The Soviets traditionally use far fewer supplies per trooper than we do. Combined with our perchance for over building and given the fact that the Soviets have themselves have been repairing and enhancing our work for the last 3 months, it’s pretty easy to see how they have supplied their forces to date.
As you know our air forces have not been able to penetrate their air defenses in any appreciable numbers. Their ground to air missiles combined with their huge air force has kept us at bay for the time being. Every attempted attack on the infrastructure has been met with massive force and very, shall we say, creative measures. Our losses have been unsustainable and we are pausing to regroup and reassess our options.
In May there were over 60 bridges over the Rhine alone. When we demobilized we left behind all the rolling stock, trucks, train engines that we brought from the factories of the US behind and were in the process of selling much of that equipment to our former allies and even Germany. The tracks and roads we rebuilt were in place and are now being used by the Reds to supply their forces. They are using our trains, railroad cars, trucks and even toilet paper. Instead of the traffic going just East it now goes East as well as West.
The Soviets are very familiar with our equipment as a result of Lend Lease. We actually hosted tens of thousands of Soviet mechanics and engineers here in the US and trained them here on how to repair and even manufacture our equipment. There were huge training schools on the East coast training our future adversaries in how to not only use but how to defeat our own equipment.
If you will recall from earlier testimony that they have had 3 fully functional B29s since 1944 to study and take apart. The B29 is our most advanced weapons system and they have it and have been working on how to defeat it for over 2 years.
They are systematically stripping what we left behind in Europe and sending it back to the USSR along with any equipment that the Europeans might have as well. For example Germany was actually producing more steel in April 1946 than it needed internally and asked permission to export it. France south of Paris was virtually untouched by the war and is being stripped bare as we speak.”
“General in previous testimony we were led to believe that the Reds were totally dependent on us for high octane fuel for their air force. Is this not the case? If not how are they able to make this technological leap in such a short time?”
“This is kind of out of my area of expertise Senator but I’ll give you what I know. Think of it this way. If you had limited resources and if one of those resources was being supplied by someone else. Why would you spend your money and time on developing that resource as long as someone else was providing it to you for free?
Now as to why they caught up in this area so fast. From what I know of this subject the Soviets were actually leaders in this field during the 20s and 30s. I believe it’s called “cracking” because you have to crack open the molecules in order to form other compounds. From what I understand if you wanted to get the best education and learn from the most knowledgeable experts you went to school in Russia.
The leading expert in cracking was a Soviet citizen. The vast of majority of the research into high octane fuel and other additives was being done in the USSR. The person most responsible for the process of inexpensive high octane fuel here in the US was a former Soviet scientist who was taught everything he knew in Russia. So as you can see once the Reds decided that they needed to make their own fuel it was not hard for them to do so.
So senators here it is in a nutshell. The Reds are using our own supplies, transported by our own vehicles and trains, over tracks, roads and bridges we repaired or built, along with the knowledge that we taught them, in addition to their own vast capabilities developed after the 1941 attack by Germany. They are well supplied and until something is done to change that situation it will remain that way. In time they will have all the supplies and raw materials they need to continue this war within the continent of Europe, which if the situation continues they will have total control of within 2 more months and then daresay they will be looking at the Mideast and the Mediterranean next.
And that about sums up the situation.”
Missing the Signs of the Impending Attack.
Mistakes or Cover up?
by Brad Waivers
Were mistakes made in the opening weeks of World War Three? Are the people who made those mistakes still on the job?
Shortly after December 15th in what was to become the opening shots of World War, there occurred an apparent accident in a remote part of Arizona. A Greyhound bus was traveling at a high rate of speed when both of its front tires exploded. At the time it was deemed an accident. We now know it was a series of well-aimed shots from a sniper rifle. The flattened tires cause the bus to hurl out of control down a sheer cliff and all on board were killed on impact. Aboard bus 241 were 15 members of an elite engineering squad who task was to assemble America’s atomic bombs. Within a week 4 more members, out of a total of 22, were killed under mysterious circumstances.
One in an apparent mugging. Another in a hit and run accident. Two were killed in another car accident while home on leave for the holidays.
These deaths should be considered the first casualties of the newest war that has been force upon the world by the ruthless dictator Joseph Stalin; one of our greatest allies in the war against Japan and the Nazis of Germany. What made “Old Joe” turn on his former comrades in arms may never be known. Perhaps he saw an opportunity to rid Europe of capitalism once and for all. Perhaps he went mad.
Certain extraordinary circumstances had to occur for the war to have progressed so far in his favor. This reporter will itemize them one by one in this series of articles starting with today’s revelations.
The public and governments of the US and Great Britain did not want a repeat of the fiasco of World War One. Troops were stranded for months in far flung parts of the world after the Great War and the people of the United States expressed their displeasure in no uncertain terms. Politicians lost their jobs over the unacceptable rate at which our boys were trickling home. Letters to the editor and demonstrations all over the country led politicians to vow that this would never happen again.
Plans were drawn up early in 1944 on how to efficiently bring the boys home. It was a massive and successful effort led by General Eisenhower himself. By May 1946 the forces left in Germany and France were mere skeletons of their former war time self. Almost all of the veterans who won the war were rightfully sent home. Most were not replaced. The replacements, who trickled in by dribs and drabs, were untrained in the art of combat. They were there to police the German citizens. They had no training in heavy weapons, no training in anti-aircraft operations nor were they trained in even how to drive a tank much less how to use one in combat.
This reporter has in his possession a scathing report by the Army Inspector General that puts the combat effectiveness of the few troops left in Europe at close to an armed mob. They were ill trained and ill led by the 90 Day Wonders who replaced the real veteran officers. Their heavy equipment was packed up and stored in 11 massive depots spread throughout Germany and France; enough equipment to arm and supply 80 divisions for up to a period of 6 months.