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Which was truer than he knew.


(Digest of information contained in message globe secured by the Madge G. 6 January 2051. Originals signed by D. L. Foggatt, Master.)

At 10.50 hrs. 20 December 2049, the Research ship Joan III, owned by Tempel Lines, London, and under my command, encountered a space pheno­menon hitherto unob­served, or, to the best of my know­ledge, unrecorded. One moment all was as usual; the next, without percep­tible impact or shock, all instruments were obscured and all windows with them, and radio recep­tion decreased to an almost inaudible whisper.

The Joan III, three months out from Gilling­ton, Mars, is engaged on explo­ra­tory work in the asteroid belt. My crew is composed of men expe­rienced in diffi­cult and danger­ous work of the kind, but none of them is acquainted either personally or by hear­say with circum­stances like those in which we now find our­selves. Leaving Mars we struck outward in the plane of the ecliptic. Upon approaching the Belt we turned, manoeuv­ring our approach upon a tangent, and gradually edging our way into the main path at a speed approxi­mately that of the asteroids them­selves.

Travelling with them thus and in their orbit, we settled too our work of plotting and charting — copies of such charts being enclosed here­with. For the follow­ing four weeks we moved with caution and restraint in that section of the Belt domi­nated by the large asteroid Pomona Negra, conti­nuing our work of classi­fica­tion and descrip­tion of the bodies, and occa­sion­ally putting in­vesti­ga­ting parties aground on certain aster­oids, though without making discov­eries of more than minor interest. Nothing unto­ward, nothing, in fact, but events of ordinary routine occurred, until on 19th December we sighted a red asteroid.

This we judged to be a body of no great size, esti­ma­ting its diameter at some three miles, but at a con­sider­able distance from us. It was distin­guished from all other objects as a brilliant scarlet crescent glowing almost as though it were afire. Detailed study of it was diffi­cult by reason of other bodies of vary­ing sizes which fre­quently inter­posed them­selves in the distance that separated us from it. After con­side­ration I gave orders to suspend other work while we investi­gated the matter. After we had been picking our way towards it for some two hours it was observed that other and smaller asteroids in its neigh­bour­hood were also glowing redly, though whether we had failed to detect them earlier or whether they had only recently become red I am unable to say. They also were diffi­cult to observe on account of erratic and puzzling obscu­ra­tions. Approxi­mately three hours after first sighting the red asteroid the sudden masking of our instru­ments and windows occurred.

At once I sent out the 2nd Officer and one of the men to investigate the cause. Radio commu­ni­ca­tion between their space-suits and our head­sets was found to be unim­peded.

I asked what the trouble was. The 2nd Officer answered me.

“I can't say, sir. It's a red stuff — red as blood. The whole ship's covered in it, as though she's been through a bath of paint.”

I inquired what kind of “red stuff'”.

“Kind of slimy, sir, like — like a half melted jelly, only not transparent.”

“That's not a lot of help,” I said. “Anyway, the first thing to do is to clean it off the instru­ment glasses and then off the windows.”

“Aye, aye, sir,” he acknowledged.

I ordered the lights in the navigation room switched off, and we were able to see that the dark­ness was not com­plete. Experi­men­tally we un­shut­tered one of the windows sunward and found the glass behind to be shining with a fierce red glow. The navi­gator reported that one of his instru­ments had been cleared to a usable condi­tion, and the internal lights were switched on again.

We could hear the two men outside commen­ting on the unpleasant sticki­ness of the stuff they were clearing from a second instru­ment glass.

“Hullo, Navigator. How's that?” asked the Second.

“Okay,” replied the Navigator. “But the first one's clouded over again.”

There was a pause, then:

“That's funny,” said the Second. “It's almost as thick as before. Just a minute, I'll give it another wipe.”

For some moments there was silence. Then the other man's voice said in thoughtful surprise:

“Good Lord! This is a thing!”

“What's the matter, Mr. Docker?” I asked.

“It's queer, sir,” replied the Second. “I wiped some of it off, and then while we looked at it the edges of the smear started to creep over the glass again. They're still doing it. Not exactly flowing back like a liquid: kind of encroach­ing, it's ... There, it's covered the glass com­pletely again.”

“The other instrument's obscured again, too,” the Navigator put in.

“Well—” began the Second. Then he stopped and we heard him mutter, “Good God —” A moment later he added, as if to his companion: “What is it?”

“Well, what is it?” I repeated in irritation.

“I don't know, sir. It seems to be some­thing that — that grows.”

“All the same we must have those instru­ments clear,” I said.

“No good, sir,” he answered. “It grows back on them as fast as we can move it. It's growing over us too, sir. It's spread­ing up the suits. It's above our knees and on our sleeves half­way up to the shoulder already.”

I considered. Then I asked:

“Are we clear of all bodies?”

“Yes, sir. Nothing within miles of us.”

“All right then, one of you come inboard and we'll have a look at the stuff. The other to remain on watch.”

“Aye, aye, sir,” the Second responded.

Half a minute later a weird figure emerged from the air lock. His trunk was clad in the usual grey space-suit, but both arms and legs were enveloped in a brilliant scarlet.

The stuff glistened and did not look inviting to the touch. I scraped some of it off his sleeve with the blade of a knife and looked at it closely beneath the light. Quite percept­ibly it was creeping up the clean part of the blade, and it seemed, as the Second had said, to grow rather than flow.

The other men in the room stood round regard­ing the man in the space-suit curiously. One of them gave a sudden exclamation and pointed to his feet and the deck behind him. We looked down and saw the red film spread­ing out across the steel floor, not only from his feet as he stood, but from each footprint he had left in walking from the air­lock. It was visibly, though slowly, exten­ding even as we looked at it, and the sub­stance on the man had passed beyond his arms to crawl on to his chest and shoulders.

I told a man to fetch blow-torches, and placed the knife carefully on to the floor near to the spread­ing mess. Instinc­tively we all avoided touching it while we waited.

The man returned with three blow-torches. When we'd started them up we tried one on a patch of the stuff on the floor. I think we all felt con­sider­able relief when we saw the sub­stance shrivel, smoke and char in the flame. The torches did not take long to destroy all that was left on the floor. The man in the space-suit bad made no attempt to remove his equip­ment and the torches could be run over him as he stood with­out injuring the in­su­la­ting surface. It was a lucky state for him: how the stuff can be cleared from an inflam­mable or deli­cate sur­face such as clothes or the unprotected body we do not know.

By the time the last traces of the red stuff had been cleared the radio operator was reporting that he was receiv­ing no reply to his calls, and that recep­tion was faint and growing fainter even on full power. It appeared that the red sub­stance must have some masking or leakage effect on the hull-aerial system.