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“Don’t worry Marshal, we shall stay in their back pocket while sticking our finger up their ass. Currently we have no need of artillery parks. Our tanks are so superior that the only thing slowing us down is finding fuel, and the newer models breaking down. Thus far the imperialists cannot outrun us. We will use bikes, if we have to, comrade. They will not separate from us.

Besides, the only bombers in position are the British Lancasters and Lincolns, and we have a few surprises for them should they try to bomb during the day like the Americans do. Even our old fighters can give them a hard time; just wait until they meet the newest generation of combat aircraft.”

Yak–15 — Early Soviet Jet Fighter

Chapter Four:

Can They Be Stopped?

Repaired Bridge Over the Rhine[15]
Reds across the Rhine

June 2nd, 1946

By Rex Lemond

United Press International

The Soviet news agency, TASS, reports that Red Army units have crossed the Rhine in three locations.

In an unusual communiqué the Soviet Government has announced that its units have crossed the vaunted Rhine River, in western Germany. This was to have been where the newly-formed NATO army was supposed to have halted the Red Army’s progress. Its width, old defensive works and lack of bridges, were supposed to be insurmountable. It was thought that the Red Army’s apparent lack of amphibious assault equipment and expertise would make the Rhine a natural defensive line, which would stop the Reds in their tracks.

According to Soviet sources this has not been the case, and they claim to have found numerous bridges intact all along the river. It has been rumored that the speed of the Red Army’s advance; coupled with contradictory orders between NATO units, have led to at least three bridges not having been destroyed. Two of these bridges were the temporary bridges; ironically, constructed by the U.S. Army along with over sixty others.

“We just didn’t have the manpower or communications to get the job done.” stated a U.S. Army Major, who wished to remain anonymous. Reports continue to pour in of Soviet tanks lined up at these temporary bridges like they were “on parade,” as opposed to crossing the Rhine.

The Soviet leadership’s stated goal of preventing the B-29 Superfortress bomber from being based in western Germany has long since been exposed to be an excuse for the blatant conquest of Western Europe. The base was overrun on the first day of the surprise attack, and yet, the Red Army has continued to slaughter innocent non-combatants, in its quest for what appears to be world domination.

A spokesman for NATO has pointed out that parts of the Soviet Zone of Occupation in eastern Germany, are only ninety miles from the Franco-German border and the Reds were essentially at the Rhine within hours of the start of hostilities. According to other sources, many of the remaining temporary bridges were not even rigged for demolition as war was not seen as imminent, or likely. It appears that NATO was taken completely by surprise once again, by a vicious and unprovoked surprise attack.[16]

Victorious Red Army Units Uncover Ghastly Capitalist Slave-Labor Camps!

by Vasily Grossman,

Released by TASS News Agency

June 3rd, 1946

Advanced units of the Red Army’s heroic 3rd Shock Army have liberated a slave-labor camp, outside of Urmitz in the newly-united Socialist Republic of Germany. This confirmation of capitalist atrocities and the exploitation of European workers has shocked the world, which is now watching first-hand the true nature of the Western Powers’ depravity. As described by one of the camp’s rescuers, Senior Sergeant Leonid Antonyevich Burayev, the camp was filled with “starving wretches, chained to Yankee and Limey machines of profit.” Other disgusted liberators exhort the proletariat to join the fight, that we must push on, and free our brother and sister workers of the world from such cruel depredations perpetrated in the obscene name of profit.

Even the uneducated among us can understand what has happened, and how the cruel capitalist pigs have used wars to further their thirst for power and gold. The workers of the world must unite with their Soviet brothers and sisters of the Red Army, to throw off the yoke of capitalist exploitation!

We urge the unwitting stooges and lackeys of the capitalists to lay down their arms, and join us in our glorious worldwide workers’ revolution, against your brutal oppressors!

The time is NOW!

Workers of the world, unite![17]

* * *
This is a small glimpse of the true state of affairs in the USSR. This was taken from testimony and recordings.
* * *
Come in

“Come in, Walter. What can I do for you?”

“Thank you for seeing me on such short notice Carl. I know that you’re a busy man.”

“What have you brought me?”

“Well, take a look at this chocolate bar and tell me what you see.”

“Looks pretty ordinary to me; the wrapper is, obviously, poorly-made Russian paper. Can I open it?”

“Of course.”

“The chocolate looks like it’s been melted, just enough to hide the lettering. Why, this is just a Hershey’s chocolate bar, made to look like a Soviet domestic product. Are they truly that desperate?”

“That’s right. They’re taking our supplies, and making it look like they are made in the Soviet Union. They are doing the same with our cigarettes, and even Spam. They are actually opening the cans of Spam, and re-canning it.”

“Why, those sneaky sons-of-bitches!”

“This stuff is starting to enter the Soviet markets. They’re stripping the territory they’ve just recently occupied of every consumer item they can find. Then they are repackaging it to make it look like it’s made in Mother Russia. From the other reports we’ve seen, they’re using our captured military supplies to augment the Lend-Lease equipment that we’d already given them.”

“What are they doing with the C-Rations?”

“They’re giving them to their soldiers. They’re not even hiding what they are, or where they came from. I guess it tastes so bad; they don’t care if the folks back home know where it came from. The spoils of war and such.”

“They’re like a plague of locusts.”

Sergo Peshkov’s Briefing to Comrade Stalin

The Kremlin,

Moscow, The U.S.S.R.

June 6th, 1946

02:31 hours

“Sergo, come in and brief me. What have you done with all the scientists and intelligentsia I have given you over the past few months? Beria has assured me that we have the solutions you promised to counter the American B-29 bomber.”

“Yes Comrade Chairman, I believe we have. The only question is producing enough of the various weapon systems in time. I’m confident that the systems we have chosen will be able to make our losses bearable, and will inflict heavy losses on the Americans and British bombers. Again it is a matter of if we have enough time to produce them in the numbers required to cover enough of our strategic assets.”

“I will worry about that Sergo. Our spies are feeding us with all the information we need. We will know when, and where, their large raids are going to be scheduled. This will allow the army the time they need to redeploy the planes, and prepare the positions for the rockets you keep telling me about. To the capitalist swine, it will seem as though we have the entire Motherland covered with a curtain of iron. Everywhere they go they will encounter fierce resistance.”



1. In June 1946 800 bridges were repaired and operational in Germany

2. There were 60 bridges alone over the Rhine

Page 85 “Post War” by Tony Judt



Post War — A History of Europe since 1945 pg 85 by Tony Judt



Germans were actually being used as slave labor by the US, GB and France to rebuild Europe. Savage Continent: Europe in the Aftermath of World War II by Keith Lowe; Eugene Davidson “The death and life of Germany: an account of the American occupation”.