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The tap of military supplies was not turned off, nor could it be turned off quickly after VE-Day and the tanks, fuel and bullets just kept on coming. It was backlogged and in the pipeline of Victory ships stretching all the way back to the East Coast. Who knows what other equipment or classified weapons systems have been put in the hands of Stalin and the Red Army.

These depots were brimming with modern radar systems and other potentially valuable weapons that the Soviets had only dreamed of. The Soviets, through a series of French and German based spy networks, knew exactly what was in each depot and where they were located. During the initial stages of the war a combination of highly trained French Resistance fighters and Red Army Paratroopers took over these depots. They defended them with the weapons inside them for up to 2 weeks until they were relieved by the fast moving Red Army thus providing the invaders all the supplies they would need for months to come. Many American’s did not know that a large portion of our French Resistance comrades in arms were devout Communists.


The Joint Chiefs of Staff have consistently underestimated the capabilities of the Soviet armed forces. Report after report has been pushed through the ranks and then out to the newspapers and radio about how without Lend Lease the Soviet army would have lost to the German’s. How the US and British troops and planes won the war and how the Red Army was vastly inferior to our troops. New evidence suggests otherwise and a newly written report seen by this reporter proves it. The Red army conducted an attack named Operation August Storm near the end of the war that should have been a warning shot heard throughout the military establishment. In this virtually unknown and unreported military operation the Soviet Army demonstrated its prowess in the art of Blitzkrieg.

In an operation in Manchuria, China they were able to transport dozens of divisions and thousands of aircraft from the West over 3500 miles to confront the Japanese in the Far East. Demonstrating a supply capacity and technical abilities previously not thought possible. Yet when their skills in the art of logistics was amply demonstrated the Western military experts chose to ignore their accomplishments. They chose to ignore them with the predictable results we now seen in Europe.

In next week’s article we will explore the question of just where is the atomic bomb in this war? Where is the US bomber force that devastated Germany and Japan?

“We have to stop this reporter. I mean what the hell. What does he know?”

“We can’t just kill him. How about we put him on ice for a while until SAC starts its operations. By then the world will know.”

“We’ll have to get some high level juice behind us on this one.”

“I’ll call Ops and see when we can move on him and his files. We have to find out what he knows and delay this for a good 30 days.”

Diary of Burt Post Sept. 11th, 1946

Reading an article on “Porky” Anderson and Hogan at this year’s PGA Championship. It was held in Portland Oregon for goodness sake. Didn’t even know they had enough days without rain to play golf out there. By the looks of picture in the article “Porky” lives up to his name. 5’9” and 240lbs. Now that’s a lot of man especially for a golfer. Hogan got 3500 bucks for winning. I could sure use some of that money. Looks like Kimberly Clark is expanding again. Too bad my patent isn’t in my name. I guess they did provide the lab and my salary. Kind of irks me however. You invent something that saves millions of dollars for your company and they give you a pat on the back. Oh well such is life.

Diary of Burt Post Sept. 12th, 1946

What a day! A police car drove up and escorted our two oldest up to the front door. John was supposed to take his little sister Lynn out for a walk starting at his Grandmas house. He got a little carried away and convinced his 4 year old sister to follow him downtown to see what was playing at the movie theatre. It’s a 3 mile walk? Anyway they were doing pretty well when Lynn stepped out in front of a car and fell down. Luckily she fell down because the poor women driving the car would have hit her square with the bumper. Because she fell down the two front wheels missed her by passing on either side. What a horrible situation for everybody involved.

I guess our little home town is getting too big for kids to run around loose for long periods of time. When I was a kid we would run out of the house after breakfast and then show up for lunch, run out again till supper and not come home until dark. I guess those days are over. We sure had a lot of fun playing army, Kick the Can, Kickball, baseball, Everyone Tackle the Guy With the Ball (gotta change that name) and a million variations of tag.

I just read about some guy in Pennsylvania that started an organized league for boys to play baseball before they are in high school. What a ridiculous concept. You got ten or more kids together, rock-paper-scissors for the captains, threw a bat in the air, one captain caught it, you alternated gripping the bat until the was no bat left and the last one to fit a pinky on the end chose first. They alternated picks until Eddy was left (in our case he was always chosen last cause he threw like a girl) and the last captain got him. Jackie was always picked way before Eddy and even most of the time before Bill, Bob and sometimes even Jeff. They whined a lot being a few years younger than the rest of us. Jackie had quite an arm and held the high school girls record for throwing a softball for years. Then we played for at least 3 hours and had a ball. Well… except for Eddy.

Diary of Burt Post Sept. 13th, 1946

According to the Post Crescent the new French communist government has started a social security system and universal health care. Don’t know why we would need either of those here. The kids take care of their parents and if there is someone is without kids they go into the home. Why bother with the medical care either. It’s so cheap. My broken arm only cost me $20 including the ambulance ride and an overnight in the hospital. I suppose it might be hard for some to do that but that’s why you have St. Elizabeth’s. They take in folks who can’t pay. I don’t know it just seems unnecessary. You’d think that someone was going to get rich on the misfortunes of others or something. Now that would be really bad for the country if that ever happened.

I suppose someone is going to say that we need social security for our old age because someone might come along and steal our pension fund. Now that’s really stupid. Who would do that and who would allow it to happen? No I expect to be well taken care of in my golden years with a good pension and great medical care.

Chapter Six:

The North Falls

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One defends when his strength is inadequate; he attacks when it is abundant.
Sun Tzu
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Collapse by RangerElite

Scandinavia in WWIII, 1946

September 14th


Scandinavian Prime Ministers’ Summit

Karlsborg Fortress

Karlsborg, Kingdom of Sweden

In Attendance:

Mauno Pekkala, Prime Minister of the Republic of Finland

Tage Erlander, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sweden

Einar Gerhardsen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Norway

Knud Kristensen, Prime Minister of the Government-in-Exile of the Kingdom of Denmark

As the men take their seats, an air of desperation hangs heavy in the room. The situation on the Karelian, Salla and Petsamo fronts have decidedly turned against them, taking heavy losses outside Vyborg, thus handing the Soviets the initiative to roll the Scandinavian forces back to the defensive line close to Helsinki, the Soviets even having the nerve to shell Malmö from the Copenhagen harbor. Until this war, since 1814, the Swedish Crown and government had pursued a policy of strict neutrality. That was no longer the case, nor could it any longer be.