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“I know Hap, but I just can’t go throwing around atomic bombs like they are candy. Most of the civilians in those Soviet cities are completely innocent victims of Uncle Joe’s oppression and lies. A number of questions come to mind, such as can we deliver it effectively before they develop one of their own? Can we make them say ‘uncle,’ before then, without having to invade that God-awful place? Now that we are just only starting to ramp up again, how long will it take, until we hit somewhere near full production? Then, there is the question of the assembly teams.”

“As you know, Hap, we have a number of traitors and spies in the atomic program. We have to find them, and find them quick”

“Yes, sir, we have some problems to overcome. I have to say, sir, you’re a remarkably quick learner.”

“I’ve had to be, Hap… I’ve had to be.”


The Kremlin, Moscow, The U.S.S.R.

July 8th, 1946

11:23 hours

“Comrade Novikov, are you confident that you can accomplish your task?”

“Yes I am, Esteemed Comrade. With the limited tools that Sergo has given us, the foreknowledge of where the raids will occur, and a week to prepare, we can make the Americans pay for any bombing raid they care to attempt. On hand we have one hundred-two of the advanced Petlyakov Pe-9 aircraft, fitted with X-4 missile launchers and wire-guidance systems. We currently have over six hundred X-4 missiles, with fifty per month being produced. It is terribly time-consuming work. Sergo has done a good job of using those thieving Poles and Jews. It must be all that practice, as pick-pockets which allows them to be so good with their hands.

We have had time to practice gunnery with the X-4 missile, and can realize a fifty-eight percent success rate in simulated combat conditions. Our hope is that the Yankee she-dogs will be so surprised, that despite our pilots having had limited combat time with the weapon, we can achieve a higher success rate. The X-4’s will be plentiful in another twelve months, but right now we can only count on 613 and they have to be used for the correct purpose. With your endorsement, the plan that was proposed will be adopted, I’m sure. We should concentrate on the nuclear planes, and let the others fall to our other weapons. Yet we must mask our true intentions from the Americans, so that they do not figure out our ‘magic.’

The new jets are another problem altogether, Comrade Stalin. They are exceedingly complicated machines; that require special alloys, which we cannot replicate at this time. Our German ‘guest’ scientists are working on the problem but this is the most critical part of the plan. We were fortunate enough to liberate as much as we could. This is our weakness in our armor. Our true secret is that we have the X-4, the Pe-9’s to fire them, the knowledge of which planes carry the atomic weapon, and the advanced knowledge of the target.

Without these things, we are indeed, in a hard place.

The work on the Yak-15 and MiG-9 jet aircraft is progressing nicely but again we will not have many. Possibly twenty-five of each, by August. We cannot adapt them to use the X-4 at this time so we project that they will be used to distract, and engage, the escorts while the Pe-9’s take out the nuclear bombers and enough other bombers to make it look convincing.”

Another deception will be the use of the Tu-2’s. They will be loaded with conventional missiles. Every third missile will act erratic like it has a mind of its own… an apparent ‘defect,’ if you will, that will mask the X-4’s and which platforms are launching them. The Tu-2’s will be the mask, behind which the Pe-9’s will hide and do their deadly business. The Pe-9’s will be vulnerable to the American P-80 jet, so they must be protected and disguised.

Additionally, we will have our ground-launched missiles as well. Again, with the foreknowledge of where the attack will be we should have enough time to set…”

“Enough for now! My lunch is here. You can brief me more, later in the week.”

“Of course, Comrade. Enjoy your meal.”

Chapter Nine:


X-4 Air to Air Missile
* * *
The NATO Allies must have known that they could not sail up and down the coast of Western Europe with impunity. This is an account of the first use of an acquired, late war, German Secret Weapons system.
* * *
Stalin’s Plan

Soviet Northern Group of Forces

Temporary Headquarters

30 miles from Le Havre, France

July 9th, 1946

08:23 hours

“This is ridiculous! Unacceptable! Insulting! We need to push the capitalist armies into the sea. Why can’t the whole Soviet Air Force deal with a few ships? They have defeated every other force in their path, yet a few dozen boats, and their air cover can prevent us from cleaning the European land mass of every vestige of capitalist corruption.”

“Calm down, Marshal Sokolovsky. There is a solution to the problem. You know that strange companion of Stalin… that Sergo fellow? He has been working on the solution that we all want. Combining Soviet science and the Nazi genius for killing, a plan has been hatched that will cripple or sink one or more of the ‘boats,’ as you call them. That should convince the capitalist pigs to abandon the English Channel and leave France all together.”

“This plan comes from Comrade Marshal Stalin, himself?”


“That’s exceptionally good. Do you know why, Filipp? Of course you don’t… you’re an idiot. If the plan fails, our necks are not in the noose. I want to know nothing further about it, so we can deny that it was our fault. We do not need another fiasco to add to the growing list. Believe me Filipp, if I have a fall from power, so will everyone on my staff.”

“Understood, Comrade Marshal.”

Operation “Louisville Slugger”

Flagship U.S.S. South Dakota

In the English Channel, off Le Havre

July 10th, 1946

“Something’s up, admiral. We just received a message that the Soviets have moved dozens of long-range bombers to Charleroi airfield near Brussels. From the reports we have received these bombers appear to be Petlyakov Pe-8. From the intelligence we have on these bombers, they are heavy level-bombers: large, lumbering, and virtually defenseless. It appears that they are getting them operational for a mission, involving our battle group. They are being loaded with 500-kg armor-piercing bombs.”

“Do you mean to tell me that these museum-pieces are going to try to attack the fleet? Even if they somehow fought their way through our air-cover the track record of attempting to level-bomb maneuvering ships is less than abysmal. It sounds like virtual suicide to me.”

“Our planning team concurs with your assessment sir, but I would suggest that we must be prepared for all contingencies. Remember how we caught the Japs at Midway? By any measure we should have lost that one.”

“All right then let’s not take chances… Captain order the combat air patrol to stay with the fleet and under no circumstances are they to engage the heavy bombers. Your orders are to let the Army Air Force and the RAF deal with the heavy bombers outside of our operational area. We will let the Navy take care of the Navy, if they somehow break through. I want a maximum effort on this once radar picks anything coming our way; set up a plan to call for additional air-support from those ground-based airfields in England, when it becomes absolutely necessary. We may need to supplement our carriers’ CAP capabilities.”

“Yes Sir!”