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10. Slater 1983:

11: Seid 1989:

12. Washington Post, 28 July 1992: 13. Frisch 1988; Anderson and Crawford 1992: 14: Smuts 1993:

15. Elder 1969; Buss 1992:

16. Ellis 1992:

17. Fisher 1930:

18. D: Singh, interview.

19. Low, Alexander, and Noonan 1987; Leakey and Lewin 1992; D: Singh, interview:

20. Ellis 1905:

21. The same idea—that fair hair is a sexually selected trait—has been put forward by Jonathan Kingdon recently; see Kingdon 1993: 22. Kingdon 1993:

23. This is a further reason that I am not convinced by Helen Fisher's (1992) theory that human pair bonds lasted about four years on average: 24. R: Thornhill, interview:

25. Galton 1883:

26. See "No Better Than Average" by M: Ridley, Science 257:328: 27. Dickemann 1979:

28. Buss 1992; Gould and Gould 1989:

29. Berscheid and Walster 1974; Gillis and Avis 1980; Ellis 1992; Shellberg 1992:

30. Sadalla, Kenrick, and Vershure 1987; Ellis 1992: 31. Daly and Wilson 1983:

32. Daly and Wilson 1983:

33. Ellis 1992: The other facts in this paragraph are from Trivers 1985; Ford and Beach 1951; Pratto, Sidanius, and Stallworth 1992; and Buss 1989: 34. Bell 1976:

35. Symons 1992; R: Alexander, interview:

36. Fallon and Rozin 1985:

37. Ellis 1905:

38. Low 1979:

39. Bell 1976:

40. Darwin 1871:

41. B: Ellis, interview:

::: 366 :::


Chapter 1 o: The Intellectual Chess Game I: Connor, Smolker, and Richards (1992) argue that the social complexity of dolphin species roughly correlates with brain size. Bottle-nosed dolphins seem to be the most socially complex and the largest-brained species of alclass="underline" 2. Johansen and Edey 1981.

3. Tooby and Cosmides 1992:

4. Bloom 1992; Pinker and Bloom 1992:

5. Gould 1981:

6. Fox 1991:

7. Durkheim 1895:

8. Brown 1991:

9. Mead 1928:

10. Wilson 1975:

I I: Gould 1978:

12: Gould 1987:

I 3: Pinker and Bloom 1992:

14. Chomsky 1957:

15. Marr 1982; Hurlbert and Poggio 1988:

16: Tooby and Cosmides 1992:

17. Leakey and Lewin 1992:

18. Lewin 1984:

19. Dart 1954; Ardrey 1966:

20. Konner 1982:

21. R: Wrangham, interview:

22. Gould 1981:

23. Badcock 1991:

24. Montagu 1961:

25. Leakey and Lewin 1992:

26. Budiansky 1992:

27. S: J: Gould, reported in Pinker and Bloom 1992.

28. Pinker and Bloom 1992:

29. Alexander 1974, 1990:

30. Potts 1991:

31. Humphrey 1976:

32. Humphrey 1976, 1983:

33. Barlow, unpublished:

34. Crook 1991:

35. Pinker and Bloom 1992:

36. Tooby and Cosmides 1992:

37. Barlow 1990; Barkow 1992:


::: 367 :::

38. Konner 1982:

39. Symons 1987:

40. Barlow 1987:

41: Byrne and Whiten 1985, 1988, 1992:

42. Macaulay's works, voclass="underline" I 1, "Essay on the Athenian Orators:"

43. Dawkins and Krebs 1978:

44. Cosmides 1989; Cosmides and Tooby 1992; Gigerenzer and Hug (in press): 45. Byrne and Whiten 1985, 1988, 1992:

46. Trivers 1991:

47. Goodall 1986:

48. Miller 1992:

49. Connor, Smolker, and Richards 1992.

50. De Waal 1982:

51. Miller 1992:

52. Buss 1989:

53. Symons 1979; G: Miller, interview:

54. Leakey and Lewin 1992:

55. G: Miller, correspondence:

56. Erickson and Zenone 1976:

57. Miller 1992; see also Miller and Todd 1990: 58. Webster 1992:

59. Badcock 1991:


Abortion, sex-selective, 122, 127

Andersson, Malte, I 37

Ache people, 191, 228

Antelopes, 187

Acheulian technology, 324

Anthony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare), I I

Adaptation and Natural Selection (Williams), Anthropology, 4, 275, 318, 319


Antibiotics, 70—71

Adapted Mind, The (Barkow, Cosmides, and Antibodies, 74

Tooby), 313

Antigens, 74, 75

Adrenogenital syndrome, 255


Adultery, 176, 193, 202, 218—44

exogamy of, 189

among birds, 221—24, 227

gender differences in behavior of, 249

concealed ovulation and, 229—32

mating systems of, 176, 187, 213—17

among hunter-gatherers, 228—29

violence among, 203

inheritance patterns and, 238—43

See also Chimpanzees; Gibbons; Gorillas; jealousy and, 235—38


orgasm effect and, 224—26

Aphids, 57, 59

polygamy and, 232—3 5

Aquinas, Thomas, 6

testicular size and, 219—22

Aristotle, 120

violence and, 204

Arms race analogies, 67—71

Aeschylus, 204

Artificial intelligence, 320—21

Affirmative action, 262—63

Artificial life, 69, 77

African Queen, The (movie), 206

Assorted mating pattern, 305

Aggression, 316—17

Atahualpa, 199

gender differences in, 250, 252

Attractiveness, see Beauty

Agriculture, I94

Augustus, 200

AIDS, 71, 75, I03, 181, 182

Austad, Steven, 116

Aka pygmies, 193

Austen; Jane, 305, 3 3 3

Akhenaten, 198, 281

Australian aborigines, 193, 229

Albatrosses, 183, 184

Australopithecus afarensis, 189—90, 310—11, Alexander, Richard, 329, 330, 3 3 3


Alliance theory, 284

Automixis, 38

Altitude, 79—80

Aztecs, I98

Altmann, Jeanne, 118

Altruism, 34—37, 77

Baboons, intelligence of, 3 35—37

reciprocal, 194, 196

Babylon, 198, 206

Anaxagoras, I20

Bacteria, 66, 71, 94—95

Anderson, Roy. 84

antibiotics and, 70—71


::: 396 :::

Bacteria (cont:)

Birds of paradise, 147—48 ,

descendants of, I00—10I

Birkhead, Tim, 222, 223, 226—27

fusion and, 103, 104

Blind Watchmaker, The (Dawkins), I 5

male-killing genes in, I08

Bloom, Paul, 328—29, 332

Badcock, Christopher, 343

Bodmer, Walter, 84

Badouin, Count, 201

Bogart, Humphrey, 207

Baker, Robin, 224—26

Bonfire of the Vanities (Wolfe), 23 3

Baldwin, James Mark, 252

Bonobos, 216—17, 230

Baldwin effect, 323

Borgia, Cesare, 282

Bamboo, 80

Bosnia, 205

Bangladesh, 205

Botticelli, Sandro, 281, 288

Barlow, Horace, 3 31

Bounty (ship), 202

Basolo, Alexandra, 162

Bowerbirds, I47—48, 16 3

Bateman, A: J:, 179

Boyce, Mark, 151—52

B-chromosome, 71, 97


Bdelloid rotifers, 55—56, 85

critical period and, 285

Beauty, 133—34, 169, 279—306

of dolphins, 309—10

biased sex ratios and, 122

gender differences in, 247

child-rearing participation and, 224

hormones and, 254—58, 264

critical-period learning and, 286—87

mechanisms of, 32I—23

facial features and, 295—97

neoteny and, 327—29

fashion and, 30I—4

progression in size of, 310—13

female preference for, 134—46

toolmaking and, 323—25

genetic quality and, 146—49

Brain Stx (Moir and Jessel), 255

sexual mentality and, 267—68

Bremermann, Hans, 74, 75, 77