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Sexism, 248, 258—62

Status, see Dominance

racism and, 274—75

Strawberries, 58

Sex ratios, biased, 108, 115—25

Suetonius, 200

Sexual selection,

20—21, 131—69, 280

Sumeria, 199


beauty and, 294—95, 297, 304—5

Sunquist, Mel, 116

competition and, I 3 3, 136

Survival of the fittest, 33

disease-resistance and, 150—52, 155—56

Swallows, 152—53, 21 I, 223—24, 227

fat distribution and, 159—61

Swift, Jonathan, 209—10

female-choice theory of, I 34—42,

Symington, Meg, 117, 118, 120

161—62, 164—66

Symmetry, 152—53

Fisher' s theory of, 142 —46, 152—5 3,

Symons, Donald, 182—83, 191, 232, 253,

162, 164, 166, 167

269, 271—72, 274, 296, 333, 339

Good-genes theory of, I42—43, 145—50,

Syntactic Structures (Chomsky), 321

152—53, 162, 164, 167

honest signals and, 153—59

Tacitus, 200, 202

intelligence and, 3 38—44

Talmud, 120

pluralistic view of, 166—67

Tang Dynasty, 199

sensory bias and, 161—64, 167, 168

Tangled bank theory, 60—63, 65, 81, 86

symmetry and, 152—53

Tannen, Deborah, 253

Shakespeare, William, 4, 10—I I, 129,-277, Tardigrada, 85


Taxonomic assumption, 314

Short, Roger, 219, 220

"Temple of Nature, The" (Darwin), 23

Sickle-cell anemia, 72

Terns, 139—40, I44

Silverman, Irwin, 251

Territoriality, 177, 187, 203

Simpson, Wallis, 287, 290

inheritance and, 239

Singh, Dev, 291—92

Tess of the D'Urbervilles (Hardy), 238

Skinner, B: F:, 319, 333, 349

Testicular size, 219—22

Slime-mold, 102

Testosterone, 20, I23, 156, I57, 254—58,

Small, Meredith, 213


Smith, Adam, 93

Thai people, 244

Smith, Holly, 327

Thinness, 287—91

Smith, Robert, 23I

Thornhill, Nancy Wilmsen, 242, 243, 267,

Smolker, Rachel, 196


Smuts, Robert, 289

Thornhill, Randy, 232

Snails, 81—82

Thorpe, William, 287

Social contracts, 3 35

Through the Looking-Glass (Carroll), I, 18, Social Darwinism, 317


Social skills, 251, 252

Tiberius, 200

Social status, see Dominance

Tierra, 69

Society, individual in, 11—14

Tiger, Lionel, 17

Sociobiology (Wilson), 21

Tinbergen, Nikolaas, 286


::: 405

Tooby, John, 77, 83, 1 00, III, 275—76,

War, 203—5

313, 322, 332, 340

Wason test, 334

Toolmaking, 323—26

Wasps, 108

Topminnows, 82—83

Water fleas, 39—40, 47—49

Tragedy of the commons, 91, 127

Way Men Think, The (Hudson and Jacot), Transposons, 96



' Trivers, Robert, 115—20, I23—27, 133,

Wealth, 194—202,


178, 213, 335—36

beauty and, 289—9I

Trobriand 1slanders, 237

incest taboos and, 284

Trojan War, 205

inheritance of, 238—43

Trollope, Anthony, 3 3 3

ornamentation as sign of, 300

Trumai people, 243

sexual mentality and, 267, 268

Trypanosomes, 75

Weill, Kurt, 245

Turkeys, 108—9

Weismann, August, 8—9, 28,.30—32,

brush, 131—32


coalition of males among, 195

Welch, David, 55—56

Turner 's syndrome, 255, 257

Westermarck, Edward, 283—86

Twin studies of homosexuality, 279—80

Whales, 220

White cells, 74

Whiten, Andrew, 335, 336

Udayama, 199

Whole object assumption, 314

United States Department of Agriculture,

Willard, Dan, 115—20, 123, 125—27


Williams, George, 35—40, 56—59, 61—63,

University of Michigan, 300

86, 92, 115

Wilmot, John, 307

Vaccination, 74

Wilson, Edward, 2I, 275, 349

Van Valen, Leigh, 63—64

Wilson, Margo, 235—36

Veiga, Jose, 234

Wolfe, Tom, 233, 287. 300, 333

Verbal tasks, 250, 251, 257

Woodpeckers, 196, 230

Vermelin, H:, I09

World War II, 264

Vicar of Bray hypothesis, 31, 36, 47, 50,

Wrangham, Richard,



63, 81, 86

Wright, Sewall, 3 5

Violence, 202—6

Wynne Edwards, V: C:, 32, 34—36

gender differences in, 249

jealousy and, 236

X chromosomes, 99, 110— 14,421 —23.

Virgin greenflies, 28, 29

264, 279, 280

Viruses, 71, 94


Yanomamo tribe, 203—5, 274

artificial, 69

Y chromosomes, 99, 110—14, 12I, I23

fusion and, 104

You Just Don't Understand (Tannen), 25 3

Voles, 247

Youthfulness, 293—95, 342—43

Volterra, Vito, 84

Vrijenhoek, Robert, 82—83

Zahavi, Amotz, 148—49, 154, 157, 164,

Waist-to-hip ratio, 291—93


Wallace, Alfred Russel, 27, 135, 143

Zuk, Marlene, 150—510 54, 155, 157

Document Outline

Book Cover

Title page


Ch. 01: Human Nature

Ch. 02: The Enigma

Ch. 03: The Power Of Parasites

Ch. 04: Genetic Mutiny & Gender

Ch. 05: The Peacock's Tale

Ch. 06: Polygamy & The Nature Of Men

Ch. 07: Monogamy & The Nature Of Woman

Ch. 08: Sexing The Mind

Ch. 09: The Uses Of Beauty

Ch. 10: The Intellectual Chess Game

Epilogue: The Self-Domesticated Ape

