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“Part of their duties is to work on the communal farms, and how well they produce determines how well their families eat back home.”

“That sounds a lot like capitalism Nikolai. You had better be careful.”

“It works so well, that you can actually let the troops go on leave back to their homes every six months. It gives them something to look forward to and reminds them of all they have to lose if they fail in their duties. It’s good to have them look into the eyes of their loved ones, lest they forget how they will suffer should they aid saboteurs and rebels. Not only they will die, but so will all of their loved ones back home. Rotating only twenty-five percent at a time works well too. If one deserts, they all pay, so they keep track of each other. Plus, they guard the trains and trucks, both ways.”

“It’s brilliant, that you are using married men with children, as well as the occupiers. They have more to lose, than bachelors with old mothers and sisters.”

“We use the best troops at the front and leave the cowards to occupy their neighbors, and all with Czechs and balances, or Bulgarians, if you prefer.”

“Ha, good one, Nikolai!”

Chapter Five:

The Home Front

P-80 Shooting Star
* * *
The Americans are not eager to once again jump into the fray in Europe. The US is 106% in debt compared to its Gross Domestic Product. Millions of former soldiers are starting new lives and cashing in on the GI Bill.[18]
* * *
It’s Reveille Again For Some; Draft to Begin Again

June 6th, 1946

By Robert Nelson

Associated Press

In a not-so-surprising announcement before a rare joint session of Congress, President Truman announces the renewal of the draft. As one senator put it “We knew it had to be done”.

The President called on all servicemen to re-enlist, and promised increases in rank and pay for those who did so voluntarily. Every returning veteran would get a one rank advancement if they volunteered for two more years’ service.

The first round of draftees would all be eligible males who did not serve during the last World War, and are between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one.

Then the luck of the draw would fall next on those with least number of points, as follows:

1. Service credit — One point for each month of Military Service since September 16, 1940. More than 15 days will be counted as a full month.

2. Overseas credit — One point for each month served overseas since September 16, 1940.

3. Parenthood credit — Twelve points for each child under 18, up to a limit of three children.

4. Combat credit — Five points for each award of combat decorations since September 16, 1940.

Combat credits, the War Department said, will be based on awards of the Distinguished Service Cross, the Legion of Merit, the Silver Star, the Soldier’s Medal, the Bronze Star, the Air Medal, Purple Heart and bronze service stars for distinction in battle.”[19]

Former enlisted men up to the equivalent rank of Sergeant will receive double-pay for the first six months of active duty if they re-enlist within 30 days. Veterans with amphibious warfare training will receive an extra $300 signing bonus. Aviators will receive an additional $1,000 signing bonus.

The White House Map Room

The President’s Briefing from the Joint Chiefs of Staff

June 7th, 1946

“Are you going to be able to do this in time, Admiral?”

“It will be tight sir, but we can pull it off. We’ll have to count on a thick air-umbrella coverage provided by not only our own resources but also from the R.A.F. We should be able to concentrate on their massive artillery parks and not worry about air attacks. So far the Soviets have shown no signs of kamikaze behavior, and we expect no such activity.”

“How are we coming along in getting our new jets into the fight General?”

“We’re moving some units to England as quickly as possible. We don’t want to commit them in a piecemeal manner. We will be conducting limited operations over strategically important objectives, but the tactical stuff will still be up to the prop jobs. The Reds have so many planes in the air and we don’t want our new jets to be wasted going low and slow and getting swarmed by Yaks.”

“It will be nice to see the Shooting Stars finally in action.”

“Yes, it’s quite a plane. We should have had it much sooner but we were able to hit the German jets on the ground, or when they were taking off or landing, early in 1945. Similar to what would happen to our jets if we put them too close to the frontlines, in Germany or France.”

Chapter Six:

The French

* * *
The French decided to fight back. They have had enough of occupation. They are a proud people with some among them who would rather die, than live with one more unanswered defeat.
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French First Army Field Headquarters

The following quote was transcribed from a radio address, given by the supreme commander of the French Army, the recently-promoted Marechal, Charles De Gaulle, from his field headquarters, on the night of 7 June 1946:

“Our allies will call us fools. They are willing to give up OUR land, so that they may fight again. We do not have that luxury. Their homes and families are not in danger from the boot of communism. They are not in danger of losing their freedom and honor yet again to a petty dictator, who hates all that France stands for. They will not have the iron fist of oppression weighing down upon them for generations. They will not have the dishonor of being a conquered people, who did not fight.”

“Would the British just retreat away from London without a fight? Would the Americans run to Mexico if they were invaded by Stalin’s slavish sycophantic henchmen? No, I think not, and neither shall we.”

“As of this hour, effective immediately, I resign my commission to the army that I love as a dear brother, as I have been betrayed by the civil authority, that constrains me against mounting an effective defense of our blessed mother, France. I shall fight as a maquisard, leading brave volunteers who wish to aid me in such a defense. Furthermore, I call upon the Americans to use the atomic bomb. I would rather prefer to die, in the bomb’s horrifying fire, than live under the oppressive boot of communism.”

“I call on every true Frenchmen to come to the aid of their country and culture. Together we can make the brutish Cossack invader from the east shed copious amounts of blood, for every village and town they rape. We can make them pay dearly to steal our freedom. We can make them pay horrifically for trying to take our honor.”

“Today, we make our stand, and here is where we shall make it. Not one more meter of French soil will be given up without the stain of French blood! We will retreat no more! We will sacrifice our lives for the sacred honor of France!”

“God bless the French people, and God bless the Republic.”

“Vive La France!”

What the Hell


US Government Accountability Office (GAO)