solve the problem.

I was becoming positive that they had found far more than they had indicated, and were keeping secrets from me.

I wanted to grasp what they all knew that I should know, and I regularly strolled about examining the equipment for clues, and recalled something that I had forgotten and reading about some of the work that the two paranormal scientists had done years ago, after they had given documents on their paranormal investigations.

I recalled their stuff had been surprising, and even alarming, which had drawn my attention at the time, but I recalled that I had just dismissed it later as them using it to advertise their work!

At times I thought they were deliberately putting the psychic research there to cover their real work and discoveries! Whatever that was! They never mentioned anything on other stuff that they did, which I had found existed at occasions, and I had hardly even seen anyone even check them.

They informed me that they were checking for virtually all known forms of disturbance, energy and matter disturbances, in and around the haunted region and I was sure that they could, from what I had heard earlier from some of the other scientists, which just confused me even more later as I could not grasp what they were actually talking about at times, and I realized that so far I just never knew what was there!

Eventually I started to get sleepy and at some point I fell asleep in a chair in my room, after a long day, and I was suddenly awoken from one of the strangest dreams I have had, and thought I sensed something strange, which I could not grasp, and kept trying to awaken myself further and prove that it was the dream and my sleepy state of mind. Yet there was something strange and I felt as though there was something there, but I could not grasp what, and I was sure I had not encountered it before, and I listened to all the scientists at work and their low level conversations, and I checked them outside my door, to discover if anything had been detected.

Suddenly, in the darkness at the end of the corridor, two figures came rushing out, resembling a sort of dream view to me in my tired sleepy state, and the figures turned out to be two of the scientists, who I had thought had left the building, and I realized that they were working outside, checking stuff on their equipment about the zone, and building, and one whispered something in Higgins’s ear, making him look slightly surprised.

Higgins’s face turned dramatic, making me wonder what the hell was going to happen, and I stood staggered waiting for something, anything, anywhere, and even regretting bringing them there, and I saw he was desperate to do something, and he rushed away with the two scientists to where they had been, and outside.

“What are they up to?” Oswald muttered, staring, bewildered.

“This is a hell of a place!” I mumbled, thinking of what had happened to me there before, considering if it could kill this time, and I was glad I had hardly even mentioned the metal detector.

I decided to follow Oswald out the door to them, as I had to know what was there, and if something was going to happen.

When I rushed out the door I was surprised to look up and see drifting currents of snowflakes blow about outside, and it starting to deepen, with gusts blowing over me, and I closed my jacket up and marched after Oswald going towards where Higgins was, and we tried to see what was there but we saw little, and only them bent over something on the ground, hidden away by their figures.

It had been a very long day, and the next day could very well be far longer, and I watched Higgins rush doing something and I wondered what I was missing, and if we should slow down and observe them at a distance first, as if they collapsed like I had done on the last occasion after using the metal detector there I wanted to observe what happened to them and finally know what had happened to me.

The bright snowing sky seemed to darken over the area above them, and I pointed it out to Oswald, as heavy snow came floating down all about the area and we were amazed that it never entered a circle region about them, as though something was stopping it, which I tried to explain as a small thin faint whirlwind forming.