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The war for air superiority is basically a stalemate with both sides giving as good as they take. Without air superiority the US and British armor are no match in the open country for the superior numbers and weight of the Soviet heavy tanks and the retreat continues. Finally the Soviet red wave crashes against the peaks of the Pyrenees Mountains and comes to a crashing halt. The dug in heavy tanks and infantry of the NATO forces combined with the unassailable peaks of the mountains brings the Soviet Army to a slow but steady grinding offensive that temporarily brings pause to their swift advances.

Italy falls to Soviet pressure and Greece will soon follow and become occupied. Stalin is trying for a political solution and attempting to take England out of the war by using the carrot and the stick. This sets the stage for a possible Second Battle of Britain.

Meanwhile, the US is apparently having difficulties convincing its citizens and corporations to make the sacrifices necessary to once again fight to liberate their European cousins. From Finland to Toulouse in France, the iron curtain of Communism has fallen on all of Western Europe as the NATO allies desperately try to counter the sheer size of the forces of the USSR.

* * *
Things are not going well for the NATO Allies… Yet maybe they are.
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Timeline for World War Three 1946

Book One — The Red Tide — Stalin Strikes First

May 2nd, 1895 — Sergo Peshkova is born

Aug 3rd, 1943 — Sergo attends a party where he meets Stalin and their unusual relationship begins

Aug 13th, 1943 — Sergo becomes an advisor to Joseph Stalin specializing in aerospace

Sept, 2nd, 1943 — Sergo is introduced to the spy apparatus created and managed by Lavrentiy Beria who has managed to place agents in every major top secret weapons system of the Western nations including their allies.

Nov., 24th, 1943 — Sergo is given full control of Soviet aerospace research and development.

Jan 4th, 1944 — Research on the German Wasserfal Ground to Air missile and the X4 air to air missile becomes a top priority under Sergo’s leadership using stolen materials from Peenemunde

March 12th, 1944 — An abandoned USAAF guidance system falls into Sergo’s hands and is developed into a workable system under his leadership

Aug 1944 — Three USAAF Superfortress B-29 bombers fall into the possession of the USSR

Dec, 18, 1945 — 17 of the 22 members of an elite atomic bomb assembly team killed in a series of seemingly accidental events during the holidays. 15 die in a bus crash. These deaths delay the American Atomic Weapons program for 6 months

May 1st, 1946 — May Day Parade in Berlin and Moscow

May 2nd, 1946 — World War Three begins with a surprise attack by the Red Army consisting of 60 divisions and over 7,000 combat aircraft.

May 11th — NATO is formed

May 13th, 1946 — The surprise attack is a complete success with 13 out of 22 US, British and French divisions overrun

June, 2nd, 1946 — The Red Army is across the Rhine River in force

June 6th, 1946 — American reinstitutes the Draft

June 16th, 1946 — After a valiant defense led by Charles DeGaulle, the French are defeated on the old Maginot line once again.

June 20th, 1946 — Operation Louisville Slugger is a complete success and a full Red Army Front is destroyed when 22 modern battleships unleash a devastating surprise attack on forces sent to encircle an allied army.

July 3rd, 1946 — Denmark surrenders to the forces of the USSR

July 13th, 1946 — France surrenders to the USSR

July 13th, 1946 — The Soviet Agent known as Delmar (George Koval) assassinates hundreds of American nuclear scientists using the world’s most deadly substance, Polonium, at conferences in Oak Ridge, TN and Dayton, OH. This cripples the US nuclear program for another 12 months and possibly forever

July 14th, 1946 — NKVD OMSBON advanced forces reach the French city of Le Havre

July 22nd, 1946 — NKVD OMSBON forces reach Orleans

July 27th, 1946 — USAAF attempt to drop an atomic bomb on Leningrad. The NKVD and its stable of spies is instrumental in warning the Soviet Red Air Force VVS. With a combination of the new Wasserfal Ground to Air guided Missile and hundreds of fighters the raid is decimated and an atomic bomb is lost in the Baltic Sea.

July 28th, 1946 — The Red Army is stopped temporarily on the Pyrenees Line by a combination of US and Spanish divisions using the rugged terrain of this mountain range located on the border of France and Spain.

Aug 2nd, 1946 — Italy is abandoned by the NATO Allies and all forces are pulled back to Sardinia

Aug 5th, 1946 — Wasserfal ground to air missiles (Stalin’s Fire) are used to great effect against a RAF bombing mission near Toulouse, France

Aug, 15th, 1946 — The Soviet VVS demonstrates its newest aircraft by flying at great heights over the entire British Isles in an attempt to intimidate the British people. This demonstration proves that the entire British Isles can be attack from the air unlike the First Battle of Britain where the Luftwaffe was severely limited in range.

August 17th, 1946 — The Strategic Air Command is formed with Curtis LeMay named as commander

August 20th, 1946 — The Soviet VVS continues a massive buildup of the Red Air Force on the Channel coast. It appears that a Second Battle of Britain is about to be fought.

Territory of the USSR

Once again a few brave men would be asked to do the impossible over the skies of Great Britain. This time the enemy was not lead by a buffoon in the form of Herman Goring. The Red Air Force VVS was led by a master of strategy in the form of one Alexander Alexandrovich Novikov, the man who ruled the skies over Mother Russia, Manchuria, East Germany and now most of Europe.


The Katyusha rockets come fast and heavy. They were blowing the tops off of the surrounding hills like some kind of hedge clippers gone wild. Making that classic sound like a monk seal’s mating call. Rocket after rocket slams into the hill top near Es Bordes. Our positions kept falling one by one and then it was on to the next hilltop.

Our fallback position was the ridges to the West of Arros. The Reds were getting dangerously close to Vilac. The Reds were taking big losses but they were relentless in their advance and once they took ground they never gave it up.

Finally the Spanish were coming into their own and were becoming very good at making Ivan pay for every yard. They still haven’t mastered the art of taking ground but they sure could defend it. Over 50% of the forces were now Spanish. Unfortunately without the ability to make counter attacks it was not possible to us to keep our flanks.

Oh, we could give them a bloody nose every once in a while but for the majority of the time we were making retrograde movements just to keep from getting surrounded. We are all wondering where were all the US troops? We heard that they were having some trouble with the corporations and trying to get them to make the switch back from civilian goods but we never thought the vets would let us down.

Eventually we were going to run out of mountain tops and then we were dead meat against all that Soviet armor and as everyone knows the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

Chapter One:

Prelude to an Attack

20 MM Brass Cannon Casings made in Manitowoc Wisconsin at the Aluminum Specialty Company along with millions of others[1]



Tin and Global Capitalism, 1850-2000: A History of “the Devil’s Metal” edited by Mats Ingulstad, Andrew Perchard, Espen Storli