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Chapter 1. Human Nature

I. Dawkins 1991:

2. Weismann 1889:

3. Weismann 1889:

4. A few scientists argue that Chinese people are indeed descended from "Peking man," the local version of Homo crectus, but the evidence is now heavily against them:

5. Karl Marx, in Criticism of the Gotha Program (1875), was paraphrasing Michael Bakunin, who declared, when on trial after the failure of an anarchist rising at Lyons (1870): "From each according to his faculties, to each according to his needs:"

6. Not all anthropologists would agree that all modern people are descendants of a race that was confined to Africa until 100,000 years ago, but most do: 7. Tooby and Cosmides 1990:

8. Mayr 1983; Dawkins 1986:

9. Hunter, Nur, and Werren 1993:

10. Dawkins 1991:

I I: Dawkins 1986:

12. Tiger 1991:

13. See Edward Tenner ' s article " Revenge Theory " in Harvard Maga&ine, March—April 1991, for why this is so:

14. Wilson 1975:

Chapter 2. The Enigma

1. Bell 1982:

2. Weismann 1889:

3. Brooks 1988:

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4. J: Maynard Smith, interview:

5. Levin 1988:

6. Weismann 1889:

7. Bell 1982:

8. Fisher 1930:

9. Muller 1932.

10. Crow and Kimura 1965:

I I: Wynne Edwards 1962:

12: Darwin 1859:

13. Humphrey 1983:

14. Williams 1966:

15. Fisher 1930; Wright 1931; Haldane 1932: 16. Huxley 1942:

17. Hamilton 1964; Trivers 1971:

18. Ghiselin 1974, 1988:

19. Maynard Smith 1971:

20. Stebbins 1950; Maynard Smith 1978:

21. Jaenike 1978:

22. Gould and Lewontin 1979:

23. Williams 1975; Maynard Smith 1978:

24. Maynard Smith 1971:

25. Ghiselin 1988:

26. Bernstein, Hopf, and Michod 1988:

27. Bernstein 1983; Bernstein, Byerly, Hopf, and Michod 1985: 28. Maynard Smith 1988:

29. Tiersch, Beck, and Douglas 1991:

30. Bull and Charnov 1985; Bierzychudek 19876; Kondrashov and Crow 1991; Perrod, Richerd, and Valero 1991.

31. Bernstein, Hopf, and Michod 1988:

32. Kondrashov 1988:

33. Flegg, Spencer, and Wood 1985:

34. Stearns 1978; Michod and Levin 1988:

35. Kirkpatrick and Jenkins 1989; Wiener, Feldman, and Otto 1992: 36. Muller 1964:

37. Bell 1988:

38. Muller's ratchet has recently been found at work in viruses; see Chao 1992; Chao, Tran, and Matthews 1992:

39. Crow 1988:

40. Kondrashov 1982:

41. M: Meselson, interview:

42. Kondrashov 1988:


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43. Hamilton 1990:

44. C: Lively, interview:

Chapter 3: The Power of Parasites

I: Hurst, Hamilton, and Ladle 1992:

2. M: Meselson, interview:

3. Maynard Smith 1986:

4. Williams 1966, Williams 1975:

5. Maynard Smith 1971:

6. Williams and Mitton 1973:

7. Williams 1975:

8. Bell 1982:

9. Bell 1982:

10. Ghiselin 1974:

II: Darwin 1859:

12: Bell 1982:

I 3: Schmitt and Antonovics 1986; Ladle 1992: 14. Williams 1966:

15. Bierzychudek 1987:

16. Harvey 1978:

17. Burt and Bell 1987:

18. Eldredge and Gould 1972:

19. Williams 1975:

20. Carroll 1871:

21: Van Valen 1973; L: Van Valen, interview.

22. Zinsser 1934; McNeill 1976:

23. Washington Post, December 16, 1991: 24. Krause 1992:

25. Dawkins 1990:

26. Assuming thirty minutes per bacterial generation, there are 1,226,400 bacterial generations in a human lifetime of seventy years: In the 7 million years since we shared an ancestor with chimpanzees, there have been just over 200,000

"human" generations of thirty years each: 2,7. O'Connell 1989:

28. Dawkins and Krebs 1979:

29. Schall 1990; May and Anderson 1990:

30. Levy 1992.

31. Ray 1992:

32. Ray 1992; T: Ray, interview:

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3 3: L: Hurst, interview.

34. Burt and Bell 1987:

35. Bell and Burt 1990:

36. Kelley 1985; Schmitt and Antonovics 1986; Bierzychudek 1987a: 37. Haldane 1949; Hamilton 1990:

38. Hamilton, Axelrod, and Tanese 1990; W: D: Hamilton, interview: 39. Haldane 1949; Clarke 1979:

40. Clay 1991:

41. Bremermann 1987:

42. Nowak 1992; Nowak and May 1992:

43. Hill, Allsopp, Kwiatkowski, Anscey, Twumasi, Rowe, Bennett, Brewster, McMichael, and Greenwood 1991:

44. Potts, Manning, and Wakeland 1991:

45. Haldane 1949.

46. Jayakar 1970; Hamilton 1990:

47. Jaenike 1978; Bell 1982; Bremermann 1980; Tooby 1982; Hamilton 1980: 48. Hamilton 1964; Hamilton 1967; Hamilton 1971.

49. Hamilton, Axelrod, and Tanese 1990:

50. Hamilton, Axelrod, and Tanese 1990:

51. W: D: Hamilton, interviews:

52. W: D. Hamilton, interview; A: Pomiankowski, interview.

53. Glesner and Tilman 1978; Bierzychudek 1987: 54. Daly and Wilson 1983:

55. Edmunds and Alstad 1978, 1981; Seger and Hamilton 1988: 56. Harvey, 1 978.

57. Gould 1978:

58. C: Lively, interview:

59. Lively 1987:

60. C: Lively, interview:

61. Lively, Craddock, and Vrijenhoek 1990:

62. Tooby 1982:

63. Bell 1987:

64. Hamilton 1990:

65. Hamilton 1990:

66. Bell and Maynard Smith 1987:

67. W: D: Hamilton, interview:

68. M: Meselson, interview:

69. R: Ladle, interview:

70. G: Bell, interview; A: Burt, interview; Felsentein 1988; W. Hamilton, interview; J: Maynard Smith, interview; G: Williams, interview: 71. Metzenberg 1990:


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Chapter 4. Genetic Mutiny and Gender

1. Hardin 1968:

2. I make no apology for using the word gender when I mean sex (male or female); I know it is a word that originally referred only to grammatical categories, but meanings change and it is usefully unambiguous to have a word other than sex for males and females:

3. Cosmides and Tooby 1981:

4. Leigh 1990:

5. See Dawkins 1976, 1982, for the clearest exposition of this case: 6. Hickey 1982; Hickey and Rose 1988:

7. Doolittle and Sapienza 1980; Orgel and Crick 1980: 8. Dawkins 1986:

9. Nee and Maynard Smith 1990:

10. Mereschkovsky 1905; Margulis 1981; Margulis and Sagan 1986: II: Beeman, Friesen, and Denell 1992:

12. Hewitt 1972; Hewitt 1976; Hewitt and East 1978; Shaw, Hewitt, and Anderson 1985; Bell and Burt 1990; Jones 1991:

13. D: Haig, interview:

14. Haig and Grafen 1991:

15. Charlesworth and Hartl 1978:

16. For a comprehensive review of meiotic drive see American Naturalist, voclass="underline" 137, pp: 281-456, "The Genetics and Evolutionary Biology of Meiotic Drive," a symposium organized by T: W: Lyttle, L: M: Sandler, T: Prout, and D: D: Perkins, 1991:

17. Haig and Grafen 1991:

18. D: Haig, interview; see also S: Spandrel (unpublished).

19. Hamilton 1967; Dawkins 1982; Bull 1983; Hurst 1992a; L: Hurst, interview: 20. Leigh 1977:

21. Cosmides and Tooby 1981:

22. Margulis 1981:

23. Cosmides and Tooby 1981; Hurst and Hamilton 1992: 24. Anderson 1992; Hurst 1991b; Hurst 1992b: 25. Werren, Skinner, and Huger 1986; Werren Hurst 1990; Hurst 1991c:


26. Mitchison 1990: