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Yet what was it doing there? Was it caused by them causing some form of disturbance there, and within the snowstorm?

Faint tread marks of a car were below the snow on the road, under a layer of snow, and I realized how late it was, and that there were no cars or anything about and it was silent and lifeless.

“What are the thermometers for in the building?” I asked Oswald, after recalling seeing them everywhere, and for something to say, wondering what the scientists were doing with them in such conditions, and to see if I could find out anything.

He swiftly replied, as we moved closer to Higgins, “Where there have been manifestations drops in temperature have been found, discovered before and during the occurrences. Although I have never proven to myself that it happens!”

I wondered if it could actually do other things and had centered itself around where Higgins was.

“It’d be a good way to detect something near you!” I replied. “So a room should theoretically drop in temperature before and during it?”

He nodded firmly, and we marched over to Higgins and the two scientists, observing them not even noticing us and our approach, so absorbed in what was there and what they were doing, and when we got just behind them they suddenly looked up, in another direction, and they started to react strangely, and I realized it was not to us but something else there, and I waited for something to make an appearance.

Chapter 13

The Paranormal

Everyone seemed to grow in determination to find what was happening, and what was there, and I was left staggered, as what was there vanished when we arrived, and Higgins told us they had been monitoring the research equipment one of the two scientists had, which had discovered large power surges of some form of energy from the ground where they had been.

They were left confused without any answer to it, and I wondered what the hell had been there, and if we would be left confused by the incident, and I tried to answer it with everything.

Once back indoors they returned to what they were doing before they left, and I wondered how the two paranormal scientists would explain what had happened! If nothing else happened!

I examined all their equipment for clues, when I got near them, and wondered why the disturbance in the hall had not occurred, as the woman had told us it had continued to occur, and this startled me the most!

From some of the other scientists I heard of the work that two paranormal scientists had recently done, after they had released documents of the investigations on the paranormal investigations.

Their stuff could be surprising, and alarming in places, which drew my attention, and I kept wondering if I had missed something! At times I thought they were deliberately putting psychic research there to cover their real work and discoveries! Though they never mentioned anything of other stuff, which I found suggestions of on occasions.

I could not grasp if they were ignoring me and not giving proper answers to only avoid becoming fake ghost hunters!

Also by the way that they reacted I believed that they might not have anything that could detect anything there, and I finally went to sleep in my room and left them and their equipment to detect anything, and wake me if it did occur.

Later I was unsure and they became unsure if there was anything really there, and I wondered if anything existed that could be used to properly detect anything there, but why had we not seen the ghost formations there, and what had Higgins had found outside?

Presumable if it had emerged its presence would produce effects to indicate it being there — such as altering air currents, gravity, magnetic fields, radioactivity, scent, sound waves, static, and the light spectrum…

Their equipment was there to check everything to a degree that had not been done, and I realized that they could have chased it away, and I realized that if it had that it would prove it had intelligence, and a fear of something occurring!

Chapter 14

The Hospital

Marple rushed over and got a drink for me and placed it in front of me and returned to the fireplace.

It was incredible! Marple looked more baffled than I had seen him, and I knew we had problems! The serial killer was still killing people and they still never had any clues to who he was, or anything, and they wanted him to solve the case, and not only was the sum of money for solving it now incredible he would get the fame and prestige he wanted, and become a major and historical investigator, if he solved the unsolvable case, and its insolvability was a major factor that kept teasing him, and he seemed obsessed with it, and all his investigators and connections were virtually on the case, checking for anything, and any remote clues.

Eventually Marple grew tired of the lack of evidence, and thinking over it, and asked, “What happened at the house at Craigmillar Road?”

“Nothing!” I moaned.

“Not even with all the scientists and their most advanced equipment?”

“But the paranormal scientists phoned and told me of another major discovery at another nearby location. While we had been investigating there it had been occurring at a nearby hospital! There were reported encounters of something at the Victoria Infirmary and in the middle of the night!”

The two paranormal scientists checked out the hospital and its hidden history and found sightings had actually occurred there before, and before it had been built, and they had given me a folder full of all the information to prove it to me, and what fascinated me about it all was that all the major occurrences seemed to occur on the same dates, and there was hardly anything marked in between, and after going over it I noticed that there were specific reoccurrences and the same lengths of time between the occurrences.

Yet, though I confirmed it, I could not grasp what it meant! There was no sign proof of anything! Was it a new form of haunting? And if so what the hell was happening?

Even though it was the site of a large famous battle, and massacre that could have caused such an occurrence, and bodies could well be below there, or nearby, I could not grasp what was actually happening, and really wanted to.

I investigated everything I could, and all the information and history of the region, trying to grasp something, and some clue, and found the main regions of the battle, where I found the woman’s haunted flat and the hospital were at.

I wondered if it was the large amounts of deaths, and how it had been executed, or if Mary Queen of Scots had actually died there!

What was incredible was I was starting to realize and sense that what had occurred there could have been another event, which occurred far further back in the past, before what had happened there, centuries before, and it could have caused the battle itself, and that something there had caused the battle to take place.

I decided to investigate it further and find what had happened!

I watched Marple playing with something inside an envelope, and asked him, “What have you got?”

“It’s the 1568 map Dr Barrymore gave me.”

I curiously watched him play with it, and realized he was happy about something, even though it was not the discover of anything to do with the serial killer, and I sensed he might tell me what it was, and I sat considering what it could be.

“I’ve been searching through maps and I have found one source with similar maps, as Dr Barrymore’s map, which have been proven to have been made around 1568…”

I was surprised as I realized the date 1568 had been when Mary Queen of Scots had the battle at Langside, and sat wondering why it was the exact date, and if the events were linked or if it was just luck, and I recalled what happened and the events.