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27. L: Hurst, interview; see also Parker, Baker, and Smith 1972 and Hoekstra 1987 for additional, but not rival, features of the evolution of anisogamy and two genders:

28. Frank 1989:

29. Gouyon and Couvet 1987; Frank 1989; Frank 1991; Hurst and Pomiankowski 1991:

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30. Hurst 1991a:

31. Hurst and Hamilton 1992:

32. Hurst, Godfray, and Harvey 1990:

33. Hurst, Godfray, and Harvey 1990.

34. Olsen and Marsden 1954; Olsen 1956; Olsen and Buss 1967: 35. Lienhart and Vermelin 1946:

36. Hamilton 1967:

37. Cosmides and Tooby 1981:

38. Bull and Bulmer 1981; Frank 1990:

39. Bull and Bulmer 1981; J: J: Bull, interview: 40. Frank and Swingland 1988; Charnov 1982; Bull 1983; J: J: Bull, interview: 41. Warner, Robertson, and Leigh 1975:

42. Bull 1983; Bull 1987; Conover and Kynard 1981: 43. Dunn, Adams, and Smith 1990; Adams, Greenwood, and Naylor 1987: 44. Head, May, and Pendleton 1987:

45. J: J: Bull, interview.

46. Bull 1983; Werren 1991; Hunter, Nur, and Werren 1993.

47. Trivers and Willard 1973:

48. Trivers and Willard 1973:

49. The sex ratio of presidential children was first noticed by Laura Betzig and Samantha Weber of the University of Michigan: 50. Trivers and Willard 1973:

51. Austad and Sunquist 1986:

52. Clutton-Brock and 1ason 1986; Clutton-Brock 1991; Huck, Labov, and Lisk 1986:

53. T: H: Clutton-Brock, interview:

54. Clutton-Brock, Albon, and Guinness 1984: 55. Symington 1987:

56. For baboons, see Altmann 1980; for macaques, see Silk 1983, Simpson and Simpson 1982, and Small and Hrdy 1986; for a general summary, see Van Schaik and Hrdy 1991; for howler monkeys, I rely on K: Glander, interview; for a skeptical view of this data, T: Hasegawa, correspondence: 57. Hrdy 1987:

58. Van Schaik and Hrdy 1991:

59. Goodall 1986:

60. Grant 1990; Betzig and Weber 1992.

61. Grant 1990; V: J: Grant, correspondence.

62. Bromwich 1989:

63. K: McWhirter: "The gender vendors: " Independent newspaper, London 27

October 1991, pages 54-55:

64. B: Gledhill, interview:


::: 357:::

65. For zebra finches, see Burley 1981; for red-cockaded woodpeckers, see Gowaty and Lennartz 1985; for bald eagles, see Bortolotti 1986; for other hawks, see Olsen and Cockburn 1991:

66. N: D: Kristof: "Asia, Vanishing Point for As Many As 100 Million Women: "

International Herald Tribune, 6 November 1991, page 1: 67. Rao 1986; Hrdy 1990:

68. M: Nordborg, interview:

69. Bromwich 1989:

70. James 1986; James 1989; W: H: James, interview: 71. Unterberger and Kirsch 1932:

72. Dawkins 1982:

73. A: C: Hurlbert, personal communication: 74. Fisher 1930; R: L: Trivers, interview:

75. Betzig 1992a:

76. Dickemann 1979; Boone 1988; Voland 1988; Judge and Hrdy 1988: 77. Hrdy 1987; Cronk 1989; Hrdy 1990:

78. Dickemann 1979:

79. Dickemann 1979; Kitcher 1985; Alexander 1988; Hrdy 1990: 80. S: B: Hrdy, interview:

81. Dickemann 1979:

Chapters: The Peacock's Talc

1. Troy and Elgar 1991:

2. Trivers 1972; see also Dawkins 1976:

3. Atmar 1991:

4. Darwin 1871:

5. Diamond 1991b:

6. Cronin 1992:

7. Marden 1992:

8. Baker 1985; Gotmark 1992:

9. Ridley, Rands, and Lelliott 1984:

10. Halliday 1983:

11. Hoglund and Robertson 1990:

12. Moller 1988:

13. Hoglund, Eriksson, and Lindell 1990:

14. Andersson 1982:

15. Cherry 1990:

16. Houde and Endler 1990:

17. Evans and Thomas 1992:

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18. Fisher 1930:

19. Jones and Hunter 1993:

20. Ridley and Hill 1987:

21. Taylor and Williams 1982:

22. Boyce 1990:

23. Cronin 1992:

24. The best volumes on the two factions of sexual selection are Bradbury and Andersson 1987 and Cronin 1992:

25. O ' Donald 1980; Lande 1981; Kirkpatrick 1982; see Arnold 1983: 26. Weatherhead and Robertson 1979:

27. Pomiankowski, Iwasa, and Nee 1991

28. Pomiankowski 1990.

29. Dugatkin 1992; Gibson and Hoglund 1992. Copying has also been proven in fallow deer: Balmford 1991:

30. Pomiankowski 1990; see also Trail 1990 for why capuchin birds and other monomorphic lekking species experience female-female competition: 31. Partridge 1980:

32. Balmford 1991:

33. Alatalo, Hoglund, and Lundberg 1991:

34. Hill 1990:

35. Diamond 1991a:

36. Zahavi 1975:

37. Dawkins 1976; Cronin 1992:

38. Andersson 1986; Pomiankowski 1987; Grafen 1990; Iwasa, Pomiankowski and Nee 1991:

39. Moller 1991.

40. Hamilton and Zuk 1982:

41. Ward 1988; Pruett-Jones, Pruett-Jones, and Jones 1990; Zuk 1991; Zuk 1992:

42. Low 1990:

43. Cronin 1992:

44. Moller 1990:

45. Hillgarth 1990; N: Hillgarth and M: Zuk, interview: 46. Kirkpatrick and Ryan 1991:

47. Boyce 1990; Spurrier, Boyce, and Manly 1991.

48. Thornhill and Sauer 1992:

49. Moller 1992.

50. Moller and Pomiankowski (in press); see also Balmford, Thomas, and Jones 1993; A: Pomiankowski, interview:

51. Maynard Smith 1991; see Cronin 1992 for a history of how people have repeatedly made the mistake of thinking choice must be conscious and active, NOTES

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and that therefore it was unreasonable to expect female animals to choose their mates using " rational" criteria: 52. Zuk 1992:

53. Zuk, in press:

54. Zuk, Thornhill, Ligon, and Johnson 1990; Ligon, Thornhill, Zuk, and Johnson 1990:

55. Flinn 1992:

56. Daly and Wilson 1983:

57. Folstad and Karter 1992; Zuk 1992:

58. Zuk, in press:

59. Wederkind 1992:

60. Hamilton 1990b:

61. Kodric-Brown and Brown 1984:

62. Dawkins and Krebs 1978:

63. Dawkins and Guilford 1991:

64. Low, Alexander, and Noonan 1987:

65. T: Guilford, interview; B: Low, interview: 66. Ryan 1991; M: Ryan, interview:

67. Basolo 1990.

68. Green 1987:

69. Eberhard 1985:

70. Kramer 1990:

71. Enquist and Arak 1993.

72. Gilliard 1963:

73. Houde and Endler 1990; J: Endler, interview: 74. Kirkpatrick 1989:

75. Searcy 1992:

76. Burley 1981:

77. The hypnosis idea is my own: see Ridley 1981: But it receives some indirect support from later experiments on peacocks and other pheasants: See Rands, Ridley, and Lelliott 1984; Davison 1983; Ridley, Rands, and Lelliott 1984; Petrie, Halliday, and Sanders 1991.

78. Gould and Gould 1989:

79. Pomiankowski and Guilford 1990.

80. A: Pomiankowski, interview:

Chapter 6: Polygamy and the Nature of Men

I: Betzig 1986:

2: Brown 1991; Barkow, Cosmides, and Tooby 1992:

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3. Crook and Crook 1988:

4. Betzig and Weber 1992:

5. Trivers 1972:

6. Bateman 1948:

7. Alexander 1974, 1979; Irons 1979:

8. Clutton-Brock and Vincent 1991; Gwynne 1991: 9. For a clear summary of the argument that paternal care leads to the female initiative in courtship, and the evidence for it, see my namesake ' s paper: Ridley (Mark) 1978:

10. Symons 1979; D: Symons, interview:

I 1. Symons 1979:

12. Symons 1979:

13. Tripp 1975; Symons 1979:

14. Maynard Smith and Price 1973:

15. Trivers 1971; Maynard Smith 1977; Emlen and Oring 1977: 16. Pleszczynska and Hansell 1980; Garson, Pleszczynska and Holm 1981: 1nci-dentally, polygamy can mean having many mates of either sex; polygyny means specifically males having many female mates: Although polygyny is more precise, I have stuck with the more familiar words throughout this book: polygamy for males, polyandry for females: