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Stalin’s Private Office

The Kremlin,

Moscow, The U.S.S.R.

July 15th, 1946


“Ah! Come in Beria, and I shall wax ecstatic upon the grand plan, that we will continue to implement.”

“Certainly, Esteemed Comrade. I would be honored to hear what one of the greatest minds in the history of mankind has planned.”

“Only ‘ONE of the greatest,’ Beria?”

“I meant to say ‘the greatest,’ of course, Esteemed Comrade…”

“Never mind, Beria and quit your stammering. Now, sit down and listen.”

“Our main goal is to create a buffer between us and the capitalists and fascists. Never again shall they be allowed to use the Soviet Union as a battleground. The former Western Europe will be the future battleground and in the near future so will America herself.”

“First we must clear out France, then Spain. With our help the French Communist Party will lead their nation into a new era of a workers’ paradise free from the exploitation of capitalism. The Spanish will come to their senses, and their Communists will come to power with our help. That should redress the wrong of the defeat they handed us during their civil war.”

“We will convince the English to leave Gibraltar. As long as they agree to deny the Americans the use of their island as a base from which to launch attacks on the greater socialist workers’ paradise; England itself will be left alone to rot. We will publicly offer them a future without conflict if they so choose. We will encourage and support the English Communists as much as possible. Hopefully we can drive Churchill into permanent retirement.”

“The former English colonies in the Mideast will be liberated with or without, Churchill’s permission. We will control all the oil in the Mideast as well as in the Caucasus, and in Romania. The mines in Scandinavia will supply the metals we shall need for generations.”

“In the north our brothers and sisters will bring liberation to greater Scandinavia. From the bases there, and in Germany, France and Iberia, we will keep the American pigs at bay until we are ready to embrace them, in a dance of death.”

“Italy will come under our benevolent control, as will Greece and Turkey. This will all happen again, with help from our Communist brothers and sisters, already straining at the leash to lead their countries in glorious proletarian revolutions against their monarchical and plutocratic oppressors.”

“We shall control access to the Mediterranean Sea to further isolate America, and to protect our ‘soft underbelly,’ as that old bulldog windbag, Churchill, is fond of saying.”

“With all of Europe and the Mideast under our leadership, we will be able to withstand any attacks on the greater Soviet republics. Communism will reign supreme throughout the world, and the American public will soon see the truth about capitalism, and the scum who steal their very souls, and doom them to a life of servitude.”

“As much as possible, we will assist our Communist brothers and sisters to free their homelands of the oppressors. If it can be reached by our land forces, it will be set free. Our first choice will be the ‘fifth column’ and the people’s natural desire to be free from their slave-masters. But if the need arises, it will be by force.”

“With the minerals of Europe, and the oil of the Mideast and Asia, under our control we will be able to dictate the future of the glorious revolution which will sweep the last visages of capitalism and fascism from the face of the earth.”

“In time we too shall have the atomic bomb and the means to deliver it. Until then Sergo is on the verge of providing a defensive umbrella over our heads to keep the American bombers at bay.”

“We have a small window of opportunity in which to accomplish our glorious revolution and this is it. We have to strike now, or never. The U.S. has extremely few atomic bombs and as you have seen, their armed forces have been disbanded. We know when and where they will try and strike, and Sergo assures me that we have enough capability to prevent any, save a suicide, attack, if given two weeks’ advanced notice.”

“We shall bring the workers’ liberation, to all the peoples of the world.”

“It is indeed a glorious vision Comrade Stalin. One worthy of the greatest mind in the world. Let our enemies know that anyone who attempts to raise a hand against the will of the people, against the will of the party of Stalin and Lenin, will be mercilessly crushed and utterly destroyed.”

“Well said, Lavrasha. Almost as well said as the first time you said it, back in 1937.”

* * *

Later that night, at Beria’s hiding place for the night.

“Hello Niki. You look glad to see me. Can you keep a secret, Niki? I would like to strangle Stalin with my bare hands. That pompous ass thinks he can lecture ME? He thinks he has all the power, but maybe not for long Niki. Soon, I WILL have the power, and then I will castrate him, letting his piteous cries be as beautiful music floating in my ears as he begs for mercy. MAN OF STEEL, MY ASS! He will be the man of whimpers, when I am done with him! He is such a fool that he still believes Churchill is still in charge!”

“You look worried Niki. Don’t be; I trust you completely. I have nothing to fear from you, do I? You already know what it’s like to have your manhood taken from you. No, I have nothing to fear from such as you.”

“Stalin has much to fear from me. I will grind his bones and feed them to the pigs. Are pigs cannibals Niki? Will they eat their own? THAT SCUM! How dare he presume to lecture ME? How dare he speak to ME in that manner? I will cut out his heart and feed it to you, my one and only friend!”

“That little coward, you should have seen him Niki during the Battle of Moscow. Twitching, jumping at any noise. First I’ll nail his feet to the floor, so he can’t run.”

“That’s a good boy, who knows when to listen. Now, let’s go for a walk. Maybe that bitch will be in the park again. Then, we’ll come back and spend a nice night listening to the radio. Let me get your leash and we’ll go. Come on Niki, come on. That’s a good boy.”

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The NKVD OMSBON is an advanced group of Special Forces. They are often far ahead of the main body of troops.
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Torvilliers, France

July 22nd, 1946

09:03 hours


Operational Group Restless

M.G. Karamazov, Unit Commander

The following report is submitted:

17 July 1946

The advance continues, with other elements of the Division passing through CT 23, leaving the Regiment with orders to scout the route ahead. We are to gather intelligence on the location of American units.

18 July 1946

Interrogated villager, near Bagneaux. The American forces passed through in great numbers seven days or so ago, after having destroyed a large fuel depot. Story confirmed by another eyewitness and an inspection of the destroyed facility. We appear to be moving too fast for the American air forces to relocate their aerodromes and attack us. We are going faster than they have anticipated and have had to destroy their fuel dumps rather than allow them to fall into our hands. We are far from the coast and have not seen any NATO planes in the air. We have heard radio reports of interdiction attacks near the coastline by the NATO naval forces.

19 July 1946


No contacts today. Strafed by Sturmoviks from 347th Guards Aviation Regiment. One casualty. Unable to communicate with aircraft. Found two more destroyed fuel depots along our route. Food is plentiful, but the Americans are destroying all fuel supplies in our path, including farmers’ private stores of fuel for farm machinery.